I've had a lot of problems with tubes from Nesstone since Craig seems to ship stuff that fails grid emissions tests sometimes. I highly recommend testing them first in a solid tube tester and making sure they are matched and do not have shorts or grid leaks, which seems to be a common occurrence in my experience with them. Craig always sends out replacements, but I've had some orders go terribly wrong where multiple re-shipments had bad tubes in them, mainly with the EL84 and 6V6 types. I've had better luck with his 6L6 and EL34 red base stuff. Just be aware of this problem as they are not testing and matching with precision over there. I got the feeling that a lot of the tubes they sell are from discount reject supplies that they try to piece together in as matched of sets as they can manage with not excellent, but barely passable results. Since this realization, I've decided to avoid them and go back to CE Distribution and Ruby.