Current rig pic.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donnie B.
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Embarrassed to say I forget them. Around 7 was the magic gain number.

New Marshall fly-rig. :ROFLMAO:

This is my primary rig. For smaller gigs I use a Fractal FM3 > Crown XLS1502 > Mojotone 2x12.

Despite the complexity, everything is self-contained and pre-wired. Just the red umbilical between my rack and head, then a MIDI cable to my floorboard. I just pop the covers and make the connections. Easy on, easy off. Even the speaker cable stays connected to the head and gets coiled inside the back lid. Everything's MIDI, so it's just a single footswitch to change my amp channel/settings, effects, and pedals.

This is what ended years of G.A.S, but my back hates it ;-)

You using the AxeIII just for FX?

Yeah, pre-effects like virtual capo or wah, and whatever I need in the loop of the amp. It's also my backup, so in a pinch I can plug straight into it and go direct to FOH. I use the AxeIII more fully at home.
@Jack Luminous each day when it's time to play how to you choose what's the rig of the day???

By mood or do you go in saying "today im playing xxx".
@Donnie B.

The Soldano rack, one 2203 (on top of the full stack) and the dual recto are all plugged into a Brunetti Matrix. I can switch between them directly with the midi pedalboard. The mini Soldano stack is separate and simpler rig, a bit rawer sounding. Either I have time to play and I fire up the big rig or just the mini Soldano rig if in a hurry. The second 2203 and small pedalboard is used for a second guitarist. But I also like to use it with my Ibanez MMM1 baritone. Sounds great for downtuned metal.
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Look ma!
I can play a 100 watt Marshall on 10 in my bedroom!!!!!!!



I wouldn't, and don't need, to attenuate my Larry. The master and channel volumes are incredible usable at low volume.

The powerstation is my power amp for wet/dry.

The Dino's line out goes into the PS1 line in, and the time based fx go in the PS1 loop.
I wouldn't, and don't need, to attenuate my Larry.

Bit of an inside joke. When I was a 16 yo stupid kid I picked up a 50 watt
Marshall half-stack (pre-MV) and it spent way too much time parked in
the corner of my bedroom barely even on with my mom telling me to
Bit of an inside joke. When I was a 16 yo stupid kid I picked up a 50 watt
Marshall half-stack (pre-MV) and it spent way too much time parked in
the corner of my bedroom barely even on with my mom telling me to

It really does perform fantastically at low volumes - but yes, of course I prefer to open it up ?