Bottom Line: Tone-Talk On YouTube is Totally Addictive

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I really just started watching Tone-Talk about 2 months ago...I'm flat out addicted. I know this is old news for a lot of you guys here at Rig-Talk, but I think it's just fantastic. I'm working my way through the entire catalog. I don't understand it...Even the technical jargon that I cannot comprehend, I seem to enjoy. Any particularly stand out episodes that you guys recommend?

I too was late to the party…

The best episode is the Jake E Lee one

I literally scrolled through the entire history when I found it and made a list that got checked off one by one

The Grover Jackson episode is incredible
George Metropolous
All the John Suhr episodes
Adrian Vandenberg
Lee jackson
Steve Stevens
Lukather episodes are epic
Bob Bradshaw episodes
Bob Rock
Soldano episodes!

Really just gotta watch em all, Dave is awesome!
Great stuff. I spend too much time watching those episodes!😆

If you're into Metallica, the Bob Rock one was excellent. Great inside info on the making of the Black album.
Haven't watched/listened to it in quite a while at this point (hasn't been showing up in mah feed) but I used to celebrate them regularly
I can't remember which episode / guest was on for it ... but they talked about rig talk in the first few minutes of the show .... and agreed it was " Toxic " .... lol
I actually like the show a lot .......... I have it on all the time when I'm in the shop or sometimes at my day gig .... I've learned a shit ton from Dave talking to other manufacturers and builders ... the Dave Suhr and Bob Bradshaw ones are really good ones for that kind of thing .

I just remember laughing out loud when they mentioned " Rig Talk "
I love it, it’s pretty much a more in-depth version of the conversations that happen in my living room. The backstories on stuff is great, I loved the shit out of both the Howard Leese and James Brown episodes for all the EVH/5150 talk. Obviously the Jake E Lee episode was their wild card and made for a GREAT 3 hours.

I don’t blame Marc for getting bent out of shape when he came here. To some people “telling it like it is” and “constructive criticism” is simply “I see a chance to be an asshole and I’m going to take it while I put zero effort into doing anything of my own that can be critiqued” While that isn’t exclusive to RigTalk, there’s a fuckton of people here that just shit all over everything, surely believing they’re just “telling it like it is” while having zero idea of the effort behind whatever it is they’re shitting on.
Lol I at least don’t recall Dave saying that. He seems to have been cool on here
They dogged on it when Shea was on but it stopped fast because Shea talked of being on RT and he uses it . The Sloclone guy is the one who really trashed RT . Then after he did a few in the chat chat shit on us RT folk . Also mark was super shitty to me because of my honest review . It was funny af to be honest lol .
I love it, it’s pretty much a more in-depth version of the conversations that happen in my living room. The backstories on stuff is great, I loved the shit out of both the Howard Leese and James Brown episodes for all the EVH/5150 talk. Obviously the Jake E Lee episode was their wild card and made for a GREAT 3 hours.

I don’t blame Marc for getting bent out of shape when he came here. To some people “telling it like it is” and “constructive criticism” is simply “I see a chance to be an asshole and I’m going to take it while I put zero effort into doing anything of my own that can be critiqued” While that isn’t exclusive to RigTalk, there’s a fuckton of people here that just shit all over everything, surely believing they’re just “telling it like it is” while having zero idea of the effort behind whatever it is they’re shitting on.
I didn’t see it that way but understand what you’re saying.
I love it, it’s pretty much a more in-depth version of the conversations that happen in my living room. The backstories on stuff is great, I loved the shit out of both the Howard Leese and James Brown episodes for all the EVH/5150 talk. Obviously the Jake E Lee episode was their wild card and made for a GREAT 3 hours.

I don’t blame Marc for getting bent out of shape when he came here. To some people “telling it like it is” and “constructive criticism” is simply “I see a chance to be an asshole and I’m going to take it while I put zero effort into doing anything of my own that can be critiqued” While that isn’t exclusive to RigTalk, there’s a fuckton of people here that just shit all over everything, surely believing they’re just “telling it like it is” while having zero idea of the effort behind whatever it is they’re shitting on.
Marc is an asshole fr , but I still watch because of Dave and great guests