Bad news for Mastodon fans

I swear if Cory Feldman blows this opportunity…
It's between him and Machine Gun Kelly.

Eh, I liked Brent as a kooky character with a unique lead style but live he’s pretty trash. I’ve liked every Mastodon album and I’m interested to see how the new stuff sounds and especially interested in catching a live show again. He was a liability all the times I have seen them, mostly vocally and rhythm guitars.
I like Brent's playing and his voice fits the parts that he sings in my opinion. Once you hit the serious pro level though, too much money involved to be a liability all the time. Enough stress around already to have to worry about one guy showing up hammered and slopping his way through a show.
It made me think of Kiss where everyone hated Peter and Ace leaving but there was this monolithic band to keep functioning and not die on the vine. Paul and Gene get a lot of shit about it but unless you’ve tried to get teamwork or creativity on a schedule out of an addict, you’ll never know the insane levels of frustration. Having Eric and Tommy wear the same makeup is a separate issue that blew hard.
I wouldn't know of course but being in a band like Mastodon and practicing, recording and hitting the road for shows would be hard without an addiction, let alone with one. Any band really - like you are saying @skoora - and KISS is a great example. What had to be done had to be done.
That sucks. Theoretically, they should be able to take the hit, considering they can all sing and still have Bill. Guess we will see who had the most input on song and riff writing, an underappreciated skill IMO.
Wow. That is a tough gig. Ben is an excellent player though. Interested in watching how this plays out. Good for him!
Love these guys. They're local, and this had been coming for many, many years. The other three are just too laid back and professional to have a constant potential trainwreck like Brent lurking around. Though his tone is undeniable and scorching, and Peter Griffen-esque vocals are addictive 😉.

They'll do just fine with whomever they land with, and it will be a welcome/needed kick in the arse music-wise. As for Brent, sadly I think he's destined to go the angry panhandler route unless he gets his act together.
BLOOD MOUNTAIN was my 1st Mastodon. They dont make the same album over and over which I like (y)
Blood Mountain was the first album I heard from them so I went to the show and Brent and Brann walked in to the bar and just looked around so I went up to them and said, "Hey!" They were cool as hell. Brent had just gotten his forehead tattoo and Brann came back up after the show and signed a used stick without even asking and gave it to me.

I've ended up meeting them a couple of other times over the years and they're always so cool and welcoming. I'm glad the new guy worked out so well so quickly.

I filled in on quick notice for guys who got sick in classic rock bands back in the day. I'm shaking my head thinking about a couple of those gigs!

One time, the band I was asked to play for gave me a list of songs to learn over night. On the way to the gig, an ad came on the radio advertising the band as a Zeppelin tribute band. None of the songs they had me learn were Zeppilin songs!!! I looked at the lead singer and drummer who were both red in the face! WTF? right? I pulled off the highway and bought the three Zeppilin tapes I could find. Luckily we were the headliners and I could sit in my van for the next few hours learning some songs. We rocked, mainly because the lead singer was "Plant".
