Bottom Line: Tone-Talk On YouTube is Totally Addictive

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are there prior threads where he got upset? just want to see what happened...
I would like to say for the record that i think the world of dave...that dude has gone well out of his way to help me out and he's just awesome

he'll treat you with respect and decency no matter what walk of life you're from and thats a rarity these days

he's just a class act. i know his amps are not for everyone, but i personally love em. just my 2 cents (y)

and the amount of knowledge and experience and stories he shares on tone talk make it probably my favorite show of all time

i save the episodes for when i workout, its just awesome
They dogged on it when Shea was on but it stopped fast because Shea talked of being on RT and he uses it . The Sloclone guy is the one who really trashed RT . Then after he did a few in the chat chat shit on us RT folk . Also mark was super shitty to me because of my honest review . It was funny af to be honest lol .
Yeah I remember. I also can understand where some of those guys may be coming from. If they’re not on here regularly or not as used to interacting through text, things can get lost in translation and we can see guys as coming off worse than they may be intending
oh and if anyone wants to learn more about dave's upbringing/background/early days in the episode with his childhood friend Marty from Motor City Guitar

the story about how marty met EVH is worth it alone imo, its a great one!

another honorable mention to the the Jeff Pilson/George Lynch episode where they talk about "george blew a tranny" lol
I would like to say for the record that i think the world of dave...that dude has gone well out of his way to help me out and he's just awesome

he'll treat you with respect and decency no matter what walk of life you're from and thats a rarity these days

he's just a class act. i know his amps are not for everyone, but i personally love em. just my 2 cents (y)

and the amount of knowledge and experience and stories he shares on tone talk make it probably my favorite show of all time

i save the episodes for when i workout, its just awesome
I think Dave is a guru….every interaction I have had with him, or seen him have on here-class act.
I think Dave is a guru….every interaction I have had with him, or seen him have on here-class act.

man i've been to tone merchants in LA twice in my life, both times i showed up unannounced and he along with rob navarette and mark day at the time were just the nicest, most welcoming souls i've ever met

they let me hang out and play all the amps and guitars for as long as i wanted, didnt even try to pitch me anything or ask me "if i was close to being done"

those two trips to his shop along with a trip to the suhr HQ are some of my fondest memories. i'm no rockstar but i certainly felt like it on those visits!

EDIT: on the second trip, i walked in and Rob was with the dude who makes DAR amps and they had the FBM prototype...they literally left me alone with it for hours as i just chugged away...not once did anyone bother me....memory just came to me lol...what a fuckin terrific trip that was!
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Dave made a bad deal when he signed up for the new Cameron fiasco. Hindsight is 20/20 and it certainly isn’t his fault that Cameron F’d people over and that Brad King went all Hollywood and Ike Turner during the whole thing.

But yeah, I can see how folks would say the Cameron sub forum and OT are toxic. Otherwise, it’s a bunch of fat ugly dudes talking about Charvels and Boogie Recto Revisions.
What’s he actually done to be an asshole?

If it was the toxic comments, need I remind you of the 20+ page thread from last week where members were talking about kid’s genitals and raping other member’s family members? You know, the usual banter that occurs in OTC.
Again I have an opinion on Marc but I like the show ..he looked bored as fuck to be interviewing Jim Root for the first hour , it was very strange. Then he called me a fuck for pointing it out . End of story
But if apologized for it that would be cool .
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I really enjoyed the Jim Root episode. That said, it was a "lower energy" presentation by comparison to say the Jake E Lee episode. In many cases the overall vibe and pace of an interview style Q&A is dictated by the star (the guest), and as I have seen in other interviews and rig-rundowns Jim comes off as quiet, reserved and thoughtful...I think this may explain, at least in part the overall feel of that particular episode.
I love Tone Talk, like others, have learned a bit and love the interviews.
Great listening on the treadmill every morning.

Dave has the 18 watt TMB I built a while back, gonna do some magic with it.
Ill post a clip full of clams when I get it back...
and members were banned for doing it were they not?

The fact it happened at all and went on for about 2 weeks before it was permanently handled is the point. That kind of shit would not happen on any other forum and I get the “free speech is king” aspect of things, but when adults start talking about kids in a sexual manner like that, the only thing that kind of talk should invite is a permanent ban and an instant removal of all their teeth via fucking steel-toe shoes. The fact it even existed to begin with IS the point.

And that’s not even getting into the constant shit factory that is OTC.

It sucks because this forum has some great people and some badass gear, but the shitbags crawling so far under the bar of decency has become a shitstain on this place and is 100% where that “toxic” reputation has come from. I get the word “toxic”might have woke connotations or whatever, but it is what it is, disgusting behavior you had to ban someone for and it absolutely wasn’t the first time.

And that’s just THAT situation, not to mention anytime something modern or current is brought up here, there’s a few people here that automatically jump to just shitting all over something. It’s not constructive criticism, it’s just “I’m an angry little cunt that didn’t get what I wanted out of the world and RigTalk is my forum for spewing my anger because there’s like-minds there that like it when I do that and agree” Find a Polyphia thread without someone talking about the guitarist’s dicks, it’s impossible here.
I listen to probably 80% of the Tonetalk episodes. Some of the guests just end up being uninteresting to me. I more likely to watch most of the Ask Dave episodes.

I get a sense that Marc isn't the technical, gear-head type that a lot of us are. It seems like he's more there to coordinate and facilitate, and that's fine. It wouldn't be possible without either of them.
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the one where Dave and Mark call Rig Talk " toxic "
That is how most people view RT.

I don't watch Tone Talk. I have seen it a few times.
I pretty much find most of YouTube useless for guitar gear.
The fact it happened at all and went on for about 2 weeks before it was permanently handled is the point. That kind of shit would not happen on any other forum and I get the “free speech is king” aspect of things, but when adults start talking about kids in a sexual manner like that, the only thing that kind of talk should invite is a permanent ban and an instant removal of all their teeth via fucking steel-toe shoes. The fact it even existed to begin with IS the point.

And that’s not even getting into the constant shit factory that is OTC.

It sucks because this forum has some great people and some badass gear, but the shitbags crawling so far under the bar of decency has become a shitstain on this place and is 100% where that “toxic” reputation has come from. I get the word “toxic”might have woke connotations or whatever, but it is what it is, disgusting behavior you had to ban someone for and it absolutely wasn’t the first time.

And that’s just THAT situation, not to mention anytime something modern or current is brought up here, there’s a few people here that automatically jump to just shitting all over something. It’s not constructive criticism, it’s just “I’m an angry little cunt that didn’t get what I wanted out of the world and RigTalk is my forum for spewing my anger because there’s like-minds there that like it when I do that and agree” Find a Polyphia thread without someone talking about the guitarist’s dicks, it’s impossible here.
Well if the way we handle this site doesn’t suit you then by all means feel free to apply for my position. Ohhh wait…you don’t need to do that…you can have my moderator spot. Just let me know and I will forward it up the chain. Just don’t spend your check all in one place. Like I have said many times, you can’t please everyone…and if the grass is greener then head to it. This is the internet and it’s very serious business….bunch of gen x and some boomers talking about gear under aliases…people talk shit constantly…who gives a fuck? You cross the line you get dealt with. It might not happen instantly but it will happen. OTC is OTC. The only way you can get there is to specifically want to go there. So I don’t really know why you’re bringing it up. But hey whatever works for you. You see it one way, I see it another. Besides 99% of the time when something happens that we have to ban someone is usually because someone says something that annoys another member. Then the antpile begins and they start lashing back. It has been the same since hcaf.
The fact it happened at all and went on for about 2 weeks before it was permanently handled is the point. That kind of shit would not happen on any other forum and I get the “free speech is king” aspect of things, but when adults start talking about kids in a sexual manner like that, the only thing that kind of talk should invite is a permanent ban and an instant removal of all their teeth via fucking steel-toe shoes. The fact it even existed to begin with IS the point.

And that’s not even getting into the constant shit factory that is OTC.

It sucks because this forum has some great people and some badass gear, but the shitbags crawling so far under the bar of decency has become a shitstain on this place and is 100% where that “toxic” reputation has come from. I get the word “toxic”might have woke connotations or whatever, but it is what it is, disgusting behavior you had to ban someone for and it absolutely wasn’t the first time.

And that’s just THAT situation, not to mention anytime something modern or current is brought up here, there’s a few people here that automatically jump to just shitting all over something. It’s not constructive criticism, it’s just “I’m an angry little cunt that didn’t get what I wanted out of the world and RigTalk is my forum for spewing my anger because there’s like-minds there that like it when I do that and agree” Find a Polyphia thread without someone talking about the guitarist’s dicks, it’s impossible here.
Everyones seen your and others shit talking about RT on your website. If you don't like it here, you are free to leave. Door is open.
And I will take a healthy dose of toxic over some bland vanilla bullshit any day. But maybe that’s just me….?
Do agree...and I hate the word "toxic". It's an overused term popularized by snowflakes that think the entire world (including message boards) should just be a giant "safe space" where nobody ever says or does anything that they don't agree with. It's weaponized therapy talk, and nothing more. And thank you for your service to the board JBT, not a fun or easy job in my opinion.
Do agree...and I hate the word "toxic". It's an overused term popularized by snowflakes that think the entire world (including message boards) should just be a giant "safe space" where nobody ever says or does anything that they don't agree with. It's weaponized therapy talk, and nothing more. And thank you for your service to the board JBT, not a fun or easy job in my opinion.
Hey thanks bro… you can’t please everyone…this place is full of great people, that’s the only reason I fuck with it.