Best speaker(s) to pair with a Vintage 30

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shit stirring in a speaker thread - who'd a thunk it :confused: :D

V30's and G12T-75's with tone bra's. they take out some of the harshness.

hellatone 60's seem like an awsome speaker, im sure hellatone's and 75's with/without tone bras would sound awsome too.


I have a pair of older V30s and a quad of T75s sitting here collecting dust.

May have to drop those in a cab and see whats up.
My #1 choice would be V30 and CL80. 2nd would be G12H30 and V30. 3rd would be the G12T-75 and V30.

All are pretty standard mixes with a V30. Cl80 or G12T-75 mix will give you the most modern vibe, G12H30 would make it more classic sounding.

Its interesting the article talks about ignoring power handling. I am not sure I would ignore it, its a good thing to keep in mind....
Shawn":l71q9g8l said:
Good maybe you will forget all this and go learn how to play the guitar. PS you dont even need an amp to do that. Oh as far as being crusty i could probably still steal your girlfriend. :lol: :LOL: T ake care.

Its people like you that we come to rig talk and stay away from harmony-central/Gear page go back to your douche bag fan clubs
D-Rock":wombenf6 said:
Wow. Thanks for the kind words Shawn, but I'm through taking advice from hostile, crusty old men.

i just caught this :hys:
Shawn":1ovvyct6 said:
cause ive been playn for 30 years and alot of the myths on the internut in the last 10 years are also bullshit

liamlw":1ovvyct6 said:
why v30 and hellatone ? a hellatone is a v30 broken in...
Mixing speakers isn't bullshit... I seriously wonder how you come to that opinion. Out of those speakers I would mix the hellatone/v30 with a K100.
GOOD ON YA KID. you're a fucking fool. that's why so many guys that actually use it love the tone mixing and recording capabilities hey? bullshit? get real
go troll else where
shawn reminds me of this old fart i tried to help in best buy once.

he wanted a credit card, but made a huge deal out of writing his SSN down for a background check - we had managers there and everything trying to explain to him that i wasnt trying to steal his SSN number. he refused saying "UM NWT SUPPOSED 2 GIVE IT AWT TO ANYONE"

yet, he demanded a line of credit to spend $4,000 on a TV because of his age :lol: :LOL:

he ended up walking out of the store with the SSN credit application in his hand :lol: :LOL:
he reminds me of a 15 year old trying to have fun by 'trolling' people on the internet
maybe he should do something more constructive with his spare time
liamlw":y68a6mam said:
he reminds me of a 15 year old trying to have fun by 'trolling' people on the internet
maybe he should do something more constructive with his spare time

maybe he's retired, hasnt taken his meds, and surfs the internet for lack of social skills? :confused: :dunno:
Shawn":34c7wupp said:
v30 and hellatone 60 would be be a good choice.
You guys notice that after he said mixing speakers is bullshit, he posted this? :confused:
I fucking hate when jaded old tools like this come into forums with this "I was doing this when you were 2 yrs old" bullshit attitude. Let's hear something useful from this guy for once.
I mixed V30s and 75s in a Rivera cab I had. To my ears, with my amp, they sounded better combined than either speaker alone. I got the low and high end from the GT, and the mids from the V30. Sounded very full.
Cause they are both vintage 30`s dumbass :lol: :LOL:

glassjaw7":3k9ubjav said:
Shawn":3k9ubjav said:
v30 and hellatone 60 would be be a good choice.
You guys notice that after he said mixing speakers is bullshit, he posted this? :confused:
I fucking hate when jaded old tools like this come into forums with this "I was doing this when you were 2 yrs old" bullshit attitude. Let's hear something useful from this guy for once.
I cant wait til my playing hit the 30 year mark. Then I will get magically wisked away to the land of the fairies where I will obtain all the knowledge in the universe.

Lighten up Shawn. Are you going to prove your point one of these days? Or did you come here to start some kind of internet brawl? Internet Tuff Guy
Oh yeah, Almost forgot what we were talking about...

I have a cab with 4 v30s and a cab with 2 t75's and 2 v30s in an X. the X cab is my fav by far. theyre both recto 412s. kinda tames some of that V30 ice pick/lazer beam.

best mix of 2 speakers i have ever heard. they are wonderful together. wonderful. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Shawn":1wlofsda said:
Cause they are both vintage 30`s dumbass :lol: :LOL:

glassjaw7":1wlofsda said:
Shawn":1wlofsda said:
v30 and hellatone 60 would be be a good choice.
You guys notice that after he said mixing speakers is bullshit, he posted this? :confused:
I fucking hate when jaded old tools like this come into forums with this "I was doing this when you were 2 yrs old" bullshit attitude. Let's hear something useful from this guy for once.
Well they're not exactly the same, and that doesn't change the fact that you make useless contradictory statements and don't offer anything good to the forum. Dumbass :D
The more I think about it I realize that I'll mostly be using my HT-5 with the cabinet. So a V30/GH30 pairing is sounding good.
The cab will be 60 watts, which is great for the 5 watt HT, and the next amp I buy will most definitely be a 50 watts. So....
Speakers are one thing I'm having a hard time understanding the differences :/
BTW guys, the foe list exist for a reason :D
I like the V30/H30 combo myself. I have a Hellatone 60/30 mix in my cab. Sounds real good to me!

hmm, might find some 75's on ebay and try the x pattern :rock: