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A Riff War has a Z in it.
The Z is for zero until you post a clip.
I will attempt to do as soon as i can. I saw some of your music do you ever do jam seshes local or have a band or anything. I cant find players in the area who jam other then country or just dont get back to me
No. Never. You're the first I'm aware of. :LOL:

Oh, and you asked about Riff Warz:

Riff Warz = Light-hearted-but-serious chugg-off. :student:
I read that and was funny are you guys always like this? Every where on the web would ban me for talking like that. It is refreshing to see and a bit taken back
I will attempt to do as soon as i can. I saw some of your music do you ever do jam seshes local or have a band or anything. I cant find players in the area who jam other then country or just dont get back to me

Post a clip.