Best Chorus Pedal?

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Nothing beats the Maxon CS9. However, the Keeley Seafoam chorus is great too. I had a Retro Sonic that wasn't bad. The Strymon stuff is pretty good but expensive.
Absolutely love my BYOC analog chorus. It's a CE-2 clone but can go deeper and faster than the Boss. And it's true bypass.
I have an original first run TC elec.chorus ( before they switched the knobs around),I keep coming back to it no matter if I throw country,metal,pop,blues,or whatever at it.The Fulltone choral/flange is killer too.
If you REALLY want the most badass chorus in a pedal, the Boss dimension C is my favorite.

However, I have owned an original 70's CE-2 for over a decade. The new waza is probably great.

The MXR Micro Chorus is also a notable pedal. It might not be as flexible at face value with only one control, but I found it to be the most like a "vintage" chorus; or at least it was the closest to the CE-2 I thought.
There's a reason why everything is a CE-2 clone. I can't comment on tone suck since I've always kept it out of the chain by using a looper.

I use the AM chorus. It's really thick and analog sounding. I like it but really want to check out the Waza CE-2.

Also, the EHX Neo Clone sounds really good and is very affordable! Honestly it's not far behind the AM and I've got them side by side.
glassjaw7":pvcxl06m said:
I use the AM chorus. It's really thick and analog sounding. I like it but really want to check out the Waza CE-2.

Also, the EHX Neo Clone sounds really good and is very affordable! Honestly it's not far behind the AM and I've got them side by side.
You should! I had the EHX Neo Clone and it does something nasty 'phase wise' with distorted tones.

The CE-2 is my benchmark as well; I own 2; 1 silverscrew, one 1 long-dash (both of course black label, MIJ). :rock:

The MXR Analog Chorus (new blue one) would be the best, if not for the noticeable tone-suck, when used in the fx-loop.
tc electronic Corona chorus has "tone print" which is a way to import various different pattern types via your phone. You go through a bunch, 50 or more, of famous guitarist and stores, etc. presets, pick one and beam it from your phone through the pick up in your guitar to the effect pedal. Pure genius and you'll never run out of GAS. So good, it is so good.
Going to bump this up, not sure if this is helpful to the OP or anyone else, but I did get the Boss CE-2 Waza reissue in a couple of days ago. I don't have an original CE-2 to do a true A/B test on, so I want to be careful with saying they nailed it perfectly. I'm going more off my memory of when I had the CE-2 on my board back in the late 80's, but it sure sounds close. Particularly how I remembered it being a little bit on the subtle side, and a really nice tone.

I've never messed with a CE-1 before so I have no frame of reference of what it should sound like, but that mode on the pedal definitely has a "spacier" sound thing going and might be closer to what the OP is looking for (but other suggestions may be much better, I just don't have experience using Chorus for those tones).
There is no best. There are different variants that react to each rig, like most pedals.

This guy over here says this is the best! So you buy it and plug it into your rig and say wa??!! This thing sucks.

Try a few. They're mostly good these days.
2025 update??

Love my PastFX Chorus Ensemble MN3007 but I find the preamp a bit annoying in large chains. It’s a CE-1 clone
I can never get enough Julia from Walrus.
Recent purchases TBD: Diamond Halo Chorus, Analogman Bi-Chorus, Eventide Tricerachorus, JAM Waterfall.
Awesome list of chorus pedals. I guess we all use something different.

I know you said no Digital but the Strymon Ola chorus pedal is pretty damn good.
The Mad Professor Electric Blue Chorus is great for using with high gain.
love this in Australia

based on a CE-2 but with a dry/fx mix control

9 years latter.. Still haven't got one.. LOL I think this is the year..
Gotta be Analog tho.. I have a Lexicon for anything Digital..
Wanna keep it old school because it has that sound..