Adam Jones Rig Setup (Help Needed)

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The Superbass has been changed to Superlead specs with a .68 cap on V1 and V2. The negative feedback resistor wasn't changed when it was converted from 6550's to EL34's. Also, the negative feedback loop wire is still on the 4 ohm speaker tap (sounds dirtier). The channels are jumped internally. There is a .68 cap on the presence pot as well. That was per Dave Friedman, and I have an amp set up just like his. It sounds pretty much just like the Undertow stuff. I have a LarMar PPIMV on mine.
Dale B":1smge0av said:
The Superbass has been changed to Superlead specs with a .68 cap on V1 and V2. The negative feedback resistor wasn't changed when it was converted from 6550's to EL34's. Also, the negative feedback loop wire is still on the 4 ohm speaker tap (sounds dirtier). The channels are jumped internally. There is a .68 cap on the presence pot as well. That was per Dave Friedman, and I have an amp set up just like his. It sounds pretty much just like the Undertow stuff. I have a LarMar PPIMV on mine.

Yup, I built a Metro Super Lead clone to the specs Friedman shared. Sounds pretty much spot on. NFB is 100k on 4ohm tap. Pretty sure his amp isn't jumped internally, though. In the Dunlop video you can clearly see the patch cable jumping the channels externally. Doesn't make a difference though. Same sound.
FourT6and2":nfwb8s7g said:
Dale B":nfwb8s7g said:
The Superbass has been changed to Superlead specs with a .68 cap on V1 and V2. The negative feedback resistor wasn't changed when it was converted from 6550's to EL34's. Also, the negative feedback loop wire is still on the 4 ohm speaker tap (sounds dirtier). The channels are jumped internally. There is a .68 cap on the presence pot as well. That was per Dave Friedman, and I have an amp set up just like his. It sounds pretty much just like the Undertow stuff. I have a LarMar PPIMV on mine.

Yup, I built a Metro Super Lead clone to the specs Friedman shared. Sounds pretty much spot on. NFB is 100k on 4ohm tap. Pretty sure his amp isn't jumped internally, though. In the Dunlop video you can clearly see the patch cable jumping the channels externally. Doesn't make a difference though. Same sound.

HAHA! Must have just been a brain fart I had. I got mine jumped internally, but I had it done to a 2203x. I had the OT replaced with a Marstran 1998. The PCB and FX loop were ripped out, and the board I supplied was a Metro board. Our amps probably sounded very similar. As I lack patience and can't solder worth a crap, I had Ben Fargen do all of the work.

When he played it, he said something to the effect of... "Wow! That is one pissed off sounding Marshall! I love the master volume design. It still sounds great!" He hadn't ever tried the LarMar design.
I know this is an old tread but I too had searched for years trying to figure out Adam's signal path. The diagram above is wrong. Everyone thinks Adam uses the two Boss PSM-5's as separate loops for certain pedals (BB353 in one - Delay, EQ, Flange in another..ect). They are mistaken. I've studied every picture available therefore made this diagram. Feel free to share. The second image here is one I came across in another forum and after trying every possibility I believe I have it correct in my diagram.
This is the second photo that I based my diagram off of.
You can see that the 1st PSM5 is used to kill the signal to the 2nd PSM5 so that it only does to the 2 tuners, kinda like a mute. The second PSM5 has the MXR Micro Amp -> Goodrich Volume (shown is a VPjr) -> (jumps over the wah) -> DD-3 Delay -> BF-2 Flanger -> Dod FX-40b EQ -> Dunlop BB535 - back to the 2nd PSM5


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Delysiddiaires":4m5iwlkc said:
I know this is an old tread but I too had searched for years trying to figure out Adam's signal path. The diagram above is wrong. I everyone think Adam uses the two Boss PSM-5's as separate loops for certain pedals (BB353 in one - Delay, EQ, Flange in another..ect). They are mistaken. I've studied every picture available therefore made this diagram. Feel free to share. The second image here is one I came across in another forum and after trying possibility I believe I have it correct in my diagram.

Delay goes in front of the flange.
You know what, you're absolutely was really late when I made that diagram. I can't believe I didn't notice that.
Well I tried to upload a revised version of that diagram but it says "sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached"
Delysiddiaires":r84tfoy1 said:
You know what, you're absolutely was really late when I made that diagram. I can't believe I didn't notice that.

I must say you are the closest to the correct signal path that I have seen posted up before.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks guys, I will say this..once it leaves the pedalboard it goes into a systematic systems splitter, but then after that it's a mystery. He did say everything does go in the front of the amp. With the 3 high gain amps, I've always wondered if he had noise gates hidden somewhere. I forgot to mention that I didn't include in the diagram the second dd-3 delay on the upper left side of his board because there is a few pedals he adds there on occasion, like a Line 6 Delay Modeler, Foxx Tone Machine Reissue, Voodoo Labs Tremelo, ect. I think it mostly depends on the setlist for the show.
Side note I've got a 120w tubed half stack and when my bf-2 set to his settings it recreates his signature feedback perfectly.
Regarding the visual schematic of Morello's setup, I thought he included a Vox30 in his set up. Just wondering.

As for Adam's rig, it's not the wand, it's the magician holding it that makes the difference.

Just my 2 cents.
You're right.. picking dynamics is a big thing with Adam
So what kind of speakers does he use in his Marshall cab? I've read differing things...
If one takes a screen shot at the correct exact moment of the practice sessions before one of the mini tours there is a piece of painters tape that has a certain speaker wrote on it. This is on the cab below the infamous superbass.

Not a G12 in that cab if you believe the tape.
MOOSEHEADS":3t65xi4q said:
If one takes a screen shot at the correct exact moment of the practice sessions before one of the mini tours there is a piece of painters tape that has a certain speaker wrote on it. This is on the cab below the infamous superbass.

Not a G12 in that cab if you believe the tape.

Well why the secrecy. Out with it.
FourT6and2":1qk63lze said:
MOOSEHEADS":1qk63lze said:
If one takes a screen shot at the correct exact moment of the practice sessions before one of the mini tours there is a piece of painters tape that has a certain speaker wrote on it. This is on the cab below the infamous superbass.

Not a G12 in that cab if you believe the tape.

Well why the secrecy. Out with it.

Only Jesus at the hand of Frankenstein knows the truth. :confused: