Well-known member
I have 145 on v1a
I have changed the PT and I have a B+ of 460 v
How do I raise the v1a?
Been 2+ years haha!
145v on V1a is too low. 460v B+ is ok. What have you done to the amp since you last posted in this thread? Hard to give you suggestions without knowing what else you changed.
But, if everything else is still stock Chupacabra spec, then I recommend:
1. Adding the missing 10K dropping resistor between PI and V2 cathode follower.
2. Lower V1a plate resistor to at least 330K.
3. Change V1a cathode to 2K7 / 0.68uF.
4. Change V1b cathode to 2K7 / 0.68uF.
5. Slope resistor to taste 47K, 39K, 33K, etc.
6. NFB to 47K 8 ohm tap.
7. Depth to 2200pF or 3300pF or leave it at 4700pF if you like it.
8. V1b input grid resistor to 68K.
9. Feel resistor can stay at 82K, but if you downtune a lot or run a boost, change to 68K.