Any of You Guys Into Vaping?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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I hear ya bro'.

From what I've seen, many vapers take a few years to discover and settle on their favourite flavours and manufacturers.

My buddy for instance tried "everything" available to him before he struck his gold - VapeStix My Baccy, which is vanilla custard with tobacco flavour. He's since switched to my home brew but occasionally buys the My Baccy when convenient.

IMHO the reason most stuff tastes like shit to the "discerning customer" is that the manufacturers are trying to maximise profits by using sub-par ingredients. It's only my impression based on what I've tasted and how it hits my throat, but chances are I'm right. The ingredients I use are all food-grade and I've a strong feeling this is not the case when it comes to ready-rolled juice.
I used to make all my own juices using Flavorart, I think for flavors. My main premade juice vendor folded when the started the whole require sigs thing and I'm down to my last 3 bottles of that. So soon I will have to enter the world of vape shops and deal with some kid with gauges in his ears trying to find some new juice.
Bummer man.

Can't you order VG / PG and flavour concentrates online? Surely sigs are only required for nicotine?
I hear ya mate.

One of the reasons Vanilla Custard is my and my vaping buddy's favourite is 'cause it's creamier than the straight-up fruit flavours.
Sounds awesome man.

If you can get Vapestix My Baccy I highly recommend you try it.

It's not overpowering and yet:
Full of flavour.
A tiny smidge of it mixed into other brews can take them to the next level.

These guys ship to the US AFAICT:

Vapestix My Baccy

I've tried Virginia Tobacco, Canadian Tobacco, RY4 Double and a bunch of others, but even 'though My Baccy's blended with vanilla custard it's more-potent for adding baccy flavour to home brews and commercial juices than even the concentrates I've used. Can't speak highly-enough about it.
Sounds awesome man.

If you can get Vapestix My Baccy I highly recommend you try it.

It's not overpowering and yet:
Full of flavour.
A tiny smidge of it mixed into other brews can take them to the next level.

These guys ship to the US AFAICT:

Vapestix My Baccy

I've tried Virginia Tobacco, Canadian Tobacco, RY4 Double and a bunch of others, but even 'though My Baccy's blended with vanilla custard it's more-potent for adding baccy flavour to home brews and commercial juices than even the concentrates I've used. Can't speak highly-enough about it.
I will look into that. I don’t like the flavored stuff at all and most tobacco flavors I’ve tried have been atrocious because they add caramel or some other sweet flavor.

I also heard Black Note is supposedly good. Their tobacco is supposedly great.
I too find most commercial stuff horrible (one of the reasons I make my own juice these days), hence the recommendation.

Hard to imagine anyone not loving it; it's that good bro'.
I see it's been a while, but I wanted to chime in. I'm not really into vaping, but I'm curious to hear what others say about it. It seems like a popular trend, so I'm interested in learning more. If you're a vaping enthusiast, please share your thoughts, tips, and experiences.

Bant. :banhim: :gethim:

Bant - Clint & Clyde.gif
I know the guy got banned but it's cool to see someone open to hearing about vaping, even if it's not their thing. As for tips and experiences, it really depends on what you're into. Some folks love the portability and discreetness of vape pens, while others prefer the big clouds from box mods. Experimenting with different flavors can be fun too, like fruity or dessert-inspired ones. Just remember to start slow with the nicotine if you're using e-liquids. If you wanna dive deeper, check out They've got a dope collection of vaporizers for that herb action.
I know the guy got banned but it's cool to see someone open to hearing about vaping, even if it's not their thing. As for tips and experiences, it really depends on what you're into. Some folks love the portability and discreetness of vape pens, while others prefer the big clouds from box mods. Experimenting with different flavors can be fun too, like fruity or dessert-inspired ones. Just remember to start slow with the nicotine if you're using e-liquids. If you wanna dive deeper, check out They've got a dope collection of vaporizers for that herb action.

Thank you for sharing.
Nailed it bro'.

5 out of the 6 posts from the "dude" are "Thank you for sharing."

@JacksonDavila show me you're not a ? or you'll be bant.

You have 3 days.
Smart man, but of course I was still a sucker paying $76 for a 30g packet of organic rolling tobacco at the time.

I use 40 to 50w, depending upon how quickly I want the temp to ramp up, in TC-Control mode and I've never gone beyond 110ºC. It usually lives on 100ºC which is the absolute-minimum-possible setting. Quite-different from your settings, but of course that has a bit to do with the fact that I'm using a sub-ohm atomiser / tank.

If you give it away maybe you'd consider fangin' me the remainder of your stockpile brother; I'd compensate you accordingly.
What?! $76 for a 30g pouch?!
The government really dealt a major blow to vaping at least here in the U.S a few years back but most vapers I'm aware of bought shit tons of nicotine and mods/ atomizers to last them well into the future.
I vaped on-off since 2013. I never had any problem with it. If you gotta get your nicotine fix I would say it's a lot cleaner than tobacco.
The saltnic based stuff is the most like smoking cigarettes/tobacco in both nicotine delivery, and feel.

I've quit all this. Really just come to the realization it's not doing me any good, and I don't need it. It's just an addiction, and I don't need it.
The hard part in all this is getting over the addiction, but once you're over it, you're done, you'll be better off without it.

I'll add a warning about the saltnic stuff, it's soo good the addiction is harder to overcome.
I'll add a warning about the saltnic stuff, it's soo good the addiction is harder to overcome.
"Thankfully" I've had difficulty getting nic salts; just the usual stuff.

Apparently nic salts are made by soaking tobacco leaves and you get all the associated plant compounds as opposed to just the isolated nic.

This would explain why they're more-efficient (more-satisfying) and less-harmful.

I'd have guessed that they'd be less-addictive, so it's interesting to hear your POV Brother CentristNutz. The usual pattern regarding ingestion of foods and other substances is that the more-toxic / processed they are, the more-addictive.