Buying Tubes

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I take it everyone saw EHX public statement no more tubes from Russia.

I need some EL84, 6550 and KT88.
I can’t believe how many amp whores are on this forum without there own tube stash?

I mean, many of us have been doing this for years. If your going to dabble in tube technology, which isn’t a popular tech to begin with, you’d be smart to aquire a stash for a rainy day. Not a great time to start now though. I’d hold off till the panic is over if I were you.
I could run JJ 6CA7s in everything and be content - it’s not the end of the world.

But I’d sell all of my tube amps if I had to run JJ preamps. Rather just go down the modeling path. I can’t stand them.
I could run JJ 6CA7s in everything and be content - it’s not the end of the world.

But I’d sell all of my tube amps if I had to run JJ preamps. Rather just go down the modeling path. I can’t stand them.
How ya like those 6ca7 compared to regular el34, or better E34L if you've tried em?
How ya like those 6ca7 compared to regular el34, or better E34L if you've tried em?
I haven’t tried E34L and only the 5150 is running 6CA7s. It’s a good blend of beam tetrode vs true pentode like an EL34. Lots of extended lows and low mids without sounding hollow like 6L6. It compliments the mids well and IMHO I like them more than running 6L6 but not as much as EL34s which have a better mid frequency location. It could also be time for me to change them but at these prices I’m going to run them until they go.
I can’t believe how many amp whores are on this forum without there own tube stash?

I mean, many of us have been doing this for years. If your going to dabble in tube technology, which isn’t a popular tech to begin with, you’d be smart to aquire a stash for a rainy day. Not a great time to start now though. I’d hold off till the panic is over if I were you.
This. X10.

In addition to the 3 used Winged Cs; I found a few more that hopefully will test well and within range in my Marshalls. 4 more Marshall labeled Svets(Cs), late 90s, 4 Rivera labeled Siemens, and 2 GE 6550s. So, a total of 13 used tubes that cost me around 20 bucks per. All have plenty of getter flash left, and will be added to my stash.

If you HAVE to buy new, good luck. But my experience has been fantastic with strong used vintage tubes; I consider the Svets(Cs) vintage these days. The older vintage tubes will have a FAR longer lifespan than anything manufactured today. Only failed power tubes for me have been JJs; since I've only put Siemens/Mullard/Sylvania/Winged Cs in my amps I haven't EVER had a power tube failure, during my last 10 years of heavy gigging with my amps.
I do like the JJ 6CA7s though.
Do you have a link, a quick search didn’t yield anything
Yesterday, Russia imposed a ban on the export of some 200 goods in response to the sanctions imposed on it over the current conflict in Ukraine. We have confirmed that the ban applies to our seven brands of Russian tubes. Currently, the ban is set to remain in effect until the end of the calendar year.

Given this export ban, we will not be receiving any further tube inventory for these brands. A myriad of pressures — including continued strains on the supply chain, escalating internal expenses, mounting inflation, and an ever-evolving legal landscape (particularly in light of the Ukraine conflict) — have created a very fluid and ambiguous environment. Until we can properly assess the impact of these factors, we will not honor any new orders or ship any more Russian tubes on back order.

Rock & Roll,
Mike Matthews
Founder & President
I can’t believe how many amp whores are on this forum without there own tube stash?

I mean, many of us have been doing this for years. If your going to dabble in tube technology, which isn’t a popular tech to begin with, you’d be smart to aquire a stash for a rainy day. Not a great time to start now though. I’d hold off till the panic is over if I were you.
I have a huge stash from 15 to 20 years ago. :D
Yesterday, Russia imposed a ban on the export of some 200 goods in response to the sanctions imposed on it over the current conflict in Ukraine. We have confirmed that the ban applies to our seven brands of Russian tubes. Currently, the ban is set to remain in effect until the end of the calendar year.

Given this export ban, we will not be receiving any further tube inventory for these brands. A myriad of pressures — including continued strains on the supply chain, escalating internal expenses, mounting inflation, and an ever-evolving legal landscape (particularly in light of the Ukraine conflict) — have created a very fluid and ambiguous environment. Until we can properly assess the impact of these factors, we will not honor any new orders or ship any more Russian tubes on back order.

Rock & Roll,
Mike Matthews
Founder & President
I think what he's asking is for the source of the information because a quick search of the EHX site and twitter does not find any mentions of it.
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Maybe it's time to revisit and further the designs of analog solid state amplifiers? Surely something more than half decent can be achieved in this day and age. To hell with digital amps!
There was a guy named Eric Pritchard who made the early PRS Harmonic Generator solid state amp heads. PRS didn't want to continue building these amps as they never caught on, so Eric Pritchard started a company called Pritchard amps that made high quality solid state amps. I don't know if he's in business or not, but here is an article on one of his amps from Premier Guitar:

Pritchard amp

Guitar George
I can’t believe how many amp whores are on this forum without there own tube stash?

I mean, many of us have been doing this for years. If your going to dabble in tube technology, which isn’t a popular tech to begin with, you’d be smart to aquire a stash for a rainy day. Not a great time to start now though. I’d hold off till the panic is over if I were you.
I’ve stashed a few tubes over the years. ?. Most of these bins are stacked with two rows. Funny thing is my main amp is EL84. I don’t even own an amp with 6L6’s. (Edit…oops, I forgot about my Strategy 400; it has 6L6’s, but I’m not wasting the Sylvania 6L6’s in it ?)

Sitting in a corner

In front of some cabinets


Another box I just found. lol
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I have a bunch of tubes laying around but they have been used and are of questionable life left on them. Thankfully I found a source with a few thousand tubes who said they can hook me up if worse comes to worse.

The Chinese plant should be up and running next year. So this situation won't last forever.
I would like to grab some NOS tubes but I'm always nervous on buying those.
I have a bunch of tubes laying around but they have been used and are of questionable life left on them. Thankfully I found a source with a few thousand tubes who said they can hook me up if worse comes to worse.

The Chinese plant should be up and running next year. So this situation won't last forever.
I would like to grab some NOS tubes but I'm always nervous on buying those.

That’s the same boat I’m in. I’ve got a small stash of questionable/spent preamp tubes and I’ve completely ran out of power tubes. I need to buy more power tubes but not at these prices.
Good luck trying to get any power tubes right now. Literally everything is sold out or no longer taking orders.

If anyone has a Svetlana 6550C matched quad they can sell let me know. I need 1 quad for my only main 6550 amp ?
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