Amps You Have Purchased More Than Once

  • Thread starter Thread starter Seitz333
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Peavey XXX - twice
Peavey XXL - twice
Peavey 5150/II - twice on each
Bogner Alchemist - thrice (I think I only sold them each time to fund a different amp purchase, but I really like those amps)
DSL100 - different generations
I guess you can count a 2203/2204 - one being a Marshall JCM 800 2203, and now I have a Ceriatone 2204 clone
Jet City 20H - still own 2
Jet City 100H - twice
Jet City Amelia - own one production model, own one prototype
I think the only ones are Peavey JSX and 6505/5150 heads. I would still buy another 5150 combo and add it to the list. The one I used to have was the best sounding 5150 red channel of any iteration I’ve ever played. I would however turn it into a head next time.
I’m in the same boat. I’d take a 5150 combo turned into a head as a 50W mini amp over any of the fender 5150 iii lunchbox 50W options.
Suhr PT15 - didn't bond with it either time.
Guyton GT100 - still have both.
Edit- forgot about the Naylor SD60s. Damn I wish I'd kept one.
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There is only two amps I have bought more than once.

1. Early 80s Peavey Renown. I played that amp for years and toured with it. Eventually traded it. I missed it so I got another one for almost nothing around 2006. It's my favorite solid state amp of all time. A close second would be the Ampeg 140ch.

2. The other one was a Marshall JVM410h. I had to sell mine years ago and replaced it last year.

If I find a great deal on a JCM 200 TSL I would buy that one again too.
Only one I bought twice was a first run TSL100 only because it was my first amp ever . Sold it for $700 bout it back for $300 . Still have it . I actually get it to sound good but i never fixed the bias problem
Original PV 5150 head x 2--PV 5150 combo x 2--100 watt Super Lead Marshall x 2--PV XXX x 2--50 watt Marshall x 2--EVH 5150 100 watt x 2
Peavey 5150; original block letter head for $350 around 2002, then a sig head for $350 around 2006, then an original 2x12 combo earlier this year for $500.

I think I'm finally going to keep this one.
EVH 5150 iii 50 watt
Peavey jsx
Genz benz el Diablo
Boss katana 50
Man, I'm probably the worst..
Marshall JVM205H x4
Friedman Runt 50 x4
Spawn Competition x3
Splawn Quick Rod x3
Peavey JSX x4
Randall Thrasher 50 x3
Randall RD45H x4
EVH 5150 III 50 x3
Laney GH50L x4
Marshall JCM2000 DSL50 x5
Mesa Stiletto Deuce x3
Engl Artist Edition x2
Mesa Mini Recto x3
I’ve never bought the same amp twice that I can remember?

What’s the point with so many choices?

Would you go back to the bar and take the same harlet home?

Not me……
Man, I'm probably the worst..
Marshall JVM205H x4
Friedman Runt 50 x4
Spawn Competition x3
Splawn Quick Rod x3
Peavey JSX x4
Randall Thrasher 50 x3
Randall RD45H x4
EVH 5150 III 50 x3
Laney GH50L x4
Marshall JCM2000 DSL50 x5
Mesa Stiletto Deuce x3
Engl Artist Edition x2
Mesa Mini Recto x3
You have issues man. Seriously. It’s all good, but you need to possibly look at help! ???
Peavey 5150 x2
Recto x2 (3ch then 2ch)
Uber x2 (rev blue then original)
Marshall JMP-1 x3
I’ve never bought the same amp twice that I can remember?

What’s the point with so many choices?

Would you go back to the bar and take the same harlet home?

Not me……
Im kinda like this myself.
I’ve never bought the same amp twice that I can remember?

What’s the point with so many choices?

Would you go back to the bar and take the same harlet home?

Not me……
over time you figure out what works for you and sometimes you have to go back to where you came from
Man way too many , but just to name a few, lol

Bogner XTC
Bogner Shiva 20th
Soldano Slo
Soldano Avenger
Framus Cobra
Mesa Rectos
EVH 5150s
Peavey 5150s
Peters Chimera
Friedman BE100
Engl SE
Engl Fireball 100
Diezel VH4
Naylor sd60 - I’ve had 4. Currently own #4
Bogner xtc 100’s. I’ve had 3 100b and a 100a. Currently own 100b #3
Mesa rectos. I’ve had a 2 channel rev g, a rev d and 2 tremoverbs. Currently own a tremoverb.
Matchless C30 - currently own #2
Wizard MC 2 - currently own #2

So yes, it’s a pattern. But at least I’ve learned and held onto the latest duplicate buy so I can stop. I guess first step to beating the problem is admitting there is one lol.