Any NAMM Predictions / Leaks Yet?

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Nord Organ 3

- you cant really get good feel of an amp at low volumes with tons of background noise
I will disagree with this. Tried the Omega Granophyre at NAMM amd bought it after.

Listening to the YT videos had put me off before.
A 24.75” scale Suhr Modern would be awesome. I’d go for that.
Caparison Horus is 24.75” super Strat. I have 5 of them, love em. The shorter scale is just so much easier on my left hand.
It’s the Cali

Thanks for the clarification, i can't keep any of the mods straight. Sounds like this year there will be a ton of modded stuff coming out. If those rumors of blackstar doing a Doug Aldrich amp are real, that could be a banger for the price too.
Jin Dunlop's Instagram is teasing an MXR Rockman pedal.

what would that be good for playing? Boston ? I listened to some Cali modded Marshalls and they sound like buzzsaw machines to my ear. Definitely for the chuggalots and less for me I think.
Jin Dunlop's Instagram is teasing an MXR Rockman pedal.
I saw that and got nostalgic. I remember the ones back in the day and you could play with headphones on ha. It was like Boston 3rd Stage tone in Walkman format. Kinda neat idea back then. I would not mind having one but really what would I use it for? But nostalgia sells :)
Synergy is launching some new products. There’s a new amp, at least 2 new preamp modules from Fortin and Tone King, and something new from Fryette. They’ve been pretty tight-lipped about that one.

Just learned about these today. Looking forward to trying some new modules out. Down to a Plexi, 6505, SLO, and purple SLOII at the moment. I am hooked on the module thing again so I have no doubt that I will buy at least one of the new ones as soon as they are available.
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