Bad news for Mastodon fans

I'm kind of relieved for them tbh. I know a couple of the guys in the Mastodon camp, and Brent is (and always has been) a violent, volatile alcoholic. To the point where it's a nightly ordeal with him. I've witnessed it personally. In the last Mastodon interview before they announced the split, it was just Brann, Troy, and Brent. And Brann had a black eye. I'm sure if it weren't for his amazing contributions and signature style that he gives to Mastodon, Brent would have been out a long time ago. They're all still immensely talented players, and I hope they can pull off some killer albums without him, but they've been doing the thing for over 25 years now. I think they've earned some peace when they're out on the road, instead of having to be under constant stress by their violent drunk uncle of a guitarist. If they can't write any good new material, fuck it just let them tour on their old stuff. Pretty sure that's what the fans want anyway.
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I'm kind of relieved for them tbh. I know a couple of the guys in the Mastodon camp, and Brent is (and always has been) a violent, volatile alcoholic. To the point where it's a nightly ordeal with him. I've witnessed it personally. In the last Mastodon interview before they announced the split, it was just Brann, Troy, and Brent. And Brann had a black eye. I'm sure if it weren't for his amazing contributions and signature style that he gives to Mastodon, Brent would have been out a long time ago. They're all still immensely talented players, and I hope they can pull off some killer albums without Brent, but they've been doing the thing for over 25 years now. I think they've earned some peace when they're out on the road, and not having to be constantly under stress by having a violent drunk uncle as a guitarist. If they can't write any good new material, fuck it just let them tour on their old stuff. Pretty sure that's what the fans want anyway.
Oh man..
It will be a long recovery for him.. Not impossible, but the odds are against him.
He's been living the face tattoo life for a long time. You just don't turn it off and go straight..
He won't be working the lumber dept at Home Depot.. As long as he has money he will do whatever the fuck he wants at least until he hits rock bottom.
All the best..
Who is that band with the stocky frontman who wears an armor vest and camo pants?
Believe he has a short mowhawk.
Who is that band with the stocky frontman who wears an armor vest and camo pants?
Believe he has a short mowhawk.
Sabaton. Looks like a G.I. Joakim action figure

I'm kind of relieved for them tbh. I know a couple of the guys in the Mastodon camp, and Brent is (and always has been) a violent, volatile alcoholic. To the point where it's a nightly ordeal with him. I've witnessed it personally. In the last Mastodon interview before they announced the split, it was just Brann, Troy, and Brent. And Brann had a black eye. I'm sure if it weren't for his amazing contributions and signature style that he gives to Mastodon, Brent would have been out a long time ago. They're all still immensely talented players, and I hope they can pull off some killer albums without Brent, but they've been doing the thing for over 25 years now. I think they've earned some peace when they're out on the road, instead of having to be under constant stress by their violent drunk uncle guitarist. If they can't write any good new material, fuck it just let them tour on their old stuff. Pretty sure that's what the fans want anyway.
Didn't Brent rough up his melon on some concrete? I remember him being in a bad way for a minute after some self-inflicted stupidity.
Didn't Brent rough up his melon on some concrete? I remember him being in a bad way for a minute after some self-inflicted stupidity.
Yeah he started shit with the bassist from System of a Down outside of some awards ceremony in Vegas iirc, then got knocked out and cracked his skull on the pavement and almost died. Then he wrote Crack the Skye on his girlfriend's couch while he was healing up.
Hot take: Brent was my least favorite part of the band. Couldn't stand his voice, or his face. They haven't written anything great since long ago so might as well bring in new blood.