Correct. They haven't updated their circuit. I had a chat about this with Ceriatone years ago. But he wasn't interested in fixing it. You gotta realize that they don't design these circuits. They just copy them from schematics posted to forums. Those schematics are drawn by users who blueprint various amps they own or have seen. This particular amp is most likely a clone of a Fortin Jose mod that is in turn, a variation on a Cameron mod. So you've got a few moments where information can get lost in translation. Cameron —> Fortin —> forum member who drew up schematic —> Ceriatone. Sometimes key details like this get lost along the way. Schematics have mistakes, etc. Ceriatone wasn't interested in fixing this at the time. Maybe they have now, who knows.
Without a 10K resistor between the PI B+ node and the left side of that cap (as it's drawn in THIS layout), the PI and V2b (cathode follower) are sharing the same filtering. It's not "bad", per se. But it's not what many would choose to do in an amp like this, that is supposed to be a "hot rodded", higher-gain JCM800. Amp will be a little looser, flubbier, rounder sounding, and more squish/sag.
Adding that resistor will give each stage it's own independent filtering. This provides each stage with it's own reservoir of smoother DC/B+. So the amp will be a little tighter, faster attack, less sag, etc.