Anybody else have any transgender kids?

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It is a mess. I am wondering to what degree environmental factors have played into the large apparent increase in these cases. I believe many pollutants interfere with the endocrine system for example. Regardless, I support parents having the right to make the final decision about how handle the matter and don't like the state interference one way or the other. It does seem especially insane though when the state demands parents "acknowledge" the legitimacy of a chosen gender identity and "treatments" for the condition. Furthermore, the intellectual defenders of the ideologies associated with this condition (EG gender is a spectrum, biological sex is irrelevant, etc.) are off their rockers.
I don't identify as "them," I identify as "us" cuz we are dick legion
We can have this debate in another thread, but we are talking about something several people claimed they did.

Nobody can change their sex, they can only change how others perceive their gender. Some people are successful at it (say trans porn actresses or models). But if you’re a 6’ + dude with tons of body hair good luck with that. This shit is way more common than it ever was, am I believe it’s 100% people being way too liberal. Just because the drugs exist doesn’t mean kids should be on them. I hope this doesn’t sound harsh OP. I feel bad for these kids. It’s a fucking mess.
Not at all man. I think it's just people who are gay, and vulnerable, being indoctrinated into a twisted system devised by evil liberals with nothing to do but try to push their own agenda due to their own mental issues.
I don't identify as "them," I identify as "us" cuz we are dick legion
Make sense, LOL. Careful with those dicks though Jack. They tend to have a mind of their own.

"Having a dick is like being in a huge bus, way at the back. Your dick is up front driving and you shout out 'where we goin?'" - Joe Rogan
Make sense, LOL. Careful with those dicks though Jack. They tend to have a mind of their own.

"Having a dick is like being in a huge bus, way at the back. Your dick is up front driving and you shout out 'where we goin?'" - Joe Rogan
I don't get on the bus I crawl into the undercarriage and await my meal of squashed pigeons
Make sense, LOL. Careful with those dicks though Jack. They tend to have a mind of their own.

"Having a dick is like being in a huge bus, way at the back. Your dick is up front driving and you shout out 'where we goin?'" - Joe Rogan
Not at all man. I think it's just people who are gay,
From the research I've done it's nothing to do with sexual orientation. It's just about feeling like they're in the wrong body. Plenty of men transition to be female even though they actually are attracted to females. So it's not about being gay. I'm sure it is in some cases no doubt. It's really confusing to understand. Sorry I have no real advice. I feel for you and your family.
My only advice would be to spend as much time as you can with your kid.
Bedtime is 11pm latest, and get rid of the sugar before bed. There’ll be blowback, but you’re the parent man.
From the research I've done it's nothing to do with sexual orientation. It's just about feeling like they're in the wrong body. Plenty of men transition to be female even though they actually are attracted to females. So it's not about being gay. I'm sure it is in some cases no doubt. It's really confusing to understand. Sorry I have no real advice. I feel for you and your family.
Yeah my kid had a boyfriend for a while. I was confused as fuck I'm like well my kid is a boy, well in a girls body, and he's got a boyfriend? So that's really a heterosexual relationship right? But he identifies as a boy, and has a boyfriend, does that mean he's gay? This thought occurred to me after several beers and my brain just started to self destruct. Like when you contemplate shit like who made the universe. Some questions are just best left alone.
Yeah my kid had a boyfriend for a while. I was confused as fuck I'm like well my kid is a boy, well in a girls body, and he's got a boyfriend? So that's really a heterosexual relationship right? But he identifies as a boy, and has a boyfriend, does that mean he's gay? This thought occurred to me after several beers and my brain just started to self destruct. Like when you contemplate shit like who made the universe. Some questions are just best left alone.
You might just be confusing yourself by calling your daughter a boy. I understand and appreciate the motivation, and am sympathetic to your (And her) situation, but at some point the adults have to lead the way if we’re ever going to get beyond this as a society.
You might just be confusing yourself by calling your daughter a boy. I understand and appreciate the motivation, and am sympathetic to your (And her) situation, but at some point the adults have to lead the way if we’re ever going to get beyond this as a society.
I told my kids they can be whatever they want gay transgender etc they just ain't doing it here. You're not screwing your girl in your room at my house or drinking my beer either. Go get your own and drink it someplace else. Set some damn ground rules. I told my kid I didn't care if he flunked out of school like his old man but if you become a piece of crap we got problems. And good luck getting grandpa Joe to fork over cash or a car for your gay wedding, it ain't happening. I can't believe how good my kids turned out, blows my mind. I'd probably go nuts if they were like me when I was growing up. My poor parents...
Just was on another site and someone posted a link to Reddit and the work of one Dr. Kathy Rumer. This woman is known to deliver horrible gender reassignment surgeries and is straight-up butchering people. I only post this as it highlights what is being allowed to go on and the last thing I'd do right now is trust any so-called "professional" in this field. There's a war going on for the children and sadly, the OP's is one of many caught-up in this and hostage to this insanity. Fuck these people for what they have done for they know what they are doing and it is so very wrong:

You might just be confusing yourself by calling your daughter a boy. I understand and appreciate the motivation, and am sympathetic to your (And her) situation, but at some point the adults have to lead the way if we’re ever going to get beyond this as a society.
Well what am I supposed to do. Continue to call him a girl? That's not what he wants and gets hostile and super depressed. He honestly can not stand having a female body.
Well what am I supposed to do.
Time for a father daughte/sonr month long camping trip. Lettum rough it for a while like a "man" and find out. Time to stop letting your old lady and your kid wear the pants around the house on the issue. Youre a man dammit. Time to pull your kid from public schools. Time to stop paying cable bills and kill the sewer pipe running into your living room. Time for prayer and fasting unless you are ok with sitting back pounding beers and letting your daughter get butchered. Then you get what you get so get ready. Honestly you sound like you are throwing up your hands already.

I don't mean to be harsh but per some of your recent posts you're living a nightmare when y'all should be living the dream. There are no easy answers and I hate to come across as a jerk but you have some serious choices it's time to make. This is a phase, and one unduly influenced by negative outside social sources. My son complained that all his girl classmates either thought they were trans or were just gay. It's a trend. Buck the trend. If you aren't going to do anything then why even mention any of it here? Regardless of what you do you need to take some drastic actions. Maybe you can't influence the outcome with physical changes but you can resort to prayer. Where is your faith? Sorry if I'm harsh but your family is in my prayers regardless of whether you are mad at me for posting what I just posted. I truly wish you guys the best.