Any news of Cameron lately?

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Actually another person that is highly respected these days went down that path around 89 90 but made amends for the most part.

I don’t know who you are talking about. I was just starting high school at that time. Haha.
Serious question. And don't start formulating your attack response right away. Sit on this for a bit. Do you ever go back and read what you've written because this post does not make a lot of sense to me. Just sayin'. I mean, at least clean up the grammar so it is coherent. And Sunday morning (CST) you said that "Tone is NOT subjective". You also said that "Mark's mods were better than 99.9% of anything else out there" -(paraphrasing). Better than what? Better than a Monomyth mod that I'm 99.9% sure I will actually receive? Can Mark make a bad donor sound good? He doesn't have any 'so-so' amps out there? Those were rhetorical, you don't actually have to answer them. Oh well. I don't really have a beef with you personally - just an observation.
My english is not good, I’m from Brazil and english is not my Native language. I also hope you’re not trying to use this as an excuse to tell I’m wrong about what I like and that I don’t know the gear I have.
Regarding the better than 99.9% of Anything else out there, do you know the difference between 99.9 and 100%? Because 99.9%was what I said, and 100% was what your buddy chose to say on my behalf.
You mention that tone must be subjective... I do understand now.Tone is only good if I agree with you about the tone you like. Me saying, while owning eight amps modded by him, that I like them and I think they are better than 99.9% of everything else out there, isn’t valid because you hate him. But still, I must agree with you that your opinion, regarding the gear I have and you don’t, is valid and mine isn’t. Now I understand how subjective tone is.
I hope I’ve answered your question.
I’m going to also ask you a couple of questions, but only if you don’t mind...
Please, let me know how many time have I’ve been to your posts/threads, talking down about the gear you have, the gear you like, of anything related to you?
Second question... you always make sure you write you have no grudge or anything against myself personally, still, every single time I’ve written “Larry” or “Cameron” around here, you have always replied trying to make me look bad.
I also never had anything personal against you, but I’d keep doing so, I will end up having something personal against you. Because even when you say you don’t, you act like you do.
Take your time too, no need to reply right away. But I would expect an adult, honest answer. From a man to another.
Yes, they sound good, but let’s say they were readily available, and you could get one whenever you wanted, just go to a website and hit buy. It shows up a couple days later. They would not be nearly as “mythical,” as they are because anyone could have one. It would be another great sounding amp, same as Friedman, Soldano, Bogner, etc.

It’s the fact that there is so few CCVs and that they aren’t currently being made. It’s the “unobtanium,” argument. Are they great sounding amps? Yes. Would they have the, “mythical,” status they have now if they were readily available? No. They would be another amp company in the upper tier of high end builders who make great sounding amps.
I agree with you. If there were plenty of them, they would not be as sought after.
so what happen to all the amps that were sent to MC and never returned? did he flip them for cash? mod them then sale them as MC'one-offs for even more cash? use them as lab-rats for experimental circuitry..? just trashed them...assuming people sent cash along with the amp for the mod..?

He traded them all for these... lots of these:


And some magical white Colombian powder he’d sprinkle on them.

I’ve played and have heard more than a couple Cameron amps in person, my friend owns one still. I remember hanging out in the Cameron room at the amp show in Piscataway NJ with Chris Schmidt, he had his snakeskin CCM amp there. I owned 1 Cameron amp years ago. Do the Cameron amps sound great? Sure do. But me, I’m at home on a Mesa Boogie Mark series and prefer a good Mark IV or IIC+, that’s just me. Mark mods do have a nice warm grunt about them, if Marks particular ear for tone is what you like then sure maybe it’s your #1.

I think it’s just a damm shame he never got a business off the ground. Lots of guys liked his mods and amps but there were just too many risks dealing with him. He could of had a successful company if things broke right, that is if he wanted. Maybe he didn’t want the headache of dealing with asshole guitar players like us LOL!
I don’t care how many unicorn balls are packed into one of those amps, I wouldn’t even feel comfortable buying a used one.

Though I must say, the Cameron’s in my AxeFX are some of my favorite models in there.
so what happen to all the amps that were sent to MC and never returned? did he flip them for cash? mod them then sale them as MC'one-offs for even more cash? use them as lab-rats for experimental circuitry..? just trashed them...assuming people sent cash along with the amp for the mod..?

not that it fixes anything...but it certainly adds color and texture to this otherwise abstract AF living work of art...

what an eff'd up mess.

i would have to think those amps are long gone. I’ve heard some were sent to him as far back as 2004. Ridiculous. No way he has been storing someone’s amp for them for 16 years! Haha!

it really is perplexing how he has managed to get away with this, all the while showing his face at amp fests(I would have been too ashamed to show up to those, but when you are a sociopath or shameless self promotionist, nothing stands in your way), the internet, and even NAMM shows. I am surprised he never ran into one of his victims.
My english is not good, I’m from Brazil and english is not my Native language. I also hope you’re not trying to use this as an excuse to tell I’m wrong about what I like and that I don’t know the gear I have.
Regarding the better than 99.9% of Anything else out there, do you know the difference between 99.9 and 100%? Because 99.9%was what I said, and 100% was what your buddy chose to say on my behalf.
You mention that tone must be subjective... I do understand now.Tone is only good if I agree with you about the tone you like. Me saying, while owning eight amps modded by him, that I like them and I think they are better than 99.9% of everything else out there, isn’t valid because you hate him. But still, I must agree with you that your opinion, regarding the gear I have and you don’t, is valid and mine isn’t. Now I understand how subjective tone is.
I hope I’ve answered your question.
I’m going to also ask you a couple of questions, but only if you don’t mind...
Please, let me know how many time have I’ve been to your posts/threads, talking down about the gear you have, the gear you like, of anything related to you?
Second question... you always make sure you write you have no grudge or anything against myself personally, still, every single time I’ve written “Larry” or “Cameron” around here, you have always replied trying to make me look bad.
I also never had anything personal against you, but I’d keep doing so, I will end up having something personal against you. Because even when you say you don’t, you act like you do.
Take your time too, no need to reply right away. But I would expect an adult, honest answer. From a man to another.
Look man, I know English is not your first language now that you say that. But the post I quoted of yours still did not make much sense. Yes, I do know what 99.9% is. If we could collect 1,000 really killer amps, only 1 would be good enough. I don't think I used the 100% term and I'm not sure who the 'buddy' is you are referring to, as if we are ganging up on you. And your use of the word 'Subjective' is different than mine. The reason tone is subjective, to me, is that good tone is 'in the ears of the beholder'. Everyone's' definition of good tone will be different, even if slightly different. So, in short, I think if you had said that in your opinion Cameron amps were the best for you 99.9% of the time, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I wasn't trying to attack you which is why I said I don't have a problem with you personally - still don't. I was just trying to point out how the words you chose when written on a discussion forum can be taken either out of context or too literally, which is what I think has happened in this thread.

I don't remember ever talking down about Cameron's tone or people that own Camerons. If this thread had been about the tone of Cameron amps or Cameron clones or anything else - I wouldn't have said anything. But this thread appears to be more about the status of the production of Cameron amps in general and what happened in general. So.....fair game. I mostly just tried to provide facts and cited other threads and facts. Also, I would disagree that EVERY single time you write about Larry or Cameron I try to make you look bad. What?

OK. Water under the bridge. I'll be more careful around you. Maybe it is the language thing. Personally, I think Cameron amps sound killer. I just wouldn't buy one. I think, in general, you also need to understand why people might feel that way OK? No hard feelings :cheers:
This thread has me gassing for a 1w, 4ch Blades lioness amp, with the Cam mod
OK so just as a thought experiment or something; why is it "unethical" to buy a used Cameron (no money goes to MC from that) but OK to use Cameron models on AxeFx or whatever the modeler is?
Honestly I don't give a shit what angle anyone wants to approach it from. There are guys who worked their ass off (ON THIS BOARD AND THREAD) and promised a product that they paid for and still have nothing. These sycophants that keep making excuses for Mark Cameron, I feel like only do it because they feel like they will have some "in". So yeah, if you pay Mark Cameron money for an amp mod now through anyone.. knowing full well he is indebted to dozens of musicians who he has ghosted/stole from and probably will never make kinda are a piece of shit.
Look man, I know English is not your first language now that you say that. But the post I quoted of yours still did not make much sense. Yes, I do know what 99.9% is. If we could collect 1,000 really killer amps, only 1 would be good enough. I don't think I used the 100% term and I'm not sure who the 'buddy' is you are referring to, as if we are ganging up on you. And your use of the word 'Subjective' is different than mine. The reason tone is subjective, to me, is that good tone is 'in the ears of the beholder'. Everyone's' definition of good tone will be different, even if slightly different. So, in short, I think if you had said that in your opinion Cameron amps were the best for you 99.9% of the time, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I wasn't trying to attack you which is why I said I don't have a problem with you personally - still don't. I was just trying to point out how the words you chose when written on a discussion forum can be taken either out of context or too literally, which is what I think has happened in this thread.

I don't remember ever talking down about Cameron's tone or people that own Camerons. If this thread had been about the tone of Cameron amps or Cameron clones or anything else - I wouldn't have said anything. But this thread appears to be more about the status of the production of Cameron amps in general and what happened in general. So.....fair game. I mostly just tried to provide facts and cited other threads and facts. Also, I would disagree that EVERY single time you write about Larry or Cameron I try to make you look bad. What?

OK. Water under the bridge. I'll be more careful around you. Maybe it is the language thing. Personally, I think Cameron amps sound killer. I just wouldn't buy one. I think, in general, you also need to understand why people might feel that way OK? No hard feelings :cheers:
I’ll answer you later on.
Honestly I don't give a shit what angle anyone wants to approach it from. There are guys who worked their ass off (ON THIS BOARD AND THREAD) and promised a product that they paid for and still have nothing. These sycophants that keep making excuses for Mark Cameron, I feel like only do it because they feel like they will have some "in". So yeah, if you pay Mark Cameron money for an amp mod now through anyone.. knowing full well he is indebted to dozens of musicians who he has ghosted/stole from and probably will never make kinda are a piece of shit.
You’re calling me a piece of shit? Who the fuck you think you are? Whenever you put a penny in my pocket you might be able to tell me where Should spend my money.
Until then, you can go fuck yourself and your belief that you have the right to tel me where I put “my” hard earned money!
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Honestly I don't give a shit what angle anyone wants to approach it from. There are guys who worked their ass off (ON THIS BOARD AND THREAD) and promised a product that they paid for and still have nothing. These sycophants that keep making excuses for Mark Cameron, I feel like only do it because they feel like they will have some "in". So yeah, if you pay Mark Cameron money for an amp mod now through anyone.. knowing full well he is indebted to dozens of musicians who he has ghosted/stole from and probably will never make kinda are a piece of shit.

Opinions, some say they're like assholes and everyone has one.

I say, they are like orgasms, mine is more important than yours and I don't care if you have one...
You're no Paragon of virtue.
a cameron thread that turned into a flaming pile of dogshit
can you imagine?
we need roidrage up in this motherfucker just to add a dollop of sincere masculinity and winstrol induced brimstone.....bitchez
Honestly I don't give a shit what angle anyone wants to approach it from. There are guys who worked their ass off (ON THIS BOARD AND THREAD) and promised a product that they paid for and still have nothing. These sycophants that keep making excuses for Mark Cameron, I feel like only do it because they feel like they will have some "in". So yeah, if you pay Mark Cameron money for an amp mod now through anyone.. knowing full well he is indebted to dozens of musicians who he has ghosted/stole from and probably will never make kinda are a piece of shit.
I'm not sure why you quoted me. I clearly said "a used Cameron". I did not refer to buying anything from MC nor giving him a dime.