Bad news for B.A.D

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Whoa that's terrible if true! Hope the firefighter that was injured makes a full recovery.
Ot:Is there a specific reason why Egnater is called Egnator?
Wow that sucks, Hope Everyone is alright. I wonder whats going to happen to Recent orders? Including my Diezel VHX Half Stack.
Is what insurance is for. Hopefully the firefighter is alright.

No doubt used prices of all carrier brands will now skyrocket due to the now obvious lack of availability.

I wonder if there is such a thing as good tone fire? Is it more orange than yellow?
His name is Bruce Egnater - the company is called Egnater. Anything else is a simple typo. Thousands of amps going up in flames is probably bigger news.
Just asking, showing concern won't make thing any less dramatic
This is horrible. But it says A warehouse, surely they have more than one?
This is horrible. But it says A warehouse, surely they have more than one?

The owner posted that it was their manufacturing facility. The back portion of the building (which is occupied by another tenant) is completely gone. They have to wait until tomorrow to find out the extent of the damage to their side.
Thats the problem with 80 year old warehouses but that fire could have started for tons of reasons including nefarious.
This is when you find out whats covered in the fine print of your Insurance policy.
Likely a total loss. What the fire didn't destroy the smoke & water will.
Our manufacturing building was ablaze earlier this evening. The fire department did an amazing in preventing the fire from consuming the entire structure. These fire fighters are true heroes.
The back portion of the building (which is occupied by another tenant) is completely gone. Our hearts go out them. We will have to wait till tomorrow to see the extent of the damage to our side. The electricity is completely shut off and the building is under a foot of water. We will be shut down for a while, but it could have been WAY WAY worst.
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes...
Wow, that's horrible. Hope the FF recovers quickly and they are are able to get up and running again.