Americans being priced out of housing market, study finds..meanwhile institutional investment firms buy up single family homes

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Which means the younger generations will either have to learn to live in 2nd world conditions or spend a lifetime renting.
Well my kids will be funding part of my retirement when they are living with me, cleaning the house, paying reasonable rent while I sit in an easy chair like Archie Bunker with a fat cigar shouting out orders. They just don't know it yet.
it will be third-world in another decade or two.
Unfortunately that will probably make me a little to old to grab hold of the opportunities underdeveloped countries represent. I think it'll be cleansed of it's more evil elements. Corruption and wickedness caves in on itself.
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Well my kids will be funding part of my retirement when they are living with me, cleaning the house, paying reasonable rent while I sit in an easy chair like Archie Bunker with a fat cigar shouting out orders. They just don't know it yet.
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Unfortunately that will probably make me a little to old to grab hold of the opportunities underdeveloped countries represent. I think it'll be cleansed of it's more evil elements. Corruption and wickedness caves in on itself.
could take decades or longer
Corruption and wickedness caves in on itself.
I agree, but every state is more or less wicked because taxation is immoral and one man has no right to rule over another. The US was just so economically successful (Due to early laissez faire policy) that it became an especially attractive host to the parasites, which in turn is now killing it.
American's can't afford home ownership, but with all the taxpayer money given to invaders tax free, invaders from Venezuela are buying a home in Chicago, after being here illegally for two years.

The American dream isn't for Americans anymore, it's for illegal invaders paid by American taxpayers.

You can thank uniparty demoncrats and republiturds for this!
