Chuggnorris is a scammer

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My guess is @ChuggNorris is still in a CUNT COMA… let’s look at the facts;

-500 dollar bills sent to Chugg’s GF
-Chugg disappears
-GF still has money

This is a cut and dry case.
I am going to keep it simple. The only reason you aren't banned right now is because you are being showed a courtesy. You have self admittedly broke multiple board rules, threatened legal action, and are seemingly on a reputation ruining mission.

It seems like you need the money badly, and nobody wants to see a deal go bad. I ask, since we are discussing courtesy shown, that you may show courtesy and understanding to let everything come to light, especially with the knowledge that Chugg may or may not live in a hurricane ravaged disaster area.
Chug is not affected by the storm he's posted that on his Facebook multiple times but won't reply to me.i am not here to break rules. But to let everyone kno dude is a thief and a liar.
I guarantee you cops don't give a shit about you getting ghosted in an on-line deal on a random music forum.

I think the whole thing is bullshit.
Lol it was thru a online transaction and fraud. Posted pictures on marketplace said everyone knows hom on here his rep is everything he said. Goods and purchases protected. Lol he'll get his in end
Lol it was thru an online transaction and fraud. Posted pictures on marketplace said everyone knows hom on here his rep is everything he said. Goods and purchases protected. Lol he'll get his in end
I have done literally hundreds of on-line transactions through gear forums. No fucking way the cops can or will do anything about this. I’m pretty sure you never even called them and I’m positive that if you did they told you it was your problem and if the cop was in a particularly nice mood he might have informed you of your only recourse. Which is small claims court.

There’s a more than fair chance the entire episode occurred in your head.
I have done literally hundreds of on-line transactions through gear forums. No fucking way the cops can or will do anything about this. I’m pretty sure you never even called them and I’m positive that if you did they told you it was your problem and if the cop was in a particularly nice mood he might have informed you of your only recourse. Which is small claims court.

There’s a more than fair chance the entire episode occurred in your head.

I have done literally hundreds of on-line transactions through gear forums. No fucking way the cops can or will do anything about this. I’m pretty sure you never even called them and I’m positive that if you did they told you it was your problem and if the cop was in a particularly nice mood he might have informed you of your only recourse. Which is small claims court.

There’s a more than fair chance the entire episode occurred in your head.
Lol nah I don't mske shit up no reason to. Y so I can look better. Lol I even called my self a piece of shit for backing out. U said you've done transactions thru gear forums cool. It wasn't thru a forum. Fucking learn to read man. I was totally surprised they took a interest to a online scam or theft. Thought was bs until a detective called me. And This is the only way he'll see my posts bc he blocked me.
^ I believe the only way the local police would get involved would be if you two were both in North Carolina - and even that would be a huge stretch. Regardless of how you did the deal, it is considered online interstate commerce. You have a few options, but contacting local police is probably not one of them. Glad for you a detective called. What did the detective say?

How did you even PM him without the necessary posts for the classifieds anyway? You sent him cash and then decided to back out. This is exactly the kind of crap we try to avoid in the classifieds by mandating a minimum post limit to get to know people first.

I hope you get your money back. Hopefully ol chug comes here to defend himself personally. Im neutral until he says his side of the story. I will say however id never personally deal with either of you. Red flags galore.

I noticed that too and assumed this is an alt account of someone who doesn't want us to know who he really is :dunno:

If Chuggy is so interested in his rep I would think he would have shown up by now - but maybe is not aware?
this thread is starting to deliver.

now, if only an SL-X, Cameron and Larry could somehow be woven in to the narrative, it could be epic!
SL-X? The Marshall you bought? What happened there? ?
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SL-X? The Marshall you bought? What happened there? ?
Chugg was expounding its praises in another engaging thread that had some drama; though not at the level of a Cameron or Larry thread.

....which led me to go looking for one after I had forgotten all about the SL-X model.
I drink a bunch of this and play guitar all day.

It doesn’t have any narcotics ?
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