Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

  • Thread starter Thread starter VanMalmsteen
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I think what you're asking for can be difficult to pull off at a decent price. If you want a truly custom mod that looks totally pro ( almost couldn't tell it wasn't built that way...which nobody really does except maybe Hermanson) then how much should that cost? At some point it becomes a rebuild.

And you also have to consider that old Marshalls vary and some just sound better than others. These guys can't work miracles and have to make the best with the donor amp. We've seen the Cameron love here but recently someone posted a Cameron-mod vs a BE Deluxe and the consesus was the BE Deluxe sounded better.

I'm wondering if maybe buying a used Friedman and having Dave tweek it to your liking might work? A custom SS100 or JEL100 could be awesome.
Ive had Camerons that were not that great as well.
Im not looking for a super custom build, but if I’m having an amp done and I say ‘yea, it’s really bright around this area, can we try a few things to round that out’ and get talked down to or treated like garbage over it then I’m essentially buying YOUR idea of an amp and paying for something I’m not satisfied with. So if I say ‘sorry, it’s cool but not what I’m looking for’ I should not be treated like crap.
Eddy Lenz would be the only dude I feel comfortable touching my marshalls. Him and I have similar tastes - Marshall character but just more of it. MichaelRT does the same thing but lower gain and VH / AC/DC level. Eddy just turns it up another notch to where I like it which is hard given how susceptible to instability and noise Marshall’s are at that level. Absolutely everyone else mentioned in this discussion board minus Wizards alter the Marshall tone and make it too unique.
I have one of his Bogner mods on a Marshall and it’s great. He is also easy to work with and is great all around.
Eddy Lenz would be the only dude I feel comfortable touching my marshalls. Him and I have similar tastes - Marshall character but just more of it. MichaelRT does the same thing but lower gain and VH / AC/DC level. Eddy just turns it up another notch to where I like it which is hard given how susceptible to instability and noise Marshall’s are at that level. Absolutely everyone else mentioned in this discussion board minus Wizards alter the Marshall tone and make it too unique.
When you say this, I think of simply using a pedal. Keeps the Marshall character and just add more to it. Lots of modders or new high gain "Marshall type" offerings change that core tone we all love.
My Hermansson Marshall is pretty awesome, huge range. I am an 6-8 string guy so a one size fits all amp does not work for me. This works with 6 in standard tuning all the way to Drop E 8 string. By far the best Hot-rodded Marshall I've played
i have a monomyth 1976 jmp 50 watt and i will never sell it
shea is the best to deal with
super pro, zero drama or BS,fast as a shark and a crushing amp
i want more!!!!
would love a multi channel monomyth to hear what shea can do with a clean /gained out channel switcher
that origin is fucking sick!!!!!
I love my Pandora modded 2203X. It has the Marshall sound with a couple useful options to add some versatility. Monomyth's sound good from the demo's I have heard and hope to give one of the production models a shot.

After running through several amps this past year, the issue I have with most of the modded Marshall varieties that I tried is that I don't like the huge way over the top low end that they put out. For my tastes, it is just too much for sitting in a mix. I also don't like a bunch of switches and options. I just prefer a vintage high gain type of tone over the modern huge lows and sharp highs rip your face off thing. Nothing wrong with those but they just don't work for me.

Disclaimer: I have never played an actual Cameron, Monomyth, Hermansson, and just learned about Lentz. Most clips I have heard though do sound great.
Hey Dave, by saying I would never stoop so low as to say ‘xyz’ and then saying is exactly the childish behavior that steers me away from your amps. The tone is decent, but dealing with you is like dealing with someone who cannot fathom being disagreed with. Personally, I think your amp demo sounds like ass. If you were a better player and could stay away from fizz and glorified Headphone tone maybe your amps would truly be selling in the three digits.

You ARE rehashing Cameron Jose mods, you buy his offline and copy them and flip them. I have sold you TWO myself on Reverb. Your whole business model is a Cameron ripoff. Better service, inferior tone. Don’t correct other peoples grammar if yours is wrong as well, such as the lack of a comma after the word ‘punctuation’. Ironic, I know.

I see you post all the time, I never say anything negative. I even liked your recent thread because it was a cool amp. But you, you have to be pushy and creepy and justify yourself anytime someone has an opinion. You have nice amps. They aren’t for me.

Looking for modded amps other than Hopkins.
This VanMalmsteen guy sounds like a complete childish-ass. Another keyboard warrior. Big tough guy that probably plays a First Act guitar and a Sears Roebuck amp. Probably watches CNN and jerks off to Nancy Pelosi pictures.

David Hopkins does great work and I own one of his amps. David for one is one of the most honest, stand up guys and if you deal with him, his level of customer support is second to none! He will go out of his way to call you on the phone, send you videos, etc. To me that is head and shoulders above the rest.

Everyone here wants a fucking Cameron. Good fucking luck with dealing with Cameron unless you have the secret decoder ring and back door password so he doesn't screw you over and rips you off. Is David's creations for everyone, NOPE. That is why there are countless amp manufacturers out there putting their own spin and amp tone and features, David is just one of them.

Mark Cameron out of all the ones I've tried.
I'm also dying for a Hermansson JMP, which I strongly believe will move quickly to the top of my list.
Not current one, but worth mentioning, it's Frank Levi (R.I.P.). Some of my all time favorite modded Marshall tones were amps that he modded, including the famous S.I.R amps stock #34, #36 and #39. Not to mention the early Def Leppard and Billy Squier. Just not current or a high gain, but amazing sounding amps!
When you say this, I think of simply using a pedal. Keeps the Marshall character and just add more to it. Lots of modders or new high gain "Marshall type" offerings change that core tone we all love.
Yep totally agree - which is what I do. Mine is modified but with the intent of using a pedal and volume to get the amplifier to where I want it to be gain and sound wise both. I click an SD-1 on and leave it there all the time. There’s not much you can do to these circuits that doesn’t change the core character.
Ive had Camerons that were not that great as well.
Im not looking for a super custom build, but if I’m having an amp done and I say ‘yea, it’s really bright around this area, can we try a few things to round that out’ and get talked down to or treated like garbage over it then I’m essentially buying YOUR idea of an amp and paying for something I’m not satisfied with. So if I say ‘sorry, it’s cool but not what I’m looking for’ I should not be treated like crap.
Yeah you should never be treated poorly. That type of mod seems like it would have to be local or somewhat close. Shipping an amp back n forth for tweeks is expensive. It also adds to the cost because the modder doesn't really know what he's getting into. I know if I was dealing with a guy that just never seemed satisfied and then I heard them play and they really sucked...I would be less inclined to humor them anymore. Not because I'm judging them but because they'll never sound they way they want unless they work at it. It doesn't come in a box.
Yeah you should never be treated poorly. That type of mod seems like it would have to be local or somewhat close. Shipping an amp back n forth for tweeks is expensive. It also adds to the cost because the modder doesn't really know what he's getting into. I know if I was dealing with a guy that just never seemed satisfied and then I heard them play and they really sucked...I would be less inclined to humor them anymore. Not because I'm judging them but because they'll never sound they way they want unless they work at it. It doesn't come in a box.
I completely agree.
This VanMalmsteen guy sounds like a complete childish-ass. Another keyboard warrior. Big tough guy that probably plays a First Act guitar and a Sears Roebuck amp. Probably watches CNN and jerks off to Nancy Pelosi pictures.

David Hopkins does great work and I own one of his amps. David for one is one of the most honest, stand up guys and if you deal with him, his level of customer support is second to none! He will go out of his way to call you on the phone, send you videos, etc. To me that is head and shoulders above the rest.

Everyone here wants a fucking Cameron. Good fucking luck with dealing with Cameron unless you have the secret decoder ring and back door password so he doesn't screw you over and rips you off. Is David's creations for everyone, NOPE. That is why there are countless amp manufacturers out there putting their own spin and amp tone and features, David is just one of them.

Speaking of childish, insults about jerking off and politics and being a keyboard warrior are mighty childish.
I’m sorry to have offended you, I just have a different opinion than you, and that is ok. I’m not interested in getting into a childish argument, just want to talk about the subject of the post. If you wish to argue or whatever just message me and we can hash it out, but please don’t deter from the post.
Yep totally agree - which is what I do. Mine is modified but with the intent of using a pedal and volume to get the amplifier to where I want it to be gain and sound wise both. I click an SD-1 on and leave it there all the time. There’s not much you can do to these circuits that doesn’t change the core character.
Yea I don’t want my core tone changed if I’m using a modded Marshall. I want it to still sound and be a Marshall, just maybe a few minor adjustments if needed. I’m not even so much looking for ‘custom’ as much as just a good modded Marshall that sounds like a Marshall and acts like one but can due further ranges.
When you say this, I think of simply using a pedal. Keeps the Marshall character and just add more to it. Lots of modders or new high gain "Marshall type" offerings change that core tone we all love.
Agreed. The Legendary Tones Hot Mod is another decent option for that

I’ve not tried a Hermansson or Lenz (some of the clips sound good), but have had all the others mentioned here and many more. I felt that the Cameron and Monomyth’s were the best sounding mods to me (Cameron I think still #1), but overall still liked more just a good stock vintage Marshall with a good boost like my Klon to any modded ones I've owned or tried. A boosted Naylor too. I honestly didn’t like the clips I heard of the Hermansson’s, but maybe in person I’d think they sound great, who knows. There’s this brittle, hollow quality I hear in all his mods in the clips I’ve heard that I don’t like and not enough growl on the powerchords
Yea I don’t want my core tone changed if I’m using a modded Marshall. I want it to still sound and be a Marshall, just maybe a few minor adjustments if needed. I’m not even so much looking for ‘custom’ as much as just a good modded Marshall that sounds like a Marshall and acts like one but can due further ranges.
That’s exactly what I wanted, and this is what I ended up with:

VanMalamsteen. Pleased to hear that you have posted about me. We all have our opinions and ears vary or everyone would still be rehashing the Cameron Jose take on mod's.

A well known Modder/Manufacturer and Friend turned me on to your remark. I have very thick skin and would never stoop so low as to say I hope I would find your abilities to play far greater than your grammar, punctuation and articulation. But thought I would offer up an example of a short one minute excerpt of all tube modded Marshall Audio/Video and guitar ability in place of your eloquent articulated opinion.

My only caveat would be I do not play the modern tight pre tone stack clippers so I leave that to those who do.

Below in my signature is a short 1 minute video with just a very few gut shots and external features.

The audio is my Pandora Mod 4 stages of gain and me playing all but drums. Mixed & Mastered etc... here at home.

I will be pleased to provide additional examples to anyone else kind enough to ask.

I will only say that my work numbers in the triple digits. See if you can find one for sale.

Best to all. Customer Service is only Second to Tone.

David Hopkins ♫

Here is an EVL for member Dan Burton. I modded 6-7 for Dan alone. I fact Dan is the reason I developed two popular add on circuits. Thanks Dan.

If someone does not like your mods, who cares, it’s just someone’s opinion on a sound. No need to suggest the dude sucks at playing guitar, and that he is of low intelligence due to errors with his grammar.

it’s just someone’s opinion dude.