Cyber Attack On Fuel Pipeline

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Skid
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First thing Biden did in office was shut down the Keystone pipeline. Cost 11,000 jobs. Weren’t those Union jobs?
Or, this was an attack on our infrastructure to see how vulnerable we really are. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and there was little to no food for weeks/months... Good thing we have a new infrastructure bill to take care of these sorts of things...
Or, this was an attack on our infrastructure to see how vulnerable we really are. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and there was little to no food for weeks/months... Good thing we have a new infrastructure bill to take care of these sorts of things...
What are you? A comedian?
What are you? A comedian?
What so funny? I think a lot of people like to say human beings are so evolved. What do you think would happen if there wasn't food at the grocery store for one week? Remember when Katrina hit New Orleans? It didn't take 48 hours for the regression.
Someone once said; "The only reason your neighbors aren't trying to kill you for a slice of bread, is because they aren't hungry enough to do it."

This is a great quote.

Ever read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy?
Donnie must have had his power turned off.

She's certainly cute and all - just wish she'd stop saying such stupid shit.

The Hunter Biden ship has sailed. Happened around the time he walked down Pennsylvania Ave.
with the President, and then gave the interview where he opened up about his addiction.
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This is a great quote.

Ever read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy?
Actually, I was the one who said it. Circa 1984, if I recall correctly. I figure the best way to avoid derision is to ascribe quotes to an anonymous source. Trolls are always looking for new material.

Was the film "The Road" an adaptation of this? If so, the book must be one hell of a read! It seems like I recall the original film script placing blame for societal collapse on a worldwide financial collapse, but was changed for political reasons. I could be wrong.
Was the film "The Road" an adaptation of this?

Yes. Not a very good one but then the story is really not meant to be watched.

Been reading for 50 years and only 3 books made me cry.
Not choke up or have a couple tears run down the face, but cry like a friend passed.

Pet Cemetary - made the mistake of reading when my first born was only weeks old.
The father/child stuff just destroyed me.

On the Beach - apocalypse books are a big fave and this one is the most realistic in
the sense of how believable the entire premise is. And the way the final few chose
to ride out the end was heroic, brutal, and heartbreaking, regardless of their choice.

The Road - I put money on that a lot readers wet a few pages during that book.
Or, this was an attack on our infrastructure to see how vulnerable we really are. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and there was little to no food for weeks/months... Good thing we have a new infrastructure bill to take care of these sorts of things...
All that is happening now is basically a (revised) replay of the Jimmy Carter years. They've dusted-off the playbook, added new characters and heightened the drama. The agenda is the same, the situation is real.
Yes. Not a very good one but then the story is really not meant to be watched.

Been reading for 50 years and only 3 books made me cry.
Not choke up or have a couple tears run down the face, but cry like a friend passed.

Pet Cemetary - made the mistake of reading when my first born was only weeks old.
The father/child stuff just destroyed me.

On the Beach - apocalypse books are a big fave and this one is the most realistic in
the sense of how believable the entire premise is. And the way the final few chose
to ride out the end was heroic, brutal, and heartbreaking, regardless of their choice.

The Road - I put money on that a lot readers wet a few pages during that book.
On The Beach is one of my favorites! After spending years studying occult science (fiction to some), I tend to restrict myself from certain content. I use to spend entires days at Walden's Books. They finally got sick of me being there and insisted that I buy something. From that day onward, with each visit I would pick up a new book.