Any news of Cameron lately?

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whoa, whoa, whoa...the SLO IS the best amplifier ever made!


simple truth is anyone that is claiming that someone can’t refute the premise that Cameron amps are the ‘best’ unless they have played them is being idiotic.

you don’t need to play every amp in the world to accept the premise that some people like some things out of their amps and other people like other things out of their amps.

by definition, there can’t be an unambiguous ‘best’.
But the only person who said on this entire thread, that the Cameron’s are the only best amps is you. Not only you’re the only one who said that, but you also implicated that I was the one saying that, while during the whole thing I said they are better than most everything else.
Now, how come implying someone is saying something they did is not an idiotic thing?
Now, if that would make you feel better, how should I classify these amps that I have and know relatively well?
Tell me and I’ll post it here to make you feel better.
But the only person who said on this entire thread, that the Cameron’s are the only best amps is you. Not only you’re the only one who said that, but you also implicated that I was the one saying that, while during the whole thing I said they are better than most everything else.
Now, how come implying someone is saying something they did is not an idiotic thing?
Now, if that would make you feel better, how should I classify these amps that I have and know relatively well?
Tell me and I’ll post it here to make you feel better.

do i know you? Lol

Obviously, do whatever the hell you want - you are taking the topic (and apparently yourself) way too seriously.

you’re the one that’s laying down the silly challenge ‘bring me a better sounding amp’...and completely side stepping the point of who is to decide what is a ‘better’ amp. How the hell would we know what is a ‘better’ sounding amp to you...but for that matter, how the hell would you know what is a ‘better’ sounding amp to anyone else? That’s the fatal flaw when it comes to the hyperbolic Cameron talk.

but keep being you and purposefully obtuse.

Anyway, I’m out - enjoy your amps.
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do i know you? Lol

Obviously, do whatever the hell you want - you are taking the topic (and apparently yourself) way too seriously.

you’re the one that’s laying down the silly challenge ‘bring me a better sounding amp’...and completely side stepping the point that who is to decide what is a ‘better’ amp. How the hell would we know what is a ‘better’ sounding amp to you...but for that matter, how the hell would you know what is a ‘better’ sounding amp to anyone else? That’s the fatal flaw when it comes to the hyperbolic Cameron talk.

but keep being you and purposefully obtuse.

Anyway, I’m out - enjoy your amps.
I hope not. Lol
Nah... you’re the one who implied I said something I didn’t. I just replied you.
What’s better sounding to you won’t make me happy, won’t make me wanna play guitar, won’t make me wanna offer it to my clients at my studio. That’s why the whole time I’ve been talking better to me. I’ve mentioned before, but you apparently refused to read(for your own subjectivity), that I want something better for me, not for you, Kirk Hammett, Mark Cameron ir anyone else on the web.
Why I’m this world would I care, even a bit, for what you like, have or want to have someday? That not even a bit of my business, and if your favorite amp is a Gorilla, kudos to you. It’s not mine and I could care less about it. It’s not me, at the end of the day using it.
The fatal flaw on the Cameron hyperbolic is the fact that people who don’t own one, cannot accept the fact that other people have and like them.
Thank you. I do enjoy them everyday!
I hope not. Lol
Nah... you’re the one who implied I said something I didn’t. I just replied you.
What’s better sounding to you won’t make me happy, won’t make me wanna play guitar, won’t make me wanna offer it to my clients at my studio. That’s why the whole time I’ve been talking better to me. I’ve mentioned before, but you apparently refused to read(for your own subjectivity), that I want something better for me, not for you, Kirk Hammett, Mark Cameron ir anyone else on the web.
Why I’m this world would I care, even a bit, for what you like, have or want to have someday? That not even a bit of my business, and if your favorite amp is a Gorilla, kudos to you. It’s not mine and I could care less about it. It’s not me, at the end of the day using it.
The fatal flaw on the Cameron hyperbolic is the fact that people who don’t own one, cannot accept the fact that other people have and like them.
Thank you. I do enjoy them everyday!
Serious question. And don't start formulating your attack response right away. Sit on this for a bit. Do you ever go back and read what you've written because this post does not make a lot of sense to me. Just sayin'. I mean, at least clean up the grammar so it is coherent. And Sunday morning (CST) you said that "Tone is NOT subjective". You also said that "Mark's mods were better than 99.9% of anything else out there" -(paraphrasing). Better than what? Better than a Monomyth mod that I'm 99.9% sure I will actually receive? Can Mark make a bad donor sound good? He doesn't have any 'so-so' amps out there? Those were rhetorical, you don't actually have to answer them. Oh well. I don't really have a beef with you personally - just an observation.
I don’t care how they sound, I wouldn’t touch anything Cameron with a ten foot pole. That’s just based on principle.

Man, I’ve heard smoking guitarists just kill it on a DSL. Nobody in the crowd sat back and was like, “that’s not a Cameron (or insert whatever amp) so this guy sucks!” Lol! NOBODY cares about this stuff but us.
The best amp is most likely a early 70`s 100 watt Marshall superlead because that is what everyone of these amps are copied after/ with add ons.
Yea heres your update on c@meron ,

He still ripped off and has not made many people whole, including several long time forum members here including myself.

You will hear every excuse under the sun , solar flares, my power got shut off , fedex messed up, fake tracking numbers, im sick, im broke , i need parts, its this guys fault, or that guys fault, but any honest and honorable person would not take the next "order" before completing the previous in my opinion. This bullshit went on for far to long and snowballed way passed the point of return for MC... I have zero empathy nor should anyone else with half a brain.

If you want a c@meron buy a used one off someone reputable, but don't give that dude money , he is straight up liar and thief. And if you do decide to , you should think long and hard about your morals and who your supporting.

How would you feel if the roles were reversed and someone jagged your fart box for 3k and you never saw an amp ? Or how about if you sent an amp and money for a mod and never got it back?

You would be singing a different tune, Just saying....
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Now, please tell me how is his dealing with other people affect the tone, playability or reliability of the amps he modded for me?
Obviously you don't care about doing business with scammers and liars, as long as you get what you want...right? Noted.
Yea heres your update on c@meron ,

He still ripped off and has not made many people whole, including several long time forum members here including myself.

You will hear every excuse under the sun , solar flares, my power got shut off , fedex messed up, fake tracking numbers, im sick, im broke , i need parts, its this guys fault, or that guys fault, but any honest and honorable person would not take the next "order" before completing the previous in my opinion. This bullshit went on for far to long and snowballed way passed the point of return for MC... I have zero empathy nor should anyone else with half a brain.

If you want a c@meron buy a used one off someone reputable, but don't give that dude money , he is straight up liar and thief. And if you do decide to , you should think long and hard about your morals and who your supporting.

How would you feel if the roles were reversed and someone jagged your fart box for 3k and you never saw an amp ? Or how about if you sent an amp and money for a mod and never got it back?

You would be singing a different tune, Just saying....

Well said. AND Im glad this came from someone who was directly ripped off by Cameron.
I had him mod a marshall in 2000 and luckily I got it back but had to send extra money to ship it back cause he claimed he was broke. The cost of the mod included return shipping. That was the beginning of the end then.
Nope... they do sound better than other amps, and that’s not subjective. That’s why people want them. That’s why people pay more money for them. That’s why if you just mention their name on any thread, it’ll go on for pages and more pages. And that’s why other people ride on their tails. Even with ball sack sounding video.

Yes, they sound good, but let’s say they were readily available, and you could get one whenever you wanted, just go to a website and hit buy. It shows up a couple days later. They would not be nearly as “mythical,” as they are because anyone could have one. It would be another great sounding amp, same as Friedman, Soldano, Bogner, etc.

It’s the fact that there is so few CCVs and that they aren’t currently being made. It’s the “unobtanium,” argument. Are they great sounding amps? Yes. Would they have the, “mythical,” status they have now if they were readily available? No. They would be another amp company in the upper tier of high end builders who make great sounding amps.
so what happen to all the amps that were sent to MC and never returned? did he flip them for cash? mod them then sale them as MC'one-offs for even more cash? use them as lab-rats for experimental circuitry..? just trashed them...assuming people sent cash along with the amp for the mod..?

not that it fixes anything...but it certainly adds color and texture to this otherwise abstract AF living work of art...

what an eff'd up mess.
Yea heres your update on c@meron ,

He still ripped off and has not made many people whole, including several long time forum members here including myself.

You will hear every excuse under the sun , solar flares, my power got shut off , fedex messed up, fake tracking numbers, im sick, im broke , i need parts, its this guys fault, or that guys fault, but any honest and honorable person would not take the next "order" before completing the previous in my opinion. This bullshit went on for far to long and snowballed way passed the point of return for MC... I have zero empathy nor should anyone else with half a brain.

If you want a c@meron buy a used one off someone reputable, but don't give that dude money , he is straight up liar and thief. And if you do decide to , you should think long and hard about your morals and who your supporting.

How would you feel if the roles were reversed and someone jagged your fart box for 3k and you never saw an amp ? Or how about if you sent an amp and money for a mod and never got it back?

You would be singing a different tune, Just saying....

I could see if he had some issue (whether drugs, mental health, or others) and made a mistake out of desperation one time. Learned from his mistake, apologized and moved on. But no, he constantly did the same thing. Over and over he stole from guys sending him cash and amps. That’s so far from ok.

I doubt his only customers were from rigtalk. Any time an amp, guitar, or pedal builder ripped someone off, entire forums collectively called for the guys head. They wanted the thief actively destroyed or punished. I never heard people jump in the threads saying the thief was a stand up guy.

It’s been a decade, and in some cases longer. I doubt he will ever pay anyone back or give them their amps back. I hope I’m wrong and people get their amps back or orders completed. But after so many years, it sure doesn’t seem like it will happen.

sorry dawnofdreams that you had to deal with this.
Actually another person that is highly respected these days went down that path around 89 90 but made amends for the most part.
I could see if he had some issue (whether drugs, mental health, or others) and made a mistake out of desperation one time. Learned from his mistake, apologized and moved on. But no, he constantly did the same thing. Over and over he stole from guys sending him cash and amps. That’s so far from ok.

I doubt his only customers were from rigtalk. Any time an amp, guitar, or pedal builder ripped someone off, entire forums collectively called for the guys head. They wanted the thief actively destroyed or punished. I never heard people jump in the threads saying the thief was a stand up guy.

It’s been a decade, and in some cases longer. I doubt he will ever pay anyone back or give them their amps back. I hope I’m wrong and people get their amps back or orders completed. But after so many years, it sure doesn’t seem like it will happen.

sorry dawnofdreams that you had to deal with this.
Marc doesn't remember that far back.