CDC finally admits what critical thinkers knew all along…

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There is a HUGE difference between what you posted and what the link in the OP is implying.
I don’t think so.

If you watch the video she states that:
  1. At the time they believed that vaccinated individuals could not transmit the virus
  2. They currently believe that vaccinated individual can transmit the virus
She tries to explain it away to variants and an evolution of science. Which is bullshit.

They will not fully walk back their 2021 statements because they are concerned for their credibility.

The “evolution of science” is:
  • The political bombshell that was Covid has passed out of the zeitgeist. They no longer have to fear political fallout related to Covid policy.
  • A formal acknowledgement of what they suspected all along: the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (Wuhan) is mutating too rapidly for a vaccine to be effective. The virus is perpetually “shifting away“ from the vaccine as part of its evolution.
I think the OP is pointing out precisely what I posted.

What you may be missing is that the unvaccinated feel vindicated after having been gaslit and vilified. The pressure was intense. The establishment was willing to turn friends, family, neighbors, the health care system, society, and the government itself against the unvaccinated in their single minded push to hit their vaccination metrics.

The unvaccinated asked vaccine supporters to back off. The reponse? “No”. It was roughly a year and a half of preaching, prosthelitizing, shaming, and judgement. Now it is being formally acknowleged that the vaccine was misunderstood/misrepresented and those who refused to grant grace to the unvaccinated get to experience a dose of their own medicine. They are going to hear about their toxic stupidity and when they say “Sorry can we just forget about it?” they get the answer they gave and have earned in return: “no”.

That is a lot of baggage to unpack.
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You have no consistency with your train of thought. From argument to argument.
Yes! Let’s talk about mutha fuckin’ consistency since you bring it up!

Your brain is missing that translator. Listen to it again. Morons. Lol
Mild rhetoric from you based on some of your other highly eloquent rants.

I’ll tell you, Squatch, old man, I want the same thing you want here. See how I’ve already gotten the mods to put the kibosh on spam gifs and memes? All it took was some of their own medicine. It was painful while it lasted, but it worked. There’s still work to be done. Lol
But then you say things like the above. These two statements are juxtaposed, at least from a “consistency” stand point. They are consisent from a hypocrisy perspective though.

You have been an inciter since your first day here. There are 6 or so people (from both sides of the fence!) who have been running around shitting the bed in everyone else’ poasts.

You are not the solution here, you are part of the problem and this little fantasy you wrote is just… wow. You are so full of yourself and delusional.

The mods are flexing because they, and a lot of members who are in the background; are beyond sick and god damn tired of the Bickersons (make no mistake, you are one of the Bickersons) showing up on every fucking thread and taking a big steaming bum shit on the front porch. The only thing that it has to do with YOU is that you are part of the fucking problem!
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Yes! Let’s talk about consistency since you bring it up!

Mild rhetoric from you based on some of your other highly eloquent rants.

But then you say things like the above. These two statements are juxtaposed.

You have been an inciter since your first day here. There are 6 or so people (from both sides of the fence!) who have been running around shitting the bed in everyone else’ poasts.

You are not the solution here, you are part of the problem and this little fantasy you wrote is just… wow. You are so full of yourself and delusional.

The mods are flexing because they, and a lot of members who are in the background; are beyond sick and god damn tired of the Bickersons (make no mistake, you are one of the Bickersons) showing up on every fucking thread and taking a big steaming bum shit on the front porch. The only thing that it has to do with YOU is that you are part of the fucking problem!
It's a little coordinated team, not just this one "Beater" account.

Yes! Let’s talk about consistency since you bring it up!

Mild rhetoric from you based on some of your other highly eloquent rants.

But then you say things like the above. These two statements are juxtaposed.

You have been an inciter since your first day here. There are 6 or so people (from both sides of the fence!) who have been running around shitting the bed in everyone else’ poasts.

You are not the solution here, you are part of the problem and this little fantasy you wrote is just… wow. You are so full of yourself and delusional.

The mods are flexing because they, and a lot of members who are in the background; are beyond sick and god damn tired of the Bickersons (make no mistake, you are one of the Bickersons) showing up on every fucking thread and taking a big steaming bum shit on the front porch. The only thing that it has to do with YOU is that you are part of the fucking problem!
Wait, that cum gobbler actually thinks HE got the memes and gifs stopped? :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:
Man, psychosis is a bitch
I get it. I am still beyond over every fucking thread being the same old shit show.
Wanna know what's extra crazy cray ?

Couple of days ago, one of the mods bant like 5 members of this "little team" and announced in the open forum they were all sharing the same IP address.

Bag Man

Oddly enough, I can't find the thread on that. :unsure:

Anyone remember the others ? ..or know what happened to that thread ?
Orders from the front office?
I see it now, the thread is still there, just the original posts saying which usernames were all sharing one IP address has been deleted.

Wanna know what the TCP/IP odds are of 5 accounts on an obscure little sub-forum sharing the same IP address ?

I see it now, the thread is still there, just the original posts saying which usernames were all sharing one IP address has been deleted.

Wanna know what the TCP/IP odds are of 5 accounts on an obscure little sub-forum sharing the same IP address ?

Wanna know what's extra crazy cray ?

Couple of days ago, one of the mods bant like 5 members of this "little team" and announced in the open forum they were all sharing the same IP address.

@PLX I missed that.....................................who are the names THEY mentioned?
Bag Man

Oddly enough, I can't find the thread on that. :unsure:

Anyone remember the others ? ..or know what happened to that thread ?
@PLX I'll say AGAIN you fuckstick as YOU DON'T any time.

I am NOT an alt...............Check again...........with the mods and THE owner.

In fact...................speak with Jack Bear, Picasso and whoever else you dimwitted hillbilly.