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Where do you guys get these things from?!Kerry King was supposed to get a sig krank which i have a prototype of but marshall scooped him up
Where do you guys get these things from?!Kerry King was supposed to get a sig krank which i have a prototype of but marshall scooped him up
I had never seen it before, plug and play Dimegag?
Close, I've seen him with settings like Bass - 8 mids - 4 treble - 4.5 presence - 7 gain - 10 the gain is always on 10. But also like this Bass - 8 mids - 2.5 treble - 4 presence - 8. Dimebag liked a lot of presence in his tone and the only way to really get his sound is with a mahogany guitar loaded with a Bill Lawrence L-500xl and an old Randall rg100es or century 200.Mids and treble on 3, presence up, gain maxed and you need to boost. The Lawrence 500 has a lot to do with it too
that sounds nothing like dimebag, the plugin he demos gets pretty close
The Wizard MAY have been on CFH, but to me it just sounds like a rg100es... and if the Wizard is on CFH it's mixed really low. I can hear more of the Wizard on Trendkill. Even VDOP it's mixed low. It's like what the jose modded marshall did for the black album, just added a hint of midrange, cause Dime's recorded tone was 95% solid state and it's quite evident.Cowboys is a Randall Rg 100 nicer with a wizard mc 1. That’s a lot of frequencies to get with one amp
Dude, the Randall RG100ES has TONS of bass to it, i've owned like 6 or 7 of these amps over the years. It's one of the bassiest amps I've ever played through. Have you ever heard Crowbar's tone? They use the same amps, very bass heavy guitar tone.Those early Randalls were endorsements and sound very thin, no bass, i do not belive he recorded with it. No one knows what he used in studio, i think the early albums sound like ADA MP-1 with negative mids, you can put mids in negative territory with it. But Cowboys From Hell sounds like there is a distortion stomp box too.
Ya, there's some upper mid grind going on in his tone for sure. His tone cut like a knife when playing live. Lot's of treble too. I think 3K is a particular frequency that is very prevalent in his tone.I don't want to clone Dimebag's tone. I just want to make my own metal tone with the same EQ. I've tried various EQ pedals, Fractal patches, and Kemper profiles and gotten pretty close to the rhythm tone but not the lead tone.
For his lead tone, he uses something that sounds like a cross between a cooked wah and a chorus or something. It sounds kind of trashy but in a great way. I don't know how to get that sound for leads.
There's something about his rhythm tone that eludes me. To me, I think of Dimebag tone somewhere in the middle of Cowboys From Hell and Damageplan. That's my perception but I know his albums all have different sounds.
What eludes me about his rhythm tone is something in the EQ. There are times when I think I've nailed it after going back and forth between the song and amp to dial it in. Then the next day or a couple of weeks later, I listen to it and something always seems off. For whatever reason, I just can't pinpoint what it is.
Now this is my perception but I don't think he has a scooped mids tone. I hear a lot of mids and very healthy high frequencies. Yet, at the same time, the low end still thumps and has depth. It's not like the And Justice for All sort of thing.
There's a guy on YouTube I saw a few years back named Wes Hauch who did a Seymour Duncan demo of the Dimebucker and he really nailed Dimebag tone. Even if he wasn't playing Pantera riffs, you'd be able to identify the tone. I just think there's something in the EQ that's unique.
Well, I said I don't hear a scooped sound, but what I should say is there seem to be a lot of mids but somewhere in that something is combed out so that the mid cut is there but nothing fat or honky.
You're an idiot dude. Go buy a RG100ES and try it for yourself. It's the sound. They've got tons of bass and when you boost them they've got that chainsaw grind to them.One problem with that amp is that it does not have enough bass, one can't boost a frequency that does not exist.
I think the Furman PQ3’s I’ve had help a lot with getting similar lead tones to Dime, but for rhythm maybe not so necessary. I actually feel my vintage 500L’s have a little more Dime like vibe to me than my vintage 500XL’s, but both I think work well for it. I find the 500L’s are more uppermidrangy, tight and articulate, while the 500XL’s seem to have more low mids and thicknessClose, I've seen him with settings like Bass - 8 mids - 4 treble - 4.5 presence - 7 gain - 10 the gain is always on 10. But also like this Bass - 8 mids - 2.5 treble - 4 presence - 8. Dimebag liked a lot of presence in his tone and the only way to really get his sound is with a mahogany guitar loaded with a Bill Lawrence L-500xl and an old Randall rg100es or century 200.
Plus he had an MXR 6 band in a frown shape up front, as well as a Furman PQ-3 or PQ-4, and a noise gate. I think the PQ-3 was more about getting the little details of his tone, cause I could get 95% there with just the MXR pushing the mids hard up front. I think he just carved out some mid frequencies with the furman, but it was all up front. The only thing he had in his loop was the MXR flanger doubler.
I had a different experience. I bought sll dimes Gear all something big was missing. Once I got a wizard I was like blown away . The strange beautiful rich Harmonic highs that I’ve only heard Dime have I now got . It’s just a certain prequency of his tone . I sold all the other dime gear except the wizard and the warhead 412 .it’s just razor sharp and beautiful . Wizards with oit el34s don’t do it . The 6l6 wizard don’t have the highs I speak ofThe Wizard MAY have been on CFH, but to me it just sounds like a rg100es... and if the Wizard is on CFH it's mixed really low. I can hear more of the Wizard on Trendkill. Even VDOP it's mixed low. It's like what the jose modded marshall did for the black album, just added a hint of midrange, cause Dime's recorded tone was 95% solid state and it's quite evident.
That's good to know. Is there an app or something that can show a visual representation of a recorded tone? Something like that would be useful to dial things in.Ya, there's some upper mid grind going on in his tone for sure. His tone cut like a knife when playing live. Lot's of treble too. I think 3K is a particular frequency that is very prevalent in his tone.
The recent made L500XL’s may not have the same voicing as the original ones, but I’d have to revisit that. At least the one in the Dean CFH I used to have seemed to be scooped and different voiced from what I remember of themas soon as i get my L500xl in something this week I’ll really try and get close to his tones, i know terry date was a single 57 guy and I have pretty much everything else needed.
read this . This is my post . Here vinnie explains just how important tube amps were to dime in the studioThe Wizard MAY have been on CFH, but to me it just sounds like a rg100es... and if the Wizard is on CFH it's mixed really low. I can hear more of the Wizard on Trendkill. Even VDOP it's mixed low. It's like what the jose modded marshall did for the black album, just added a hint of midrange, cause Dime's recorded tone was 95% solid state and it's quite evident.m
I love mine. Thing rips.How about them monster “Krankensteins”?
Anybody ever get anything useful outta those amps besides Diamond Darrell??
read this . This is my post . Here vinnie explains just how important tube amps were to dime in the studio
You have the MXR 6 band and Furman PQ-3? Make sure you set that 6 band in a steep frown, with the 800, 1.6k and 3.2k bands up pretty high. I don't remember exactly how to set the furman up, but I think he pulled out a little bit of midrange with it to kinda get that hollow kinda sound going. It goes L-500xl - Furman pq3 - MXR 6band - Noise Gate - Randall rg100es or Century 200, then preferably into a V30 loaded cab. It's best to run two 8 ohm cabs with those Randall's to get them at 4 ohms.as soon as i get my L500xl in something this week I’ll really try and get close to his tones, i know terry date was a single 57 guy and I have pretty much everything else needed.