Not pictured Omega Granophyre with a walnut front and a 100 watt 1987 Silver Jubilee. Messy as hell (re-working everything to have amp/cab/effects/preamp switching in a rack).
Not pictured Omega Granophyre with a walnut front and a 100 watt 1987 Silver Jubilee. Messy as hell (re-working everything to have amp/cab/effects/preamp switching in a rack).
Is that a 2c+ in back that you wanna sell ? Lol fr
Not pictured Omega Granophyre with a walnut front and a 100 watt 1987 Silver Jubilee. Messy as hell (re-working everything to have amp/cab/effects/preamp switching in a rack).
They’re a bit different. All the amps are tight and responsive. All can be fairly dry amps. The fortin is more traditional (higher gain) marshall crunch and the Wizard mc is thicker and more marshall with more hiwatt mids and bigger low end. The mtl is not marshall and reminded me more of a vht ultralead. Super tight but can become fairly saturated. The fortin also can become more saturated than the others (it has a lot of modes and one is more of a saggy saturated Jose mod). All are open and uncompressed (the Wizards most of all). All are great and while they can all be used in similar circumstances I don’t think they overlap a tonally.How’s the fortin stack to the wizard ?
That's my dream rig!!