Any of You Guys Into Vaping?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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I believe adults should always have the freedom to choose.

Everybody's aware of the dangers of smoking... and drinking. The fun police should stay the heck out of peeps' lives and just let 'em enjoy their choices from the few legal vices that remain.
I believe adults should always have the freedom to choose.

Everybody's aware of the dangers of smoking... and drinking. The fun police should stay the heck out of peeps' lives and just let 'em enjoy their choices from the few legal vices that remain.
I agree with the freedom to choose, but you do realize that if we never had that vice to begin with, brought on by big tobacco and the gov't, we wouldn't have to choose to put poison in our bodies due to addiction. I like freedom of choice when it comes to life, e.g., freedom to jog or lift weights... freedom to go to law school or trade school... stuff like that. Another example... legalized pot in Canada. All you have to do is look at the stats on that bullshit to know it helps no one, except the gov't coffers.
I agree with the freedom to choose, but you do realize that if we never had that vice to begin with, brought on by big tobacco and the gov't, we wouldn't have to choose to put poison in our bodies due to addiction.
The enjoyment of smoking tobacco has been around for thousands of years mate. Oh, and the Hunzas famously smoked cigars right through to their ripe-old age of 130 (on average), with zero difference between the lifespans of those who smoked and those who didn't. No cancer either.

Even in this age of dumping 3-5000 chemicals into the stuff, one can still buy organic tobacco. I can get it from a tobacconist or the supermarket.

Alcohol's not great for you either, but as I suggested, peeps ought to be able to enjoy a vice as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
The enjoyment of smoking tobacco has been around for thousands of years mate. Oh, and the Hunzas famously smoked cigars right through to their ripe-old age of 130 (on average), with zero difference between the lifespans of those who smoked and those who didn't. No cancer either.

Even in this age of dumping 3-5000 chemicals into the stuff, one can still buy organic tobacco. I can get it from a tobacconist or the supermarket.

Alcohol's not great for you either, but as I suggested, peeps ought to be able to enjoy a vice as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
Let's get a few things straight, mate, and we need to have a proper perspective. Are you telling me the shit that you smoke is the same as what has been smoked for thousands of years previous? You do realize cigar smokers are not big inhalers, right? Ever try to suck back on a cigar as you would a cigarette? And over all those years, smoking was a pleasure at the end of the day, after a hunt, etc. (when people were far more physically fit, to boot), not sucking one back every hour, or a pack a day like many people do. And so, let's continue on this journey of how those individuals from olden times never had cancer. Isn't it interesting that so many today die of cancer who don't smoke? What does that tell you? The garbage food, low immunity, radio waves, etc., all contribute to this, which makes your body weaker, even for the organic stuff. Unless you look at everything as a whole, your argument is weak as shit. As for alcohol, there may be the odd person who has a few drinks on the weekend, but come on... anyone who is a drinker likely drinks regularly. I would bet money that a majority of people who do drink are alcoholics, and I'm not talking about stumbling idiots who can't function. I know of several people who drink daily, and usually 2+ glasses of wine with meals. I actually don't know anyone who drinks the 'odd time' (not talking about having a glass of something at Christmas or at a wedding, but "I will only have one glass of wine on Saturday." Maybe they exist, but I don't know them. Now, couple in the FACT that our food is of far lesser quality, our soil is pretty much depleted, people are in worse shape, we are bombarded with tech, air pollution, etc., and what people could do years ago, they cannot do now, thanks to the gov't. And then we can look at the historical nature of pot and alcohol. As for alcohol, people used to drink beer quite a bit in the 1800s, but it was 1%. Even kids drank it, because clean water was not always available, whereas beer used distilled water. Hard liquor, gambling, junk food, etc., all came about in the late 1800s, and I won't bother addressing who and why. Today's pot is only 50 years since the 1970s, when it was mild, and a person could smoke a big fatty on his own. Now, you take a few hits with this new crap (compare today's 'organic' tobacco to the stuff PEOPLE USED TO GROW THEMSELVES, INCLUDING MY PAST RELATIVES), and you can't function or barely think straight. Glad they legalized that!
One other thing to be understood; vices were created to control us, to keep us at bay, to keep the Roman citizens complacent, while 'they' conduct their business in the background. These thing CONTROL US, as opposed to being a 'choice' to dabble the odd time. There is no dabbling with this stuff... they are habit forming. How about you have a smoke once a week, to relax and celebrate a hard week of work. Let me know how that works out for you. And I say all this not to be an ass, but I do care about people and society.
I get you 100% mate and don't need to be schooled on perspective. I've been forced to study human toxicity thanks to heavy metal poisoning 3 times, starting at age 8.

I agree with almost all of what you're saying too and don't want to be drawn into this debate; the thread's about vaping, after all.

However, out of respect to you I'll respond:

Let's get a few things straight, mate, and we need to have a proper perspective. Are you telling me the shit that you smoke is the same as what has been smoked for thousands of years previous?
Yes. Organic tobacco is chemical-free, straight-up dried tobacco leaves. I've grown it too.

In addition to that, I only have it once-in-a-while; it takes me 3-6 months to get through a packet.

You do realize cigar smokers are not big inhalers, right? Ever try to suck back on a cigar as you would a cigarette? And over all those years, smoking was a pleasure at the end of the day, after a hunt, etc. (when people were far more physically fit, to boot), not sucking one back every hour, or a pack a day like many people do.

Doesn't negate my belief that even those who lack temperance should be allowed to make choices for themselves.

And so, let's continue on this journey of how those individuals from olden times never had cancer. Isn't it interesting that so many today die of cancer who don't smoke? What does that tell you? The garbage food, low immunity, radio waves, etc., all contribute to this, which makes your body weaker, even for the organic stuff. Unless you look at everything as a whole, your argument is weak as shit.
Weak as shit eh?

I figured the cancer thing out 42 years ago. Studied the human condition when it comes to personal responsibility for health since that time. I've heard nothing new in decades, so yeah, I get it mate.

The cilia lining your trachea move crap up and out of your lungs at, IIRC, 1mm/min, 24/7/365. BBQ / campfire / bushfire smoke's soot is one of those components. Organic tobacco's only real "tax" on the body is that gunk, which is basically just plant-derived carbon.

As you seem to know, the thousands of chemicals added since, I'm guessing, the '50s, to "modern tobacco", are a deadly cocktail of crap. IMHO if most peeps were aware that there were organic alternatives, they'd be all over them and we wouldn't have the problems we have with smoking health.

The only "permanent" potential damage from the organic alternative, and this applies to all tobaccos, is alveoli scarring. This is caused by inhaling hot embers that the ultra-thin membranes surrounding them cannot withstand and therefore incur tiny pit marks (scars). These build up over time and the lung's capacity to absorb oxygen therefore diminishes. Big, little-known issue for smokers of conventional cigarettes. Drawing the smoke through a water pipe 100% solves that, of course.

I haven't smoked in the conventional way since I was 19 FWIMBW, when I figured that stuff out.

Obviously this is where I agree with you - big money has prevented this basic knowledge from attaining "popularity", much to our demise.

The freedom to choose in this case, when I say it, takes into account that there are indeed peeps who research things and make "responsible" decisions. They shouldn't be punished because of the ignorance of others. IMHO. The "dark" side of freedom is that the ultimate responsibility for what we choose to do is our own. Some take it seriously, others don't, to their detriment.

As for alcohol, there may be the odd person who has a few drinks on the weekend, but come on... anyone who is a drinker likely drinks regularly. I would bet money that a majority of people who do drink are alcoholics, and I'm not talking about stumbling idiots who can't function. I know of several people who drink daily, and usually 2+ glasses of wine with meals. I actually don't know anyone who drinks the 'odd time' (not talking about having a glass of something at Christmas or at a wedding, but "I will only have one glass of wine on Saturday." Maybe they exist, but I don't know them.
You do now; I'm one of them. I might have 1 beer on a Friday night. I might not have another for 3 months. If I had to average it all out, I'd say I have 1 beer every 3 weeks or so, but the pattern is so-random that I actually went 15 years without a sip of alcohol at one point. Clean beer, of course.

Of course I agree that there's a huge alcoholic problem in the world. Probably has been for thousands of years. I've lost 2 best friends to it, one was only 31.

Now, couple in the FACT that our food is of far lesser quality, our soil is pretty much depleted, people are in worse shape, we are bombarded with tech, air pollution, etc., and what people could do years ago, they cannot do now, thanks to the gov't. And then we can look at the historical nature of pot and alcohol. As for alcohol, people used to drink beer quite a bit in the 1800s, but it was 1%. Even kids drank it, because clean water was not always available, whereas beer used distilled water. Hard liquor, gambling, junk food, etc., all came about in the late 1800s, and I won't bother addressing who and why. Today's pot is only 50 years since the 1970s, when it was mild, and a person could smoke a big fatty on his own. Now, you take a few hits with this new crap (compare today's 'organic' tobacco to the stuff PEOPLE USED TO GROW THEMSELVES, INCLUDING MY PAST RELATIVES), and you can't function or barely think straight. Glad they legalized that!
Pretty much agree with all this.

You didn't mention wine 'though, so the 1% beer thing is a bit of a straw man. Wine's been around for thousands of years too, and I doubt it was ever only 1%. The bible mentions alcoholics, specifying wine as their vice; it was the alcoholic drink of choice in those times.

Anywho, thank you for taking the time brother and I hope we can leave this here and get back on-topic.
Your post sounds like an AI @Buffiebe, straight out of central casting. No serious vaper buys any of the shit put forward by the MSM.

Show me you're not a ? by engaging in a conversation with me please.

You have 3 days...
OK, you've had your 3 days.

Bye. :banhim::cheers:

Bant - Clint & Clyde.gif
Within the third post on page 1, I brought up safety and you responded. I thought I would continue along those lines, but as per your request, we'll stick to vaping without any concern for safety. Yes, vaping is safe and effective, and it prevents you from spreading disease to others. Have a good one.
Within the third post on page 1, I brought up safety and you responded.
Straw man again; you questioned vaping safety, not cigarettes / tobacco, and I responded. On-topic, no doubt.

I thought I would continue along those lines
I understand mate, but remember, the whole point of vaping for many, and this is how it's presented, is as an alternative to tobacco because the latter's so-damaging. It's why a Japanese man invented it in the first place.

The thread therefore assumes that everyone understands that vaping is a safer alternative. The last thing it's trying to do is present tobacco as safe, rendering any argument about that moot, even 'though I've admitted to you due to being pressed on the tissue that it is possible to at least ameliorate almost all of the concerns thereabout.

Yes, vaping is safe and effective, and it prevents you from spreading disease to others. Have a good one.

Thank you for obliging on the off-topic thing brother. Appreciate it. :thumbsup:

I think we covered the problems with tobacco pretty-well anyway. In its current "modern" form, there can be no doubt that it's a terribly-shitty product at best.
Because cigarettes are so much better than vaping. It's all garbage in the lungs. Never bothered to read the rest. Have a good one.
Because cigarettes are so much better than vaping.
Nobody in this thread has said that and I don't know anyone IRL who's dumb-enough to have said that, so I don't understand bro'.

It's all garbage in the lungs.
Tobacco smoke is, yes.

The home-made vape-juice vapour I inhale - no. It's no different from smelling the steam when you're cooking, as everyone does (stoop over the pan / pot and take a whiff), 'cause I use food-grade "flavours" and a vegetable-based base to make my juice.

Never bothered to read the rest. Have a good one.
"Never bothered"?

Geez bro'; glad to know my efforts are appreciated. If I'd known it'd be such a waste of time I'd not have bothered.

Thank you for wishing me to "have a good one" 'though; I appreciate that! You too man.
Just received this email from the vape store I buy from.



The Australian government, led by the Labor Party and Federal Health Minister Mark Butler, has introduced legislation that will destroy vaping in Australia.

The government is trying to pass laws that will ban the retail sales of all vaping products, a move that will destroy every single law-abiding vape shop in Australia.

This has to be stopped.

The consequences are already clear: a surge in violent crime, including firebombings, shootings, and threats from organised crime gangs against legitimate business owners.
The time to act is now! It's crucial that we, the vaping community, stand together to demand a sensible approach to vaping regulation.

Prohibition will not work.
Just received this email from the vape store I buy from.



The Australian government, led by the Labor Party and Federal Health Minister Mark Butler, has introduced legislation that will destroy vaping in Australia.

The government is trying to pass laws that will ban the retail sales of all vaping products, a move that will destroy every single law-abiding vape shop in Australia.

This has to be stopped.

The consequences are already clear: a surge in violent crime, including firebombings, shootings, and threats from organised crime gangs against legitimate business owners.
The time to act is now! It's crucial that we, the vaping community, stand together to demand a sensible approach to vaping regulation.

Prohibition will not work.
I have to go a state away to buy flavored shit. Fucking politicians. NOTHING TO DO. Fucking H8 them HATE HATE HATE HATE
Yeah, I'm into vaping! It helped me quit smoking, which was a big deal for me. Vaping made it easier to stop smoking, and I haven't looked back since.
I vape! It helped me quit smoking, which was a massive milestone for me. Vaping made it easier to stop smoking, and I haven't looked back since. I buy my vapes from Sudjudza Vape Shop. They have a great selection and reasonable prices. The staff there is accommodating too. I enjoy trying different flavors and the whole vaping experience. If you're thinking about trying it or just curious, go for it!
Hmm... @lbj273 how come your post follows the same format and uses some of the exact phrases @Hardroid did a few days ago?

You joined in 2011 and he in 2022 and you share your IP address.

Please, help me understand mate.

FWIW, I don't find your or his posts suspicious in any way, hence the curiosity...
I have been trying to vape for a few years. Vape, but still crave a cigarette. Doesn't work for me. Works for everyone else I know. Pisses me off.
I have been trying to vape for a few years. Vape, but still crave a cigarette. Doesn't work for me. Works for everyone else I know. Pisses me off.
I understand the struggle with cravings when trying to quit smoking. Personally, Pacman disposables really helped me manage those urges. Their ease of use and variety of flavors made the transition smoother. It's a journey, and finding what works best for you is key. Keep experimenting and stay committed—you'll find your way to kicking the habit for good.
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