Bernie Sanders Issues Dire Warning About State Of U.S.

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We've gone from taxing the richest Americans from 50% in the 1950's to 15% or less nowdays. That's the reason the middle class was much better off then. Trickle down has never worked and never will. It only makes the rich even richer and the rest get bread crumbs. Cutting taxes for the rich has never benefitted the workers, ever.
I think you would be better off in a socialist country, why wait 20 years for it to "play out"?
The countries with the highest standards of living, smartest and healthiest populations, most life satisfaction and happiness are the Scandinavian "Socialist" democracies. They are no more socialist than the United States. But they are culturally homogenous and far, far less corrupt than the US. At the end of the day, a Nation needs to do what works for the people, not what fits into an ideology, which can be twisted and sold to a population so they come to love and defend their own servitude.

The system is corrupt. I agree. That doesn't mean his critiques aren't spot on. He's no more a part of the system than any of you making excuses for it, offering the hopes of one day being your own billionaire, furthering the fairy tale that we live in a meritocracy and a capitalist system.
That’s obviously not true.
We've gone from taxing the richest Americans from 50% in the 1950's to 15% or less nowdays. That's the reason the middle class was much better off then. Trickle down has never worked and never will. It only makes the rich even richer and the rest get bread crumbs. Cutting taxes for the rich has never benefitted the workers, ever.
You understand that the top 1% already pay 70% of all income taxes right ?

Letting corrupt politicians and their benefactors get rich and offsetting it by raising taxes on everyone above some predetermined income level is bullshit. Something like 50% of people in this country pay zero income tax. In fact quite a few of them get tax returns while paying zero income tax.

Taxation is theft and if it’s going to be tolerated everyone should be taxed at the same rate. Period.
Taxation is theft and if it’s going to be tolerated everyone should be taxed at the same rate. Period.
There have been tons of studies that show that the uber rich have an overall lower effective tax rate than the middle class. This is largely because of capital gains the the means to exploit loophooles that their bought off politicians create for them.
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You understand that the top 1% already pay 70% of all income taxes right ?
This says nothing. If the uber rich make the majority of the money then they are paying the majority of taxes, even if they are taxed at a lower rate than everyone else.
This says nothing. If the uber rich make the majority of the money then they are paying the majority of taxes, even if they are taxed at a lower rate than everyone else.

And they aren’t.
There have been tons of studies that show that the uber rich have an overall lower effective tax rate than the middle class. This is largely because of capital gains the the means to exploit loophooles that their bought off politicians create for them.
You get all that from MSNBC or something dude.

Let’s start with capital gains not being taxed the same as income tax. Short term capital gains tax rates ARE taxed as regular income tax. Long term is either 0%, 15% or 20%. What is your ETR ?

Congress creates tax codes. And anyone who doesn’t take advantage of deductions or regular accounting practices with regards to the tax code needs a new accountant.

And they aren’t.

Brother you need to let go of those "team sport politics" blinders.
It’s very difficult when dirty libs love illegal aliens, indoctrinating children, men in women’s sports, boys in girls bathrooms, trannies reading to little kids and dancing naked around them, etc.
It’s very difficult when dirty libs love illegal aliens, indoctrinating children, men in women’s sports, boys in girls bathrooms, trannies reading to little kids and dancing naked around them, etc.
I get it. It's just not the majority of people though, democrats or liberals. But hey, I'm all for locking up those who abuse and enable the abuse of children. Especially those in authority — the politicians, school administrators, doctors, medial boards, psychiatrists and hospital CEOs. Remember though, the oligarchy doesn't care whether Trump or Biden is in power, whether your children get sex changes or not. They want you divided and bickering instead of organizing against them.
It's amazing to me the amount of time and energy people put into this kind of bs when they could be out getting a job instead of crying about being a victim.
Says the well-to-do business owner's trophy wife ?

I hate to break it to you, but I grew up poor and made my own way. Worked hard and paid off school on my own, took risks and invested into my research and passions. Worked 12-16 hour days 6-7 days/week for nearly two decades until my rewards for that hard work and risks came to fruition. I didn't leach off of people or cry about how unfair everything is. Our businesses are our businesses, not something either of us did on our own. We both started with nothing, lived below our means, saved, invested, and supported each other. Nothing was handed to me. People just don't want to put in the time, they want immediate satisfaction and blame others for their predicaments.
A lot of it floating around these days. I think a lot of people have just fallen for the trap of there is no way up. Just don't give into that kind of mindset, because it's not true, it's just told to people to keep them there.
Your error is believing that because things worked out for you, then if everyone else did what you did it would work out for them too. That's a common bias. There are plenty and growing numbers of people who did everything they were "Supposed" to do, lived smart, worked hard and have nothing to show for it. Regardless, glad to hear of your success! Curious though, what kind of business(s) did you build with your husband for almost two decades that enabled your current life of seeming luxury?