Breaking news from Germany : Pandemic is a Politic scam

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It's refreshing to see fake alt-right news spread to the German market.
Glad I brushed up on my German before clicking that link😜
I guess we should tell all the dead people to get up and stop being pussies.

Not trying to be snarky, but there is a pile of bodies that disputes it being a hoax.
I guess we should tell all the dead people to get up and stop being pussies.

Not trying to be snarky, but there is a pile of bodies that disputes it being a hoax.
yes but there are also hundreds of thousands of bodies missing given no one died from the flu last year. Also in "flu season" they don't continue to add to the last years number like they are with covid. The death toll number really should have reset late December
In the U.S. between 12,000 to 61,000 die per year from the Flu. In December 63,000 people died from Coronavirus with 21,000 in each of the last two weeks. This is not just a seasonal flu.
I guess we should tell all the dead people to get up and stop being pussies.

Not trying to be snarky, but there is a pile of bodies that disputes it being a hoax.
Dead people cant hear
Fact: Hospitals were given ~$5K (IIRC) per patient if they could show ~162 (IIRC) patients with COVID symptoms - as part of COVID relief package.

That's why we would hear about "so-and-so died of x, but the hospital claimed it was COVID".

That's why the overall stats are way off.

Does it exist? Yes.

But it is nowhere near as bad as what they'd like you think it is - you see, they enjoy the tyranny.
Fact: Hospitals were given ~$5K (IIRC) per patient if they could show ~162 (IIRC) patients with COVID symptoms - as part of COVID relief package.

That's why we would hear about "so-and-so died of x, but the hospital claimed it was COVID".

That's why the overall stats are way off.

Does it exist? Yes.

But it is nowhere near as bad as what they'd like you think it is - you see, they enjoy the tyranny.
Please video yourself riding the subway for a whole day with no mask.

"'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded -- and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency persists."
can i play ? im the one with the tele ibanez

Sounds great JMP2203, that made my fingers hurt just listing to the ascending/descending scales, sweep picking and trills... Most excellent playing

Yngwie would be proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:

I heard alot of influences in the song, kind of like if Yngwie had a death/prog metal band mixed with some Dream Theatre....