I wasn't asking as a rhetorical question. I would genuinely like to know from one of the Democrats/Liberals here how you can continue to support a party that constantly insults your intelligence by blatantly lying to your face like this.

*Edit to put the first part of my original question. Not sure why it didn't include it, I must have clicked the wrong button.
They think they’re winning dude.
If republicans weren’t so hopelessly gay and only interested in appeasing liberals while talking a good game to their core they might actually win occasionally 🙄
when they have a majority they don't do anything with it; could have ended obamacare in 2017 but didn't; could have funded the wall in 2017 but didn't; lost the majority in congress in 2018. no difference, they never do anything when the can; then they complain when they're the minority.
when they have a majority they don't do anything with it; could have ended obamacare in 2017 but didn't; could have funded the wall in 2017 but didn't; lost the majority in congress in 2018. no difference, they never do anything when the can; then they complain when they're the minority.
Republicans are worse than useless, they’re basically controlled opposition. A good outlet to distract people who care and desire change. This includes Trumpf, at least his last term.