Buying Tubes

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**Edit for crappy math skills**

I just looked at Viva Tubes today out of curiosity, and of the three sets of tubes I bought last week from them, this is how they stack up pricewise:

1 Quad Sovtek 6L6WXT+: Last week $114 and this week $163
1 Duet Genalex 6V6GT: Last week $74 and this week $102
1 Quad Svetlana EL34: Last week $118 and this week.. Out of Stock

That's a round about 43% and 37% increase since last week on the Sovtek and Genalex respectively , so I could speculate that the EL34's would have been somewhere near $170 if they had them in stock. That's amounts to a ~$130 increase in a weeks time, and it's only going to get worse I fear.
Viva Tubes suck. I wouldn’t piss in their mouths if their throats we on fire. Years ago I bought a bunch of stuff from them (like $600 worth) Then got some more tubes… EL84’s. Threw them on my tester and they weren’t matched (remember I have maxi matcher tube testers) I called them out and they told me too bad. So if they treat a customer who bought $700 with of tubes like this, imagine if you only spent $150!

So fuck them.
I don’t even own an amp with 6L6’s. (Edit…oops, I forgot about my Strategy 400; it has 6L6’s, but I’m not wasting the Sylvania 6L6’s in it

First worries guys. psychodave has enough for all of us. :ROFLMAO:

But notice this...and I think we all do this to varying degrees: Dave is not wasting his Sylvanias in his Strategy 400. He has boxes and boxes of tubes and no other 6L6 amps yet he's not wasting the Sylvanias that will prob last thousands of hours.

This is why I'm not that worried. But again, amp mfrs are kind of fucked.
I’m not sure I understand how all this affects me…maybe some you tubers will lay it out for me ?
First worries guys. psychodave has enough for all of us. :ROFLMAO:

But notice this...and I think we all do this to varying degrees: Dave is not wasting his Sylvanias in his Strategy 400. He has boxes and boxes of tubes and no other 6L6 amps yet he's not wasting the Sylvanias that will prob last thousands of hours.

This is why I'm not that worried. But again, amp mfrs are kind of fucked.
Well, the Sylvania tubes will provide better tone in something other than a power amp that burns up 12 power tubes at a time. I’d get 3X the time simply using the in a four tube amp?
Hey guys, was surfing and stumbled on this company,, know nothing about them or have I ever purchased from them but they do have some NOS Sino EL34-A's in stock. From experience those are good sounding 34's, maybe not the longest lasting but they do sound good. Anyway, thought I'd pass that on. least folks here aren't shitting themselves yet about the supposed tube situation like the morons on The Gear Page.

What a bunch of dumbasses.