Cemetery Dates A RT RPG Side Quest

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I wish I had a blues clue as to wtf is taking place in this thread. Oh well :dunno: back to playing with mah tater tot:p
I wish I had a blues clue as to wtf is taking place in this thread. Oh well :dunno: back to playing with mah tater tot:p

You're telling me.
I think I've read that someone is trying to start a cult.
Pretty sure it's Japetus.
It seems to revolve around trying to make keyboard amps popular.
Weird stuff, for sure.

Also, we have had a black woman here this whole time..

IRL; We've just been nerding out playing a rpg as a gear giveaway reason.
The random number giveaways seem a lot more popular.
If you're bored, it all started here:

That damn japetus, I always figured him to be a keytar loving, dark lord cultist, with a touch of the knee grow divine feminine. What a plot twist!!
On the fah real doe, Thank you for the giveaway. Its nice to see there are still very generous folks out there. God bless!
Well, hopefully she is/gets back on track.
That's crazy because my daughter is going down that path, too.
She needs a few more credits and an internship I think for the most part of what's left.
We told her that we'd pay for any schooling as long as it involved a STEM field and she could continue to pursue her entertainment/music love.
Apparently had already planned to beforehand. I guess the whole "people are dying to get in" job security.

She's mostly walked away from the funeral services path. At least in our area, it seems to be a really close-knit industry that are extremely unwilling to let an unfamiliar face enter the club. The last part she had to do to be full fledged was a 6 month (I think) unpaid internship at a funeral home. She went to all of them in the area and no one would take her on. You would think people would jump at the chance for free labor, but apparently not. Same thing happened to her classmates that didn't already have a way in to the club. No one gave them an opportunity.

It's not all bad though. She also has a biology degree and has been working with me at the lab in the sample receiving department. She needs a more appropriate job title to match her duties. But she likes what she does and the pay, benefits, and schedule are hard to beat. Going back towards the funeral industry would upend all that and be a big pay cut while trying to establish herself.

Hopefully your daughter won't hit the same roadblocks my wife did when looking for an internship. If she hasn't starting doing it already, tell her to start making those connections now so she is a familiar face before she's finished school.
I would not wish #metoo or dissociative identity disorder on anyone, although studies have shown they are linked in many ways.
I suppose that political correctness was never my forte.
I would not wish #metoo or dissociative identity disorder on anyone, although studies have shown they are linked in many ways.

Most of those people self-diagnose and wish it upon themselves

Despite the soft ground, you find it hard to dig with the voice of the siren coming off as a lullaby. One that's totally not trying to hypnotize you into joining a cult. Her voice breaks free the overgrowth on the older burial sites while restarting the hearts of those recently deceased...

DigDug part uno.jpg

DigDug part duex.jpg

@headlessdeadguy has been resurrected
@JustinCorrigible has been resurrected
@VonBonfire has been resurrected

It appears a couple of you have chosen to dig up the overgrown old graves.
Everyone knows that's the most likely place to find NOS tubes.
You can choose between 12AX7, 12AU7, and 12AT7 Preamp tubes or Duo of Power tubes.
Let me know what you need/would like and we'll find something good!
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I knew I should have got the keys to the hearse, but some tubes are badass for real my Bassman is sounding ratty.
I got you @VonBonfire
You got more competition for the future is what you got :ROFLMAO:

I knew I should have got the keys to the hearse, but some tubes are badass for real my Bassman is sounding ratty.
Not like there was a guitar in the back of the hearse or anything...
Which Bassman? I have the goods.