I've worked in AI for decades. Most people have no idea what AI has been doing all these years; what's different is the low cost of computer systems, availability of low cost networking, the available AI systems, AI human experts vs the cost and complexity of human workers, etc. All that's needed is a good cost/benefit model. Whether it's fast food workers who demand more money, don't show up on time or at all and do less work, or hollywood actors and writers.
Heard of Hatsune Miku? She's an anime singer, she has fans around the world; her voice was created in Yamaha Vocaloid software, which you can buy, and buy different voice packs, to create vocals.
For years we've had software for instruments, effects, music scores, recording, arranging, mixing, mastering, distribution, etc. Nothing prevents AI being added to all of this software.
Years ago Sony Music demonstrated an AI system that could learn entire catalogs of music, and generate new music in the style of that artist; that was before generative AI. With generative AI, the AI can learn music catalogs of several artists and generate new music combining all of them. It can also be done with lyrics.
Put it all together, a human just needs to tell the AI system what they want it to create, the AI system does everything else, and has a new song generated and distributed to all the digital music platforms, and notifications sent to all the music press. For now, I expect humans will need to be involved in each step of the music production process to adjust, correct and fix things that are wrong, by doing that the AI systems learn more, and become more effective, more correct, and require ever less human involvement.
Now the studios own everything, the rights to the songs their AI generates, no human creators, musicians or production expertise required.
Think it can't happen? The majority of the music listening public don't really care about who makes the music, only if they like it. Look at the history and current state of techno music and DJs, they program the songs, the breaks, etc., then press play and they interact with the music as much as they want if at all.
AI and Robotics are coming for your jobs, white collar, blue collar, no collar, all that's needed is a good/favorable cost benefit model.
Enjoy our future.