Anyone compare a JEL100 vs a Wizard MC I or II?

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A lot of the older ones like the 1996 MC I had had C tranny's (maybe some later ones also did too not sure). I was just stating the specs I'm aware of. I'm not sure which version tranny's the 2012 MTL 50w Tom had would've been. I've heard some say C tranny's are supposed to be more raw or gritty sounding, but I didn't find my '96 MC to sound that way vs that MTL

Rick will say that any tonal difference is internet BS. Nowadays… 50w versions have C and 100w versions have V. I’ve never played a 50 and 100 side by side, but I will say FWIW that my 50w MC2 is my favorite of the MCs I’ve owned.
Rick will say that any tonal difference is internet BS. Nowadays… 50w versions have C and 100w versions have V. I’ve never played a 50 and 100 side by side, but I will say FWIW that my 50w MC2 is my favorite of the MCs I’ve owned.
Interesting, I wonder where these descriptions of V’s and C’s sound differences came from. I’d like to try a 50w Wizard. If I sell enough stuff maybe I’ll try to get a 50w EL34 Hell Razor
Interesting, I wonder where these descriptions of V’s and C’s sound differences came from. I’d like to try a 50w Wizard. If I sell enough stuff maybe I’ll try to get a 50w EL34 Hell Razor
Mine has neither a C or V. It was made before either of those I am thinking. There have been two OT’s in mine. Both Mercury. First one was not right, don’t remember what it was now. We talked about what I wanted tone wise and he sent me a different one. That is the one still in it. Much better. Never tried one of the newer ones.
Mine has neither a C or V. It was made before either of those I am thinking. There have been two OT’s in mine. Both Mercury. First one was not right, don’t remember what it was now. We talked about what I wanted tone wise and he sent me a different one. That is the one still in it. Much better. Never tried one of the newer ones.
What year is yours from? The 1996 MC I had used C's. I think all of these were Mercury
What year is yours from? The 1996 MC I had used C's. I think all of these were Mercury
Mine was built in between ACDC tours when Wizard wasn’t in production. He fixed my old Metal and then built this one for me, how I wanted it. 2004-05 somewhere in there. Original had gray covers and some numbers stamped on it, no idea what. It was a Mercury cause Rick had me send it to them to check out after he sent this one to me. It was funny, he asked me at one point if I was looking for VH tone…? Big fat NO on that one.
Mine was built in between ACDC tours when Wizard wasn’t in production. He fixed my old Metal and then built this one for me, how I wanted it. 2004-05 somewhere in there. Original had gray covers and some numbers stamped on it, no idea what. It was a Mercury cause Rick had me send it to them to check out after he sent this one to me. It was funny, he asked me at one point if I was looking for VH tone…? Big fat NO on that one.
One thing we both always agree on (and outliers here for) is the VH related stuff lol, especially the leads