All the best non master volume Marshall’s in one amp?

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My NAD on this is being fucked by Covid. Looking at this Tone King box on the floor I can’t do anything with because of how damn weak I am.
Sorry to hear. The amp can wait; get well bro.
My NAD on this is being fucked by Covid. Looking at this Tone King box on the floor I can’t do anything with because of how damn weak I am.
Can you open the top of the box to let the amp breathe like a fine bottle of wine? :LOL:
That amp will sound glorious and I'm sure be worth the shitty wait!
Get well soon!
I dig it. Does it surpass or even equal a good example of a 50 watt Marshall from 67-72? No. But a good example of those is the best rock amplifier in existence (not excluding 100 watters but the TK is basically a 50 watter). But for a newly made amp, that gives some different voicings which are different than just rolling down your volume on a 1987, it’s a winner. The brief chances I’ve had to record it against my ‘75 50 watter, it just sounds like I have a different Marshall of the same style in the other speaker. In other words any differences it has sound like the same differences as two Marshalls next to each other that have had component drift and slightly different B+ etc.
I dig it. Does it surpass or even equal a good example of a 50 watt Marshall from 67-72? No. But a good example of those is the best rock amplifier in existence (not excluding 100 watters but the TK is basically a 50 watter). But for a newly made amp, that gives some different voicings which are different than just rolling down your volume on a 1987, it’s a winner. The brief chances I’ve had to record it against my ‘75 50 watter, it just sounds like I have a different Marshall of the same style in the other speaker. In other words any differences it has sound like the same differences as two Marshalls next to each other that have had component drift and slightly different B+ etc.

Bumping this back up. Curious if you have any more thoughts about the Royalist now that you've had some time.
I wonder how it compares to the Suhr SL67. I think the SL67 and Friedman Plex that's about to hit will sound pretty similar.
I wonder if the Royalist can sound like those amps? It's more versatile, and costs less. It'd be great if it could nail the Suhr/Friedman sound plus the other sounds.
I considered this one given its flexibility, features, and price point but I've heard some negative reviews regarding the build and some issues. Anyone had a bad experience?
Bumping this back up. Curious if you have any more thoughts about the Royalist now that you've had some time.
I wonder how it compares to the Suhr SL67. I think the SL67 and Friedman Plex that's about to hit will sound pretty similar.
I wonder if the Royalist can sound like those amps? It's more versatile, and costs less. It'd be great if it could nail the Suhr/Friedman sound plus the other sounds.
Pete Thorn's review shows it's most aggressive setting for about 25 -30 seconds and it sounds like it does that grind just fine.
Pete Thorn's review shows it's most aggressive setting for about 25 -30 seconds and it sounds like it does that grind just fine.
Watched that video. Wished he had compared it to the Germino, Top Hat and or Suhr while he was at it. But then, I guess he doesn't get paid to do that.
I just noticed it said “Assembled in the U.S.A.” On the back. Gotta admit, it bummed me out a little. Would have figured for 2500 plus tax, I’d be getting a Made in America amp. I thought Tone King was all made in America. It won’t change how I feel about the sound but I do feel like I over payed for the amp now.
I just noticed it said “Assembled in the U.S.A.” On the back. Gotta admit, it bummed me out a little. Would have figured for 2500 plus tax, I’d be getting a Made in America amp. I thought Tone King was all made in America. It won’t change how I feel about the sound but I do feel like I over payed for the amp now.
So BAD puts em together with parts sourced from overseas?
So BAD puts em together with parts sourced from overseas?
I imagine so. Boards probably come pre-populated and the iron must be from overseas as well. Just a final assembly and QC in the States. We’ll never know for sure because they never even answered an email about the attenuators so I doubt I’d get a response about how they’re actually made.

I imagine so. Boards probably come pre-populated and the iron must be from overseas as well. Just a final assembly and QC in the States. We’ll never know for sure because they never even answered an email about the attenuators so I doubt I’d get a response about how they’re actually made.
Dang, far cry from the way the brand was before, Tone King that is.
Sure would be nice if companies were transparent about how it’s made and where, when they are charging a premium for it. I never thought I’d be in an era of 2K plus Asian amps but here we are, in no time at all. Christ ESP wants 2K and more for some LTD’s (after tax etc). It’s a joke. Fuck it, I’m going Chibson and kits from here on out for anything new…?