Are Winged C Power Tubes worth the extra $?

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Looks like I need some new power tubes, 6L6's. Is a quad of Winged C's worth the extra money? My amp has regular Mesa power tubes which is believe are JJ's. I can buy a quad of regular JJ's for a decent price on Ebay, anywhere from $70 - $90. I see Doug's Tubes has a quad of Winged C's for $180. Worth the difference?
danyeo":3fhikzrg said:
I see Doug's Tubes has a quad of Winged C's for $180. Worth the difference?

I had some Winged C's in my Recto and found them to be muddy IMO. I much prefer the Mesa STR440 (Ruby 6L6GGCMSTR). Before they break in they can be a little fizzy in the highs, but give it a good 8 hours of play time and then the calm down and sound so smooth and round.

Not a huge fan of JJ power tubes. A great band-for-the-buck tube for Mesa's are the Sovtek WXT+. Amazing tone for little money.

Hope that helps.
Winged -C- El 34's always sounded good to me but when I tried the 6l6's in a few amps no big deal.
Did nothing for a SLO.
nothng wrong with JJ's. very durable tube IMO. I have them in most of my Marshalls, Fender with 6l6's and they came stock in my new Bogner Duende with 6v6's..which kicks balls..
I didn't notice any difference in a Mesa DC5. I just bought some for my Mark IV. We'll see. I like the Rubys too and they are cheaper.
No would be the short answer. I had a quad when they were only like $100 a quad new and at that price I did like them a bit better than either the Ruby 6l6gc-mstr's or the JJ's. At over twice the price not a chance as it's a slight difference and in your circuit may not be a good change. Lately I have been getting the old NOS Shuguang 6l6gcr's off of Ebay and LOVE them! They were actually the Mesa str-420 at one point and are dirt cheap and really musical. Give them a whirl.

You know...I have been around with tubes...Tried a production/old NOS....which I love doing. I gotta say T.A.D. has won me over on some of their tubes. I use variations for each of my amps.
I have found that I prefer the Ruby EL34BSTR in my amps...

Depends on the amp, the type of tube, and your preferences. When it came to 6550s, the Winged =C= kicked ass. To each their own.
The 6L6's didn't do much for the amps I've tried them in. I might be forced to pay more for the EL34, because I like certain amps with that specific tube, but I didn't notice the same difference in the 6L6 compared to other brands. I've liked the Ruby/TAD, JJ, and whatever Mesa is re-branding for their amps right now.
fluff191":33let58c said:
danyeo":33let58c said:
I see Doug's Tubes has a quad of Winged C's for $180. Worth the difference?

I had some Winged C's in my Recto and found them to be muddy IMO. I much prefer the Mesa STR440 (Ruby 6L6GGCMSTR). Before they break in they can be a little fizzy in the highs, but give it a good 8 hours of play time and then the calm down and sound so smooth and round.

Not a huge fan of JJ power tubes. A great band-for-the-buck tube for Mesa's are the Sovtek WXT+. Amazing tone for little money.

Hope that helps.

Wow, I've heard the exact opposite. Interesting. I don't see how the Winged C can really be that much of a game changer on fixed bias Mesas in the first place. The little bits of variance that you might get in signal -- could it really make or break the Mesa tone. Personally, you fall in love with an amp that you play, as it is set from the factory -- at least, this is true most of the time. I prefer to stick with Mesa branded tubes since they sound great as is.
I usually end up using JJ E34L. I swapped in a quad of those for the Mesa EL34s in my Stiletto II and then amp had better bass response and more balls in general.

I'm not so sure that the =C= are worth the extra money, I run one side of my S120 with =C= and the other with E34L.

call eurotubes and ask, they're obviously biased but they're cool and will chat with you about amps/tubes for a good 10 mins...

funny thing about tube threads is just about everybody has their own preference, there is no "right" answer...
oh, and yes, JJs have been very durable/reliable even in cranked loud (abusive) situations.

I had some E34Ls in my TSL 100 for a year, rehearsed 2 times a week for a year with masters over noon and they lasted at least one year and no shorts, fails, wierd sounds, issues, etc.
JJ E34L is the best sounding EL34 type of the newer designs. This tube has 15% more output than a standard EL34. It will handle higher plate voltages as those in Marshalls. Sound is rich, complex and harmonically balanced. Perfect for most British-style amps, etc.

I've learned that ultimately practicing and learning techniques and music theory are way better investments than tube experimentations. Unless you go from EL34 to KT66, for example, which is a different ball game. But going from say, JJ E34L to =C= is not going to be a huge difference, really.
For 6550s I have not found anything better, unfortunately. For EL34s and 6L6s, there are many other options.
fluff191":4pqy9c9v said:
danyeo":4pqy9c9v said:
I see Doug's Tubes has a quad of Winged C's for $180. Worth the difference?

I had some Winged C's in my Recto and found them to be muddy IMO. I much prefer the Mesa STR440 (Ruby 6L6GGCMSTR). Before they break in they can be a little fizzy in the highs, but give it a good 8 hours of play time and then the calm down and sound so smooth and round.

Not a huge fan of JJ power tubes. A great band-for-the-buck tube for Mesa's are the Sovtek WXT+. Amazing tone for little money.

Hope that helps.

Good point. I love Winged C 6L6 in my 5150, they're perfect and beyond worth the extra money. Thinking back to when I owned a Mesa, I do think that I preferred the Ruby GCMSTR over the Winged C 6L6 in that amp. Not that either sounded bad, just more fitting I guess.
I really like =C=, but I think their EL34's are better than their 6L6GC's. That said after the price increase, I am looking elsewhere. I have only had power tubes go bad on my twice, once was some Mesa branded tubes, the other was JJ 6L6GC, so I am not sold on the reliability of JJ's.

I had liked the tone of the TADs, but only tried a quad so far, so I don't know the reliability yet. I like these a lot for more modern amps.
I have a ser of mullard reissues in my amp, of unknown age. I compared them (in a 50 watt instance) to an old set of winged Cs and they were comparable. Whatever advantages the winged Cs had over them is lost in the price, IMO. And I love winged Cs. I wish they were more competitively priced.