Active member
I have deleted my remarks as I should never step out of character and especially remark about someone with a hearing disability.Ya know what? Let’s just reset. I’m going to apologize for my behalf. Perhaps you and I just had circumstances that didn’t mesh at the time.
I’m going to delete my negative comments and start anew. I DO have hearing issues from prior service as well. Ive heard nothing but great things about you, so maybe it is/was me. Whatever the case is, I’m in for brushing it all off and talking tone.
I do wish my best and my highest regards to all.
The amp in the photo is a 4 stage 1987X with a lot of point to point on the sockets to avoid a coplanar capacitance issue in the layout (Removing unwanted mids). (Ken Fischer, not Cameron). This is common of me.
David ♫
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