Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

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thar she blows ...

Is that current production spray paint and epoxy? I try to get NOS, but it's hard to find. I like the pre-war eastern European epoxy that was made on old Russian tooling from the 50s. That's where the tonez at.
Is that current production spray paint and epoxy? I try to get NOS, but it's hard to find. I like the pre-war eastern European epoxy that was made on old Russian tooling from the 50s. That's where the tonez at.
Carbon Comp epoxy w/ Red Aniline dye for Vintage.
I've had, at this point in time, 30+ modded Marshalls and another 25 stockers all vintage from 1990 on back. The Camerons have been the best overall to me; with Shea's work a very close second. I also know a few guys who own Mr Hopkins work and they also have had/still own Camerons and they love Dave's amps. There are a few modders out there that stand above the rest for Marshalls and I consider Shea and David to be among that group, with Hermansson and Mr Lenz up there too although I'm going off clips of Eddy's work. I've had Gower, Fortin, Voodod, FJA, Golub, etc etc and all sounded good to great.
But, in the end I've returned to a stock Marshall + a pedal or two and I'm happy. If I were still playing out I may still have the last modded Marshall as that was a 3 channel Cameron that had a killer Jose, great clean and totally transparent loop. The Aldrich channel was thinner than the Jose but could have been a perfect lead channel.
I don't think you can go wrong with any out there; obviously the Cameron stuff you have to come across 2nd hand.
I've had, at this point in time, 30+ modded Marshalls and another 25 stockers all vintage from 1990 on back. The Camerons have been the best overall to me; with Shea's work a very close second. I also know a few guys who own Mr Hopkins work and they also have had/still own Camerons and they love Dave's amps. There are a few modders out there that stand above the rest for Marshalls and I consider Shea and David to be among that group, with Hermansson and Mr Lenz up there too although I'm going off clips of Eddy's work. I've had Gower, Fortin, Voodod, FJA, Golub, etc etc and all sounded good to great.
But, in the end I've returned to a stock Marshall + a pedal or two and I'm happy. If I were still playing out I may still have the last modded Marshall as that was a 3 channel Cameron that had a killer Jose, great clean and totally transparent loop. The Aldrich channel was thinner than the Jose but could have been a perfect lead channel.
I don't think you can go wrong with any out there; obviously the Cameron stuff you have to come across 2nd hand.
I’d really love to try a Monomyth.
What are your pedals of choice for a stock Marshall?
It absolutely is, and he told me that, face to face. Whatever shit he used to goop with spilled, and that was the result. Didn’t effect the sound, so that was the way it went out.
Then it wasn't a true representation of his work, it going out to a customer is another thing but for the focus of a body of work he still stands above most that have ever modded a marshall. Many of the rest have been mentioned and as stated there are some exceptional that do it for themselves primarily and/or for friends.

Honest & forthright is a true representation of someone's work.
Not delusional epoxy laden finger paintings of a crack addict.
Luca 79 just posted an RT / Audette mod video that illustrates why I find myself reaching for my wallet every time I hear one of Michael’s modded videos. They remind me of the Abrahamian / Rockstah / Mod 5 clips with just something ‘extra’ going on there. And I own Mark’s documented #2 ’ground-up’ Mod-5 build utilizing a Metro chassis and components. Michael’s mods and builds just do it for my ears.
That red is sprayed, not spilled, he was trying to hide his work and made a mess. Ive seen plenty of Cameron’s that looked so bad. They usually sound good though
Luca 79 just posted an RT / Audette mod video that illustrates why I find myself reaching for my wallet every time I hear one of Michael’s modded videos. They remind me of the Abrahamian / Rockstah / Mod 5 clips with just something ‘extra’ going on there. And I own Mark’s documented #2 ’ground-up’ Mod-5 build utilizing a Metro chassis and components. Michael’s mods and builds just do it for my ears.
I was just thinking about how great it sounds.
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Then it wasn't a true representation of his work, it going out to a customer is another thing but for the focus of a body of work he still stands above most that have ever modded a marshall. Many of the rest have been mentioned and as stated there are some exceptional that do it for themselves primarily and/or for friends.
I think Mark is as good as it gets modding Marshalls. Literally never played a better modded Marshall, and I’ve played a bunch. However, there’s some baggage there, for sure. ?
I’d really love to try a Monomyth.
What are your pedals of choice for a stock Marshall?
Either an MiJ SD1 or OD1X; or both stacked for the super heavy into a 2203/4 or Jubilee. For my 72 Trem it’s the OD1X and a cheap Joyo Ultimate Drive...25 bucks. That’s over some spendy pedals too.
Out of the list of amp modders on this thread who do you think can get the closet to the different Cameron mods manly the Jose/Aldrich mods. Thank you
Shea gets as close as I've played, amongst all the others I've owned. He gets the feel very close to Mark's. Which to me is what sets the Camerons apart. That and the clarity which Shea also nails. But I haven't tried them all, just a pretty large number.