...any ENGL SAVAGE fans in here? đź‘€

I still love my Powerball v1 . Only problem is it has small trannies so live it’s not the greatest with drums . But recording wise it’s perfect and rich and tight

Trying to find something complimentary to my Thrasher (as in different tone profile, not necessarily to play along with).
Really like the Fireball, but have read people like the Powerball better.
Just never got to A/B them.
I know that I would be happy with the Fireball and would probably only use one channel of the Powerball from clips I've heard, anyways.
Trying to find something complimentary to my Thrasher (as in different tone profile, not necessarily to play along with).
Really like the Fireball, but have read people like the Powerball better.
Just never got to A/B them.
I know that I would be happy with the Fireball and would probably only use one channel of the Powerball from clips I've heard, anyways.

I had a Powerball for years but after playing a Fireball I kinda wish I had played one before getting the Powerball. The difference between the two are extremely subtle but the Fireball has a slightly bigger, more "even" sound overall.