Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

  • Thread starter Thread starter VanMalmsteen
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He technically does not need a comma after the word punctuation. It's optional. :dunno:

There are some other dudes on here that smoke at modding amps - but may not have a commercial offer.
I stand corrected. I went back hoping it occurred a second time, but nogo. There are a million other error in that post, I was more just making the point of don’t correct someone if your post isn’t clean. His has plenty.
Anyway, enough of the pettiness (on my part, not you). What are some ones that you would recommend? Hopkins included, I haven’t played them all.
Yes. That Les Paul is long gone do to neck issues.

No, not every circuit is for every player.

I turn away a lot of guys that do not know what they want. Probably why there are not many of my circuits for sale.

No need to listen, you expressed your opinion VanMalmsteen.

I suggest a Monomyth. Killer amps all around. He offers better clips as well.

Can you give us an example of these customers you turn away that don't know what they want?

Maybe there's something for us both to learn here.?
Hey Dave, by saying I would never stoop so low as to say ‘xyz’ and then saying is exactly the childish behavior that steers me away from your amps. The tone is decent, but dealing with you is like dealing with someone who cannot fathom being disagreed with. Personally, I think your amp demo sounds like ass. If you were a better player and could stay away from fizz and glorified Headphone tone maybe your amps would truly be selling in the three digits.

You ARE rehashing Cameron Jose mods, you buy his offline and copy them and flip them. I have sold you TWO myself on Reverb. Your whole business model is a Cameron ripoff. Better service, inferior tone. Don’t correct other peoples grammar if yours is wrong as well, such as the lack of a comma after the word ‘punctuation’. Ironic, I know.

Looking for modded amps other than Hopkins.
Thank you so much for your honesty Van.

Btw, you correct grammar through *shreeeeding*, not intelligence.
I stand corrected. I went back hoping it occurred a second time, but nogo. There are a million other error in that post, I was more just making the point of don’t correct someone if your post isn’t clean. His has plenty.
Anyway, enough of the pettiness (on my part, not you). What are some ones that you would recommend? Hopkins included, I haven’t played them all.
Honestly, I dig that Lenz guys stuff the best.
( i spelt the name wrong initially but fervently corrected it).
He does "tight." And high gain. It's basically copying Gower/Fortin mods, which are copies of Larry's ideas.

He just does them a bit more true to the original Larry ideas, as opposed to combining them with Jose, Steavens, Fryette, like Gower/Fortin do.
I’ve had both. I really don’t think Hermansson is copying Gower. Different things.
I think what you're asking for can be difficult to pull off at a decent price. If you want a truly custom mod that looks totally pro ( almost couldn't tell it wasn't built that way...which nobody really does except maybe Hermanson) then how much should that cost? At some point it becomes a rebuild.

And you also have to consider that old Marshalls vary and some just sound better than others. These guys can't work miracles and have to make the best with the donor amp. We've seen the Cameron love here but recently someone posted a Cameron-mod vs a BE Deluxe and the consesus was the BE Deluxe sounded better.

I'm wondering if maybe buying a used Friedman and having Dave tweek it to your liking might work? A custom SS100 or JEL100 could be awesome.
Haven’t owned either, but I have yet to hear a Gower clip or a Michael RT clip online that didn’t make me start reaching for my wallet. If I was looking for a more modern tone that still had that natural, woody, glassy organic nature, Gower would be my choice. For the Rockstah, early VH thang that seems to have some extra magic sauce, Michael RT.
I’ll look in to Monomyth more. Ive had not great luck with Hopkins as a product all around. Even the insides were hobbyist work. No issue there, but for the price that others have better work, parts, and service there are open options.
There is no better service, David is a SUPER nice guy. Turns it around quickly, works as promised. IDK how you fault any of that.
I’ve had both. I really don’t think Hermansson is copying Gower. Different things.
Had several camerons and voodoo variants on hermanssons have been completely different (and awesome). I barely play guitar any more but still want more of Henric’s work. Top notch dude to boot!
Currently have one of his older JMP reworks (prior to his more standardized current offerings) and that amp is just downright special. I really want to get one of his PA reworks and there is an older red two channel Marshall that he did (believe it’s a 4410) that I reeaaaallllllyyyyy would love to find.
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Eddy Lenz would be the only dude I feel comfortable touching my marshalls. Him and I have similar tastes - Marshall character but just more of it. MichaelRT does the same thing but lower gain and VH / AC/DC level. Eddy just turns it up another notch to where I like it which is hard given how susceptible to instability and noise Marshall’s are at that level. Absolutely everyone else mentioned in this discussion board minus Wizards alter the Marshall tone and make it too unique.