Brought to you by demoncrats

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especially in those blue demoncrat sanctuary cities that infringe on Constitutional rights as a matter of course.

at least New Yorkers voted for this; I hope they enjoy the cultural enrichment they asked for!
I do feel bad for the people who can't protect themselves like older women. They have to leave.
I do feel bad for the people who can't protect themselves like older women. They have to leave.
I agree; unless they voted for it.

unfortunately, those actually responsible rarely experience the results themselves first-hand and personally. some do, and some even welcome it. SMH
especially in those blue demoncrat sanctuary cities that infringe on Constitutional rights as a matter of course.

at least New Yorkers voted for this; I hope they enjoy the cultural enrichment they asked for!
Democrat voters; “but……but….but..
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Brought to you by demoncrats...
A new shadowy anti-Trump campaign group called "TrumpWords" is releasing videos on social media featuring child actors who say Trump's past quotes. The videos are going viral among leftists.

Their website doesn't say who is involved in funding or backing the campaign. But a search of the website registration shows a foreign owner in Canada. The group’s “about” section states only that they’re "citizens who value civility, honesty, and kindness" and "are concerned about the example set for our children."

AR’s with bipods and medium/high power scopes in room clearing scenarios…
And he’s the front entry guy..
1 person with a pump shotgun would have those retards shitting themselves and scattering like the cockroaches they are..
Just sayin…