Doctor Love
I used to make all my own juices using Flavorart, I think for flavors. My main premade juice vendor folded when the started the whole require sigs thing and I'm down to my last 3 bottles of that. So soon I will have to enter the world of vape shops and deal with some kid with gauges in his ears trying to find some new juice.I hear ya bro'.
From what I've seen, many vapers take a few years to discover and settle on their favourite flavours and manufacturers.
My buddy for instance tried "everything" available to him before he struck his gold - VapeStix My Baccy, which is vanilla custard with tobacco flavour. He's since switched to my home brew but occasionally buys the My Baccy when convenient.
IMHO the reason most stuff tastes like shit to the "discerning customer" is that the manufacturers are trying to maximise profits by using sub-par ingredients. It's only my impression based on what I've tasted and how it hits my throat, but chances are I'm right. The ingredients I use are all food-grade and I've a strong feeling this is not the case when it comes to ready-rolled juice.