Anybody ever build a Marshall clone?

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I built a 4 holer into an 18watter I had lying around. Not a 1:1 replica but I think it sounds pretty good


Sounds great.. does it take pedals well?
the "bright" channel takes them pretty well. I made the "normal" channel overly dark with a bypass cap on the plate resistor, so the channel by itself isn't great, but it's more for blending it in with the bright channel until you get the fatness you want. Pushing pedals gets pretty farty unless I cut back the normal volume.
I dig the amp but it is definitely a bit unstable. non master volume with no negative feedback so it's pumping right from jump street.
Don't forget to straighten you leads.. this should queue up to 4:19 for a tip on that.
Don't forget to straighten you leads.. this should queue up to 4:19 for a tip on that.

Another tip for that - hold the component in one hand and grab its lead right where it starts with nylon jaw pliers, then drag the pliers out to the end of the lead a few times, rotating the component between each drag. Once you get the hang of it, it's super quick.

Basically like this:
Don't forget to straighten you leads.. this should queue up to 4:19 for a tip on that.

Nice straight component leads look good but they stress the component during expansion and contraction every time the amplifier warms and cools during a power cycle. Adding some bend to your component leads is the way the military and NASA demanded their circuit boards be built.”

Quarter of the way down on Rob Robinette’s site:
Nice straight component leads look good but they stress the component during expansion and contraction every time the amplifier warms and cools during a power cycle. Adding some bend to your component leads is the way the military and NASA demanded their circuit boards be built.”

Quarter of the way down on Rob Robinette’s site:
that looks complicated... I'm sure by the time I'm done with mine it will look like a rat's next.
The only harassment I enjoy that has no need for a safe word.

I will probably okay with the bones of it, but im guessing i'm gonna want to convert it to el34

which, from what i understand, requires some dicking around
I think I'm going to build a Ceriatone Plexi101 All Access. Should probably finish my fretboard replacement project before I start a new one.

Looks like Metro doesn't do kits any more? Any other kit companies worth considering?

Looking at transformers, Mercury has so many don't even know how to choose...