Anybody else have any transgender kids?

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Sorry bro that you have to go through all of this. The parents def need to be on the same page. My son's fiance has a brother that is now a sister and it greatly affected the whole family but they pulled through and supported him/her. I only came in to reinforce 3 main points that @rsm already captured and you already know.

I mean she can't get a tattoo, drink alcohol, own a firearm, enlist in the military, send nudes, have sex with 18+ partners, etc. legally. 16 is still a minor in most states.

Research the outcomes of these treatments, and many people end up regretting these decisions, and suing because they were minors; some day she may want children, and there could be complications because of this.

The bigger concern are the surgeries that are basically permanent, have many complications, sterility, etc.

And I've long believed that as a country, I think we would be better off if we had a consistent (Federal) age for legality on enlisting, alcohol, tobacco, guns, trans drugs, etc.. But I get that some feel the trans drugs should be introduced during puberty or whatever as it is easier to transition physically at that age. Not sure how that works TBH.

@billsbigego - Has your kid seen video testimonies from other kids that now regret their decision?
speaking as somebody with 33 penises, 12 vaginas and 5,000 nipples, who gives a shit what they do
Let's say that a peer would call them by their new name name but not acknowledge their transition or refer to them by their chosen gender. What would you suggest?
sort of depends on the situation. Personally, if they weren't threatening me or spreading rumors around school about me, I would treat them like someone who doesn't believe in the moon landing, and just let them enjoy their delusion. Life will kick them in the nuts eventually.

If the person was trying to be malicious about it, I would tell them to fuck off and report it to whatever authorities will listen at the school. Someone can disagree with someone else's life choices without feeling the need to tell them about it all the time.

If someone is purposely calling you something, to your face, that you don't want to be called, that person is an asshole. plain and simple. They are doing it out of spite, and no other reason than that.

and to tie it back to the OP, if his kid can handle such confrontations with maturity, it's maybe a good indication of where he is with his ability to make some decisions for himself about his life. I'm not saying put him on the T, but it helps navigate the waters a bit
Personally, if they weren't threatening me or spreading rumors around school about me, I would treat them like someone who doesn't believe in the moon landing, and just let them enjoy their delusion. Life will kick them in the nuts eventually.
Fair enough. It's interesting you mention delusions though. I happen to think that anyone who believes a person can change their sex is delusional, but whatever, it's their life and they can believe whatever they want. But my belief about the moon landing should not be considered a delusion because I am aware that I could be wrong. In other words, I'm not denying objective reality, I just differ that the evidence offered is sufficient proof. If you could arrange a space flight to the moon for me for example, I'd change my mind.
Fair enough. It's interesting you mention delusions though. I happen to think that anyone who believes a person can change their sex is delusional, but whatever, it's their life and they can believe whatever they want. But my belief about the moon landing should not be considered a delusion because I am aware that I could be wrong. In other words, I'm not denying objective reality, I just differ that the evidence offered is sufficient proof. If you could arrange a space flight to the moon for me for example, I'd change my mind.
But it doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter if you think the other person is delusional.
That in fact is what makes me think you are delusional.

If I hated people calling me Daniel, and some asshole at work decided to call me Daniel at every chance he had, he’s an asshole. It doesn’t matter if it’s my legal name or not. He’s doing it to be an asshole. He can think it. He can call me it at home at the dinner table, but calling me that to my face, is done for no other reason than to be a cunt. It’s no different with “misgendering” on purpose.

The same goes for your views on the moon landing. You somehow think your own “logic” trumps proven science. We aren’t talking about string theory and quantum mechanics, we are talking about something several people did, came back to earth and talked about it.
I'm just trying to get the kid to understand that running from the problem will only make the problem proliferate. He'll be walking around with that black cloud over him forever. No amount of therapy or drugs will make that problem go away. I told him, simply, when someone he knew in the past says "Hi Alexis," the response should be "Hi, my name is no longer Alexis, my name is Jesse and I'm a boy."

This is what aggravates me about therapy. I've mentioned this to the therapist. The kid needs real world tactics to try and push himself beyond his comfort zone to get past problems.

He's already been bullied at the playground. Bunch of young punks calling him faggot over and over. He walked away and they followed him 1/2 mile to the Pizza shop, taunting him the whole way. I put up a post on the neighborhood nexdoor site that if anyone has any kids that frequent that area, to be aware. I don't want to have to go down there myself. I would not physically harm a kid, but they would never forget me.

I've also called the police regarding this and there's a trans guy who's the trans advocate and the guy was awesome. I have his personal cell number if any issue arises. It's good to know the cops are taking this shit seriously. Kids kill themselves over this crap. I don't need to be dealing with a bunch of fucking young punks. Whether it's mental or hormones out of whack or whatever, the kid feels like a boy in a girls body and I try to be as compassionate as I can. I don't know what that feels like. I was the biggest anti-gay homophobe on the planet when I was younger. I'm past that, know a few gay people myself and could give two shits what type of hole anyone puts their junk into. Leave me out of it, that's all. And I don't agree with all the ridiculous terminology either. My kid had a friend that was gonna come over. I asked if it was a boy or girl. He said, they like to be referred to as "they" and we had a little verbal discussion that had no good conclusion. I tried to explain the concept of plural, to no avail. :D
I’ve seen videos of a 16 year old trans kid saying, “since I’ve been on testosterone, my voice has become way too deep, and I now suffer from male pattern baldness.” He stressed that he is unhappy with how deep his voice became, like it was way too deep. His horror over over starting balding at 16 was breaking him down. I’ve seen others saying how they became very angry all the time, as well as becoming much more depressed than before taking T. Some said they felt tired and without energy after taking T for a prolonged period. Their long list of complaints was never ending and the mental repercussions were vast and sad.

The ONE THING they all said was, “I wish SO BAD that someone would have told me that these kinds of side effects were a real possibility.” They spoke of being worse off mentally now, than pre transition. They all said nobody warned them, and expected life to be a miraculous and joyful after they began their transitions. But they said that after taking T for a while their misery grew so much worse.

You should point out that by no means will his life instantly become better. And that, in fact, the possibility exists that it will actually become much worse. How would he feel if he entered the realm of male pattern baldness so severely that he would become chrome done by 18? How would he feel, mentally, if that happened? What if he becomes a rage monster like some trans kids taking a lot of T?

I take T myself because my system basically stopped producing it after a head injury in a car accident. I take mine up to regular levels and I can feel elevated anger at times, I can take a step back and see that my anger is not logical for the situation that caused it. At times I am much quicker to frustration and and feel like hulking out at times.

I have seen many videos of trans people who said that they were gay, but the social climate made it seem like it’s more socially acceptable to be trans than gay. So, with social pressure from friends that decided they were trans. They all say they wished they didn’t take T or estrogen and permanently changed their bodies. They said they should have listened to themselves and how they felt rather than friends, and sometimes even family who pressured them into becoming trans rather than admitting to themselves they were gay.

You should point out to him that many of the changes that take place are in fact permanent. That if he decides he is gay, or perhaps even straight, there is no coming back from some of the changes that physically occur. Tell him to wait until he is 18 and give it some serious consideration during that time.

I spoke to a friend of mine whose kid is in a local middle school and she said that there is now elevated social status for kids who come out as transgender. It’s even considered cool sometimes, but she said most of them decided within a year or two that they weren’t trans.

My friend who told me this is a doctor and she said by no means is it safe for a teenage girl to start slamming their body and system with large amounts of testosterone. Many of the changes are not reversible and will stay that way for your life. Its a MAJOR DECISION that most teenagers can’t fully comprehend. She said she would never let her son or daughter alter their system like that while under her roof and said she would plead with them not to do it after they leave home.

Then you see the kids who say it saved their lives. What to do? I would much rather let my kid transition if it would save his/her life. I would stress out worrying about the permanent changes and potential mental downswing, but that is better than losing a child.

I’ve seen many teenagers and early twenty something’s saying they wish someone would have told them that these types of things can happen. Instead they were met with congratulations from their doctors, shrinks, and friends on how cool it is they are trans. Not long after, their regret sets in and their mental health starts to decline. It’s very sad.

You should find as many of those videos and stories as you can and show him that negative side effects do happen, and happen a lot. Show him it’s ok to be gay, and that he should not give in to social pressure. If he is gay, cool, that’s fine. Show him how many detransitioners say they are gay, and not trans, but listened to EVERYONE BUT THEMSELVES.

Point out that it’s not all easy roads ahead if he takes T. So many said they desperately wished anyone at all would have told them that side effects occur and that their mental health could get much worse and not better at all like they are told.

I hope this works out ok for you.
I’ve seen videos of a 16 year old trans kid saying, “since I’ve been on testosterone, my voice has become way too deep, and I now suffer from male pattern baldness.” He stressed that he is unhappy with how deep his voice became, like it was way too deep. His horror over over starting balding at 16 was breaking him down. I’ve seen others saying how they became very angry all the time, as well as becoming much more depressed than before taking T. Some said they felt tired and without energy after taking T for a prolonged period. Their long list of complaints was never ending and the mental repercussions were vast and sad.

The ONE THING they all said was, “I wish SO BAD that someone would have told me that these kinds of side effects were a real possibility.” They spoke of being worse off mentally now, than pre transition. They all said nobody warned them, and expected life to be a miraculous and joyful after they began their transitions. But they said that after taking T for a while their misery grew so much worse.

You should point out that by no means will his life instantly become better. And that, in fact, the possibility exists that it will actually become much worse. How would he feel if he entered the realm of male pattern baldness so severely that he would become chrome done by 18? How would he feel, mentally, if that happened? What if he becomes a rage monster like some trans kids taking a lot of T?

I take T myself because my system basically stopped producing it after a head injury in a car accident. I take mine up to regular levels and I can feel elevated anger at times, I can take a step back and see that my anger is not logical for the situation that caused it. At times I am much quicker to frustration and and feel like hulking out at times.

I have seen many videos of trans people who said that they were gay, but the social climate made it seem like it’s more socially acceptable to be trans than gay. So, with social pressure from friends that decided they were trans. They all say they wished they didn’t take T or estrogen and permanently changed their bodies. They said they should have listened to themselves and how they felt rather than friends, and sometimes even family who pressured them into becoming trans rather than admitting to themselves they were gay.

You should point out to him that many of the changes that take place are in fact permanent. That if he decides he is gay, or perhaps even straight, there is no coming back from some of the changes that physically occur. Tell him to wait until he is 18 and give it some serious consideration during that time.

I spoke to a friend of mine whose kid is in a local middle school and she said that there is now elevated social status for kids who come out as transgender. It’s even considered cool sometimes, but she said most of them decided within a year or two that they weren’t trans.

My friend who told me this is a doctor and she said by no means is it safe for a teenage girl to start slamming their body and system with large amounts of testosterone. Many of the changes are not reversible and will stay that way for your life. Its a MAJOR DECISION that most teenagers can’t fully comprehend. She said she would never let her son or daughter alter their system like that while under her roof and said she would plead with them not to do it after they leave home.

Then you see the kids who say it saved their lives. What to do? I would much rather let my kid transition if it would save his/her life. I would stress out worrying about the permanent changes and potential mental downswing, but that is better than losing a child.

I’ve seen many teenagers and early twenty something’s saying they wish someone would have told them that these types of things can happen. Instead they were met with congratulations from their doctors, shrinks, and friends on how cool it is they are trans. Not long after, their regret sets in and their mental health starts to decline. It’s very sad.

You should find as many of those videos and stories as you can and show him that negative side effects do happen, and happen a lot. Show him it’s ok to be gay, and that he should not give in to social pressure. If he is gay, cool, that’s fine. Show him how many detransitioners say they are gay, and not trans, but listened to EVERYONE BUT THEMSELVES.

Point out that it’s not all easy roads ahead if he takes T. So many said they desperately wished anyone at all would have told them that side effects occur and that their mental health could get much worse and not better at all like they are told.

I hope this works out ok for you.
Thanks man, I'm aware of all the people that regret it. My know it all kid says he's seen all the videos on kids that regret it. If I have my way, it will be when he's 18.
But it doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter if you think the other person is delusional.
That in fact is what makes me think you are delusional.
You're right, it doesn't matter what I think. Biological sex simply cannot be changed — at this point anyways. Therefore, if one thinks that it can, by surgery, hormones, whatever, they are in my view delusional, or at the very least confused. Furthermore, the english language bases gender pronouns according to biological sex, but certainly these definitions could be updated.
If I hated people calling me Daniel, and some asshole at work decided to call me Daniel at every chance he had, he’s an asshole. It doesn’t matter if it’s my legal name or not. He’s doing it to be an asshole. He can think it. He can call me it at home at the dinner table, but calling me that to my face, is done for no other reason than to be a cunt. It’s no different with “misgendering” on purpose.
Sure, in that scenario, but claims of "misgendering" amount to compelled speech and not only an attack on conscientiously held belief, but as I just mentioned, the well-established understanding of biological sciences.
The same goes for your views on the moon landing. You somehow think your own “logic” trumps proven science. We aren’t talking about string theory and quantum mechanics, we are talking about something several people did, came back to earth and talked about it.
I don't think my "Logic" trumps anything. I just offer a rational basis for my beliefs and a critique of the validity of the supposed moon landing. You're free to disagree, think it's a delusional belief, etc. I maintain that is a dispute about the sufficiency of the evidence for it's existence though, which is somewhat subjective. But there is no such thing as "proven" or "settled" science, as scientific belief is always held in a state of present understanding, always subject to revision. Maybe scientists will find a way to change one's biological sex and we can end this controversy.
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man I feel for you Bill. I can't compare the two but my youngest son is bi-racial and I always worry about him. But-he's also 6'6" and 200lbs of muscle. He's a beast and undefeated. I'm raising him here in West Virginia which is 96% white. I always worry about him and what he deals with. However he has made his own way here in this community and the amount of love that this area and people have shown him is amazing. Still I worry...all the time. And I'm no bleeding heart shitlib...pretty much the opposite really. So I know you worry about your kid....because people fuckin suck bro. I have watched people with my boy and my wife assume that she's married to a black dude. Then I walk up and their like wtf....then I tell them I'm half black also-just from the waist down. Things that we take for granted is a big deal for him. Like dating. He only recently got a girlfriend a few months ago....why? because he's the only black kid in the school and the white girls will have the stigma of dating a black kid. Sounds funny but it's true. But he's a star athlete and extremely smart as well. And make no mistake...all those little white girls like what they see...and I have also had a few issues with his buddies milf mommies liking what they see a little too much. But all jokes aside we can't help but worry about our kids...because they are our kids...and our duty is to raise, nurture and protect them. So I feel for you ever want to shoot the shit send me a pm and I'll give you my number cracker....
I'm just trying to get the kid to understand that running from the problem will only make the problem proliferate. He'll be walking around with that black cloud over him forever. No amount of therapy or drugs will make that problem go away. I told him, simply, when someone he knew in the past says "Hi Alexis," the response should be "Hi, my name is no longer Alexis, my name is Jesse and I'm a boy."

This is what aggravates me about therapy. I've mentioned this to the therapist. The kid needs real world tactics to try and push himself beyond his comfort zone to get past problems.

He's already been bullied at the playground. Bunch of young punks calling him faggot over and over. He walked away and they followed him 1/2 mile to the Pizza shop, taunting him the whole way. I put up a post on the neighborhood nexdoor site that if anyone has any kids that frequent that area, to be aware. I don't want to have to go down there myself. I would not physically harm a kid, but they would never forget me.

I've also called the police regarding this and there's a trans guy who's the trans advocate and the guy was awesome. I have his personal cell number if any issue arises. It's good to know the cops are taking this shit seriously. Kids kill themselves over this crap. I don't need to be dealing with a bunch of fucking young punks. Whether it's mental or hormones out of whack or whatever, the kid feels like a boy in a girls body and I try to be as compassionate as I can. I don't know what that feels like. I was the biggest anti-gay homophobe on the planet when I was younger. I'm past that, know a few gay people myself and could give two shits what type of hole anyone puts their junk into. Leave me out of it, that's all. And I don't agree with all the ridiculous terminology either. My kid had a friend that was gonna come over. I asked if it was a boy or girl. He said, they like to be referred to as "they" and we had a little verbal discussion that had no good conclusion. I tried to explain the concept of plural, to no avail. :D

Not that it really matters, but the best explanation I’ve heard for the “they/them” thing is to not think of it as plural, but as kind of all encompassing. Like if you were in line at a grocery store and saw a wallet on the ground you would pick it up and say “hey, did anyone drop their wallet?” Not because you think it belongs to more than one person, but it just makes more sense than saying “did anyone drop his or her wallet?”
On the same token, the person next to you might see a lady running back to the store and say “I bet it’s their wallet” even though they are referring to a singular women.
I even just used “they” to refer to a singular person in my story. All grammatically correct.

I mean you can still feel that it’s silly, but I’m just trying to shed some light
You're right, it doesn't matter what I think. Biological sex simply cannot be changed — at this point anyways. Therefore, if one thinks that it can, by surgery, hormones, whatever, they are in my view delusional, or at the very least confused. Furthermore, the english language bases gender pronouns according to biological sex, but certainly these definitions could be updated.

Sure, in that scenario, but claims of "misgendering" amount to compelled speech and not only an attack on conscientiously held belief, but as I mentioned, the biological sciences.

I don't think my "Logic" trumps anything. I just offer a rational basis for my beliefs and a critique of the validity of the supposed moon landing. You're free to disagree, think it's a delusional belief, etc. I maintain that is a dispute about the sufficiency of the evidence for it's existence though, which is somewhat subjective. But there is no such thing as "proven" or "settled" science, as scientific belief is always held in a state of present understanding, always subject to revision. Maybe scientists will find a way to change one's biological sex and we can end this controversy.

None of what you just typed is applicable to what I said lol
Very sorry for what your child and your family is experiencing. Perhaps, rather than looking at the immediate drugs, take a long walk in the forest for summer vacation without digital media and get reconnected with nature. Church might not be a bad idea but I suspect your child is not wired to accept that.

Back to the meds, rather than focusing on the medication’s, look at what they do to a girls forearm to create a fake penis that never works without a pump. Will never shoot a real ejaculation, and all of the hell that the body goes through to deal with these progressive surgeries that have never been performed in centuries of human life.

The reality of that scenario might mean more than the insecurities of teenagers living in a digital circle jerk of new ideas.
Didn't read the thread thoroughly but in case nobody's mentioned it:

There seems to be a bit of an "awakening" around the world as to the risks and efficacy of puberty-blocking and so on. The UK government is the latest I've heard of. Looking at imposing restrictions. IIRC the Aussies did it last year.

I'd guess that the Matt Walshes of the world have played a positive role in getting peeps to reconsider... and use their brains.
Fair enough. It's interesting you mention delusions though. I happen to think that anyone who believes a person can change their sex is delusional, but whatever, it's their life and they can believe whatever they want. But my belief about the moon landing should not be considered a delusion because I am aware that I could be wrong. In other words, I'm not denying objective reality, I just differ that the evidence offered is sufficient proof. If you could arrange a space flight to the moon for me for example, I'd change my mind.
Nobody can change their sex, they can only change how others perceive their gender. Some people are successful at it (say trans porn actresses or models). But if you’re a 6’ + dude with tons of body hair good luck with that. This shit is way more common than it ever was, am I believe it’s 100% people being way too liberal. Just because the drugs exist doesn’t mean kids should be on them. I hope this doesn’t sound harsh OP. I feel bad for these kids. It’s a fucking mess.