Bogner Modded Soldano

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Agreed. I don't get it. At all. Especially after hearing the sound clips.

He has literal spies that report on R/T threads that mention him, last time I participated, I got a Facebook message from him "calling me out for talking shit" when he was "gracious enough to allow me in his Facebook group" (that I didn't know he ran)

Prepare for a "wow bro, why would you hurt me like that" Facebook message @VESmedic 🤣🤣

That is amazing, I have absolutely no doubts. “Gracious enough”…. GTFOH… is this where we bring up his feet fetish thing? That for sure got a rise out of him. If you wanna see him go 0-100, just bring that whole situation up. I didn’t even know anything about it and I said something about rig talk to him once upon a time, and boyyyyyy did he start getting sideways in a hurry. Started cussing someone’s name up and down ( forgot who it was he was mad at)Big soft spot with him, what a clown.
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Where? I don't consider any FB group a forum. Forums are about sharing different viewpoints. FB groups are one sided, narcissistic circle jerks where opposing views are discouraged.

Just because you don’t consider it a forum, doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t. FB gear forums, the big ones anyways, are much much more active than this place. By a long shot. So I’d say they are for sure a thing, albeit I would agree with you on the one sided viewpoint comment though. Pretty easy to get kicked off any of those fb pages if you go against the grain on anything: as sad as it is, much more like in the real world these days too.
About the same size? That’s alittle… harsh. Reza and I have zero in common. I seek validation because I am NEW and DONT know certain things, and want to progress. I think that’s what anyone new does if they like something. I also don’t do anything related to music for a living, nor do I plan to, so I’m no “engineer”, nor have I ever claimed to be anything but what I am ever. Reza talks down and is condescending almost to a fault, if I disagree with someone there is dialogue and conversation about it. that’s the whole point of these boards, or Atleast used to be, before everyone was afraid of confrontation.
Truth be told man. I think Reza is Garbage & I actually LOVE most of the recordings you post. I just see You a better than him & better than the comment ya made that's all. Thank you for your service helping the general public.
Yeah that doesn't sound good at all.

But at the end of the day, if anyone can make a righteous amp sound like a metalzone straight into a car stereo, it's Reza.
Truth be told man. I think Reza is Garbage & I actually LOVE most of the recordings you post. I just see You a better than him & better than the comment ya made that's all. Thank you for your service helping the general public.

Well thanks for the kind words man, honestly! I really don’t post my recordings to show off, I am in no position to be doing anything close to that in my opinion. I do it to learn and get insight from others, because as it was said, that’s how you learn: from other people’s viewpoints. I agree though, stooping to reza’s level is childish, and I should be above it, no doubt about it. It’s hard for me to pull back and not get roped in when I see threads on this guy I will admit! I guess that’s my fault if that’s how my posts come across when I make clips, but it couldn’t be farther from
be truth. I think deep down it drives me nuts when people can’t get what they want out of an amp, or can’t get the sound they hear in their head etc, or they regurgitate things based on their own experiences or lack of ability to get what they want out of an amp etc, making people even more discouraged. The truth is with alittle time and knowledge and the ample Free plugins out in the world it’s easier than ever to feel the satisfaction of making something sound good in your own home. At the end of the day I enjoy showcasing tones, not because I got them, but because it helps other people who are newer than me seep through the mounds of BS online when it comes to guitar equipment. But even more so, I do what I do because I want to learn, and while rig talk isn’t the front of the line resource for modern recording advice always, it does have the unique position of being predominantly metal oriented with tons of guys who record. Can’t say that about gearslutz!
Hell no that`s got to belong to somebody more high up than Reza or whoever he got it from
Reza took it to Reinhold himself. They dialed it in together over the course of a day. It's Reza's amp. No one else "higher up" was involved.
Reza took it to Reinhold himself. They dialed it in together over the course of a day. It's Reza's amp. No one else "higher up" was involved.
Well isnt he special. I wanted him to mod a ubershit so it was usable, he wouldnt. I must not be special. :unsure:
It's just all wrong.
Why would Reinhold even touch that amp?
Why would RB be happy that the amp is being touted as the shit with a Soldano badge on it??
Doesn't Bogner already have a gained up amp?
The clip sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
No tone, just grit.. Probably a SM57 right on the voice coil.. Eww..
I know I am making light of this a lot. But realistically, I feel like this forum gets on hate trains so fast. I think friedman modding a wizard, or bogner modding a soldano is fair game. Everyone likes to mod marshalls. Lot of these guys got their start as modders. I am sure Bogner appreciates the slo design albeit he would do it different. Friedman is a really talented modder of all circuits. I wouldn't want anyone to mod my Wizard, but If I had someone in the States do it, I would ask friedman. I was considering getting him to mod my Avenger just because i thought it would be interesting and Mike had stopped doing his own thing and joined with BAD, which made me not feel great. I think the Slo wasn't really my thing when i had it. It was a bit too polite. I think this version sounds a lot ruder. But that could be the way that Reza has it dialed. Definitely doesn't sound like it needs a boost. I think bogner and soldano are both into the dark and smooth amps, so i don't think it is a big reach for going from one amp to another, or having one mod another's. I would actually be interested in a soldano modded twin jet, tbh
I actually like Reza. Whether people think he has a big ego, or his playing and or recording sucks, he’s still out there having fun. 🤷

What I don’t care for is the public bashing of someone’s playing. Sure I might poke fun at someone, but to bash someone is in poor taste. I’ve probably done it n the past myself and I will say now it’s wrong. People play guitar for mostly their own enjoyment… so suck or not, as long as they enjoy it, who are we to criticize? Heck, i suck and have a blast playing 35 year old songs. 🤣
he went off on a tirade when i told him his SLO that was for sale at the time sounded a little boxy a while back, even made a video denouncing internet hate.
I agree. I like reza's videos. I think he does a good job turning knobs to demo an amp. I don't care for any videos where he talks about how people hate him, but him playing amps is something I like to see. Plus, he is a gear whore like the rest of us. Used to like Ola videos also, before he started making fart sounds and childish videos. Reza is more to the point of whoring gear. I can get behind that. Plus, I really could give a shit less if someone loves feet. As hilarious as it is
I actually like Reza. Whether people think he has a big ego, or his playing and or recording sucks, he’s still out there having fun. 🤷

What I don’t care for is the public bashing of someone’s playing. Sure I might poke fun at someone, but to bash someone is in poor taste. I’ve probably done it n the past myself and I will say now it’s wrong. People play guitar for mostly their own enjoyment… so suck or not, as long as they enjoy it, who are we to criticize? Heck, i suck and have a blast playing 35 year old songs. 🤣

Well, you obviously haven't heard about what happened with me and Reza then have you?

You might change your opinion if you had.