Bernie Sanders Issues Dire Warning About State Of U.S.

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My investments weren't in the stock market, my investments were working my ass off extra to play it and get into other types.
Okay so if you didn't invest in the stock market and your current businesses aren't the source, then what was it?
You know the rules. So, why are you trying to play against them? Use them to your advantage. It's a long game. Too long to be trying to constantly chase after cheat codes that don't really exist given the odds.

There are a lot of directions the world can go. I prefer not to constantly swim against a tide that's bigger than me. Instead, I can turn around and look forward in the direction it's taking me, and change my position as needed. Selling out? Family comes first, every single time. Look to new avenues for opportunity. Make long term plans. End of year plan, two year, five year, ten, etc... and have plan B, C, and D always on hand. Change direction when you have to and create new plans. Make the best with what you have and add even more sacrifice to that to pay yourself interest over time. That's the recipe. You can still surf in life without being stuck as just another NPC going with the flow of the waves. ? ?‍♀️
I 100% agree with this sentiment. But it doesn't change the fact that the system is rigged. And if your current gig goes south, next time around might not work out as well, and you might have wished you instead spent some time fighting for a better playing field.
Don't tell Floyd, but truly rich people don't work half as hard as they tell you they do.
You don't know any truly rich people dude. If they don't have a fucking runway and/or a helopad in the back yard, they ain't rich. They just think they are. ?
You don't know any truly rich people dude. If they don't have a fucking runway and/or a helopad in the back yard, they ain't rich. They just think they are. ?
Well how would you know? What do you think is truly rich? Supposedly rich people buy mansions, Ferraris and planes and then have to give them up when business goes south. Give me a net worth number.
I would rather live with less than work that much at a day job.
All good homey. Everything ain't for everybody.

I got this friend. We'll call him Kyle. Cuz his name is Kyle. I've known him since about 4th grade. Really good guitar player, but also a massive trip head burnout. Dreds down to his ass these days. He's I guess 54 or so now. I saw him the other day crossing the highway to the gas station, maybe a hundred yards from where he grew up ( the same town where I grew up) with his guitar case in his hand. He can be found around town playing songs in front of bars and gas stations. Busking. He never had a job that I'm aware of. Never asked anyone for a kick down, though we've all let him crash at our pads for a few days at a time here and there over the years. I have no clue where he's sleeping now, but I can tell you it isn't anyplace he owns or rents. I could never live like that, but I don't like him less or think any less of him because of it. In fact I worry what he's gonna do when really old age sets in. I still consider him my bro.
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I never understood why anyone should have a say or give a fuck about what someone else pays in taxes.
That's retarded. You're getting taxed more which keeps you down while the big boys are getting taxed less, allowing them to use their money at an advantage. Or to simply enjoy it.
Well how would you know? What do you think is truly rich? Supposedly rich people buy mansions, Ferraris and planes and then have to give them up when business goes south. Give me a net worth number.
I know plenty of people with Ferraris and what would be considered mansions. Some of them are related to me. My cousin and her husband retired at 50-ish after selling their business. At the time it was the 3rd largest printing company in the country. They have a mansion here, a bad ass house at the lake and 2 houses in Florida. No runway or helicopter though.

August Busch IV. I saw that dude set his helicopter down at Denny Dennis ( a local sporting goods store), drunk on his ass. Goes in and starts directing his assistant to buy that gun, that gun, that gun, that gun, 8 fucktons of ammo, stumbles his ass back to the helicopter and starts cramming all that shit in there. Cops come. They have a brief ( very brief) conversation. Cops leave, he flies his ass on out of there. And when I say he flies his ass out of there, I mean the dude literally is flying his helicopter, blatantly drunk as fuck and landing it on parking lots of gun stores and wherever the fuck else he wants to.

That's rich.
That's retarded. You're getting taxed more which keeps you down while the big boys are getting taxed less, allowing them to use their money at an advantage. Or to simply enjoy it.
Dude, if I wanted more, I'd go out and get it. If you do, you should go out and get it. Why the fuck would you be jealous of what some other mother fucker is doing ?

The biggest problem with the world today is people don't mind their own business.
Well how would you know? What do you think is truly rich? Supposedly rich people buy mansions, Ferraris and planes and then have to give them up when business goes south. Give me a net worth number.
Wardell "Steph" Curry is rich. The guy who signs Wardell's check is "wealthy". There is the difference.

For what it's worth, the people I have known who have the most cash are complete workaholics. They might not be "on the job" assholes and elbows type work but they prioritize moneymaking opportunity over personal pleasure time. I've also never met a rich person who admits they are rich. It's always denial because almost no one you ask will say they have "enough" money. Also it seems to be a trait of rich people that they are cheap as hell.

Used to work for a guy like that. Irresponsible employee, boat captain, probably pilled out and inattentive bounces an outdrive off the seafloor. 10k loss right there. Boss comes out in his shorts at 4:40 in the afternoon and changes the outdrive while the boat's floating near the shoreline so they can pull another thousand bucks in rides. Not a word said to the captain. Meanwhile other dude missed a $5 chair rental and the boss flips his shit on the dude.
Like Floyd, I mostly grew up with nothing. Lower middle class at best. My parents couldn't afford to buy me a bike, or a trip to Philmont with the Scouts, or even college for that matter. They were too busy getting Masters and Doctorate degrees in Sociology :(

So you know what I did? I worked for it. I cut grass at a young age. My cheapest yard/lady paid $2.35 :lol: I put a 10 speed on layaway and paid it down as quickly as possible. Then I got a paper route and expanded it to 2 and worked on new subscriptions as well as getting my money from the delinquents. Once I could drive I killed it. Then I got a job at Pizza Hut where I learned the most about being a diligent worker with an eye on moving up. I was able to pay for my Scout trips and Band trips etc. Each job was a stepping stone that helped with the next gig. I won't bore you any further with all the jobs and how I got them but I got myself though college even though I didn't really want to.

But I wouldn't have gotten my current job without a 4yr degree so back in those days, it was a requisite mostly. And I had to somewhat fake it as I was not technically qualified. I didn't get a degree in computers or software or engineering. I forced myself to learn technical things that I had no background in. But now, I am in sales/consulting in a big ass telco/tech firm doing technical projects that we outsource using internal and 3rd party partners to meet a contract Scope of Work that I develop, manage and bill for. Pre through Post. That allowed me to accumulate a 401k and a pension. Not really bragging either. It was hard work and I didn't have a lot of freedom to just so whatever the hell I wanted.

PS: Technically I retired 2 years ago and came back as a contractor. :D

My idea of luxury is a 750+ acre place on a nice creek with a one room shack on it. And I mean shack. Hydro power an epic deep freeze and just fill it full of wild game, have a sweet garden, stack firewood deep, hit my book of hours, then play guitar on the porch or fly fish the rest of the day.

I'm working on it :yes:
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Dude, if I wanted more, I'd go out and get it. If you do, you should go out and get it. Why the fuck would you be jealous of what some other mother fucker is doing ?

The biggest problem with the world today is people don't mind their own business.
It's not jealousy, I'm doing okay. It's being aware of an increasingly rigged system and seeing the outcome for the next generation.

No, you couldn't just go out and be a multi-millionaire — let alone a billionaire — if you wanted to.
It's not jealousy. It's being aware of an increasingly rigged system and seeing the outcome for the next generation. I'm doing okay.

No, you couldn't just go out an be a multi-millionaire — let alone a billionaire — if you wanted to.
Sure I could. So could you. Look at the dude who started Wendys. Look at that dumb bitch bartender from NYC. Couldn't afford an apartment in DC 5 years ago, today she's worth about 26 million.

Priorities dude.

Money doesn't necessarily mean success. We all choose our own path. And the world is an oyster.
Sure I could. So could you. Look at the dude who started Wendys. Look at that dumb bitch bartender from NYC. Couldn't afford an apartment in DC 5 years ago, today she's worth about 26 million.

Priorities dude.

Money doesn't necessarily mean success. We all choose our own path. And the world is an oyster.
That's the story that you've been sold — "See the Wendy's guy? It could happen to you! Or the bartender!" Some people win the lottery Floyd, but 99% don't.
Becoming a multi millionaire is easy. It's the first million that's the struggle.
So what would you guys do with a million bucks if you wanted to make a million more?
That's the story that you've been sold — "See the Wendy's guy? It could happen to you! Or the bartender!" People win the lottery Floyd, but most don't.

So what would you guys do with a million bucks if you wanted to make a million more?
Well dude, I personally know millionaires that grew up with me. A million dollars isn't as much as you think it is.
There was a welder where I work. He retired about 5 or 6 years ago. Started at the company when he was about 19. Walked out the door with 3 million dollars in pension and 401k.

When I retire, if projections hold, I will have over a million. And I started working at this company when I was 44.
Money doesn't necessarily mean success.
Agreed. If you cannot find contentedness with what you have then having more will not make you feel successful either.

So what would you guys do with a million bucks if you wanted to make a million more?
Well if you want to make a small fortune in the music business you start with a large fortune lol. But if we are talking outside of music I would probably make a few real estate investments.
Don't tell Floyd, but truly rich people don't work half as much as they'd have you believe.

Most of them did to get there.
Doesn't mean that they always do now.

Okay so if you didn't invest in the stock market and your current businesses aren't the source, then what was it?

Read the whole sentence you replied to, I guess ?‍♀️.

I 100% agree with this sentiment. But it doesn't change the fact that the system is rigged. And if your current gig goes south, next time around might not work out as well, and you might have wished you instead spent some time fighting for a better playing field.

Hence plan A-Z. It's a lot easier than having no plan at all other than a reactionary one. If it's not up your alley; You would probably get further with your goals if you ran for an office over trying to convince likely majority capitalists on a guitar forum to play along with socialism = good. Show us your plans and ideas instead of being seemingly being disgruntled and not really doing anything towards actual net gains of furthering the agenda you wish for.