Best "cheap" piece of gear you've ever bought

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My $500 Ibanez Artist is WAY fucking nicer than it has any business being. Thing plays like a dream and sounds incredible (i did swap the pickups for a seth lover and 59)


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I got a Digitech pedal and a Fender Mexican Strat for $100 off Craigslist about 10 years ago. Didn't like either one though.

The best deal on something really cheap was a Blackstar ID:Core 40 head I got new from MF on SDOTD sale for like $80. That thing can hang with a DSL40 and makes me want to get a Blackstar tube amp some day. Sounds really good
Tagima Woodstock series offset tw61. Plays well, pickup are solid, though probably going to be replaced. Just a lot of guitar for under $200 used. For the traditional jazz master fans, the tagima tw61 has the wrong bridge, wrong pickups in p90s, so it’s kind of a mutt, but I like the mutt.

Another that comes to mind is the $40 digitech istomp. App still works too. That has been my extra delay, reverb, pog, etc when I have needed it. Great pedal to loan out too, as I can make it what they need.
I bought a Peavey Nitro Custom III in mint condition, all original. Peavey isn't known for their guitars, but this thing screamed. It was in factory brand new condition as well. The case was original with everything from when it was purchased. In fact I knew a dude who ran a music store in the town I bought it and he look at the hand written original receipt and confirmed it was his handwriting dated 25 years ago. I got it for 200.00 USD, and sold it 6 months later for 220. I immediately regretted it. Had the Kahler Spyder trem, which was really an underrated trem system.
I got a real ES-335 on eBay around 2002 for $1000, which was a great deal then, but not an incredible one.. I later traded it even up for a like new SLO with a flight case. I paid for shipping both ways, so I had about $1200 into it. That was the steal of the century. Sold it for $2700 after years of gigging with it.
A lot of LTD mentions here. My LTD H400 is mine. It's bone stock, and I keep comparing it to guitars 5x the price. My buddy trued off all his guitars but that one to move away. I gave him $400 for that one (what he paid for it). He still regrets it, but I'll let him play it when he's in town.
Best cheap gear to me is still a ts9 . That sucker can make or break certain amps and help with lead tones when in a bind
TC Spark Booster full size - $28
Rowin Noise Gate - $35
Behringer Super Fuzz - $25
Caline English Man - $25
Demon FX Precision Drive - $30
I bought my Charvel 750XL for $250 and that guitar carried me through high school and college as my main practice and jamming guitar. I will probably revive it soon with fresh hardware and pickups.
Danelectro 6 band EQ = $35 new
Digitech Bad Monkey OD = $50 new
Schecter C1+ = $300 new
Peavey Vypyr 60 tube = $315 used
Mesa Rectoverb head = $490 used
Has to be the ole Boss TU-2 I bought forever ago and still use regularly.
A buddy of mine picked up a black 80s Hamer usa studio at a yard sale for $80. The finish was fd so he stripped it bare and threw in some emgs. That thing was the best made guitar I had ever played up to that point.
I bought a Randall RG100ES and a Peavey VTM-60 for $200 each ten years ago. That's an amazing sounding solid state amp, especially when it's at band volumes. The VTM is a very under-rated tube amp as well, as most of you already know.
I have an Ibanez DN600 that plays and sounds really good (at least to me) that I got for $400 with a hardshell case.


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