Digital Jams
New member
Rules of Conduct on TGP
GENERAL: Before reading this, please read the Terms of Use agreement, which covers some things that are not covered here. Basically, we expect you to be courteous to others and to know the rules BEFORE you post. We don’t accept not knowing the rules as an excuse for breaking them. While we encourage debate, you must disagree with others in a respectful manner. If you post in a manner that appears to be intentionally rude to others, or if you remain engaged in an argument by continuing to post on a thread in an argumentative fashion, you can expect that the moderators and administrators will take action. Here are the rules:
1. We do not allow any posts or communications with other members that we interpret as harassing or rude to others.
2. We do not allow any posts that contain vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images; bigoted, hateful or racially/sexually offensive statements; has content that advocates illegal activity or discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them; unauthorized copyrighted material; language that defames, abuses or threatens others; advertising or any form of commercial solicitation (outside of the Dealer Emporium); and/or material that does not pertain to the room's given topic.
3. We do not allow posts that have religious content. P&W discussions are allowed ONLY if they are limited to discussion of gear related issues. You cannot get into areas involving religion or faith, etc. People who do not have relevant opinions re: the subject matter of P&W threads should stay away from these threads. You may not make posts that challenge the utility or validity of the thread or issues being discussed. You may not start threads that mock these threads.
4. We do not allow posts that discuss politics of any type……anywhere on TGP. If you’re not sure whether your post might be interpreted by us as “political”, don’t post it!
5. We don’t allow discussion of how or why deals have gone bad unless you have a judgment by a court of law that backs up your allegations. If you have a serious problem with a member or company, contact us; if supported with evidence we may revoke their posting privileges on The Gear Page.
6. We don’t allow multiple registrations unless prior approval is given. If you are suspended and come back with a different registration, you will be permanently banned. If you attempt registration after being banned, we will report you to your ISP(s) and authorities.
7. We do not allow religious or political content in your signatures or posts. We do not allow for sale, for trade, wanted to buy or for auction in your signatures or posts outside of the emporiums. This does not include listing your affiliations as mentioned below.
8. If you have ANY affiliation with any builder or company that engages in the business of making or selling music gear, you must include that affiliation in your signature.
9. We do not allow you to post private communications by anyone else (emails or Private Messages), or to post details about another person such as their phone number, email address, personal address, life outside of TGP, etc.
10. We don’t allow what we consider to be excessive arguing on a thread or what we believe to be personal battles between members. If you don’t like someone, put them on your ignore list or don’t respond to them. We don’t allow what we refer to as “cyber stalking”, which is when a member follows another member around on different threads to post comments that we interpret as harassing.
11. We don’t allow rudeness towards, or arguing with, the administrators or moderators.
12. We don’t allow members who are in the music industry business to say negative things about their competitors. This will get you suspended or banned and may get you involved in a lawsuit by whoever you said negative things about. We hold industry-involved members to a higher standard as regards their conduct towards each other. It is unacceptable for a company to offer any members incentives to write positive posts about their products, or to write negative posts about their competitor's products. Endorsees must include their affiliation in their signatures on TGP and are allowed to discuss their satisfaction with a product if their affiliation is clearly stated.
13. If you choose to end your membership on TGP, or if we end your membership, we are not responsible for removing your posts or your registration information.
1. The software prevents new members from starting threads in the emporium areas for one month after registering for membership. Do not attempt to circumvent this by posting ads in other areas.
2. BUYER AND SELLER BEWARE! We are not responsible for any transactions on TGP. You should always approach purchases or trades with the caution that is merited when you don’t know the other person.
3. You are only allowed to post one ad per emporium area per day. You are only allowed to have a total of two ads in any emporium area at a time.
4. To prevent “bumping wars” you are allowed one bump per calendar day, but not on the day you first place your ad. You may respond to questions asked of you by other members, but are expected to do so in one response to all questions asked. This counts as your “bump” for the day. If you do not follow this rule, you may be suspended from being able to post in the emporiums.
5. You MUST post a specific price for each item listed in an emporium, or must state exactly the gear you would be willing to trade for. If you do not do this, your thread may be deleted.
6. We don’t allow negative posts about a person’s prices or gear in the Emporiums. If you suspect that something is fraudulent, contact us.
7. We ONLY allow music gear items in ads. We do not allow sales of other kinds of items or offering to trade non-music gear items. Do not post items such as home audio equipment, cameras, CDs or DVDs, etc.
8. No dealer or hobby-for-profit for sale threads outside of the Dealer Emporium. If you fall into either category, you need to clearly identify personal gear as such to avoid confusion.
9. We do not allow auctions or pseudo-auctions on any area of TGP. You may post a link to an Ebay auction, but must make sure that the title of the threads says “For Auction”; or “On Ebay”; or “FA:”.
10. We do not allow any item to be sold on TGP if it appears to infringe on the trademark of another company.
11. If an item is sold, PLEASE delete the ad. It's only common courtesy to remove an ad once an item has either sold or is no longer for sale. All threads on the emporiums are deleted after 30 days.
SUMMARY: Your membership to TGP is a privilege, not a right. If you don’t agree with the rules, you should find a discussion site that better meets your expectations. Although we value every member and want you to be here, if your membership causes us trouble, we may choose to suspend or ban you. We reserve the right to suspend or ban any member for any reason, not limited to the above rules.
GENERAL: Before reading this, please read the Terms of Use agreement, which covers some things that are not covered here. Basically, we expect you to be courteous to others and to know the rules BEFORE you post. We don’t accept not knowing the rules as an excuse for breaking them. While we encourage debate, you must disagree with others in a respectful manner. If you post in a manner that appears to be intentionally rude to others, or if you remain engaged in an argument by continuing to post on a thread in an argumentative fashion, you can expect that the moderators and administrators will take action. Here are the rules:
1. We do not allow any posts or communications with other members that we interpret as harassing or rude to others.
2. We do not allow any posts that contain vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images; bigoted, hateful or racially/sexually offensive statements; has content that advocates illegal activity or discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them; unauthorized copyrighted material; language that defames, abuses or threatens others; advertising or any form of commercial solicitation (outside of the Dealer Emporium); and/or material that does not pertain to the room's given topic.
3. We do not allow posts that have religious content. P&W discussions are allowed ONLY if they are limited to discussion of gear related issues. You cannot get into areas involving religion or faith, etc. People who do not have relevant opinions re: the subject matter of P&W threads should stay away from these threads. You may not make posts that challenge the utility or validity of the thread or issues being discussed. You may not start threads that mock these threads.
4. We do not allow posts that discuss politics of any type……anywhere on TGP. If you’re not sure whether your post might be interpreted by us as “political”, don’t post it!
5. We don’t allow discussion of how or why deals have gone bad unless you have a judgment by a court of law that backs up your allegations. If you have a serious problem with a member or company, contact us; if supported with evidence we may revoke their posting privileges on The Gear Page.
6. We don’t allow multiple registrations unless prior approval is given. If you are suspended and come back with a different registration, you will be permanently banned. If you attempt registration after being banned, we will report you to your ISP(s) and authorities.
7. We do not allow religious or political content in your signatures or posts. We do not allow for sale, for trade, wanted to buy or for auction in your signatures or posts outside of the emporiums. This does not include listing your affiliations as mentioned below.
8. If you have ANY affiliation with any builder or company that engages in the business of making or selling music gear, you must include that affiliation in your signature.
9. We do not allow you to post private communications by anyone else (emails or Private Messages), or to post details about another person such as their phone number, email address, personal address, life outside of TGP, etc.
10. We don’t allow what we consider to be excessive arguing on a thread or what we believe to be personal battles between members. If you don’t like someone, put them on your ignore list or don’t respond to them. We don’t allow what we refer to as “cyber stalking”, which is when a member follows another member around on different threads to post comments that we interpret as harassing.
11. We don’t allow rudeness towards, or arguing with, the administrators or moderators.
12. We don’t allow members who are in the music industry business to say negative things about their competitors. This will get you suspended or banned and may get you involved in a lawsuit by whoever you said negative things about. We hold industry-involved members to a higher standard as regards their conduct towards each other. It is unacceptable for a company to offer any members incentives to write positive posts about their products, or to write negative posts about their competitor's products. Endorsees must include their affiliation in their signatures on TGP and are allowed to discuss their satisfaction with a product if their affiliation is clearly stated.
13. If you choose to end your membership on TGP, or if we end your membership, we are not responsible for removing your posts or your registration information.
1. The software prevents new members from starting threads in the emporium areas for one month after registering for membership. Do not attempt to circumvent this by posting ads in other areas.
2. BUYER AND SELLER BEWARE! We are not responsible for any transactions on TGP. You should always approach purchases or trades with the caution that is merited when you don’t know the other person.
3. You are only allowed to post one ad per emporium area per day. You are only allowed to have a total of two ads in any emporium area at a time.
4. To prevent “bumping wars” you are allowed one bump per calendar day, but not on the day you first place your ad. You may respond to questions asked of you by other members, but are expected to do so in one response to all questions asked. This counts as your “bump” for the day. If you do not follow this rule, you may be suspended from being able to post in the emporiums.
5. You MUST post a specific price for each item listed in an emporium, or must state exactly the gear you would be willing to trade for. If you do not do this, your thread may be deleted.
6. We don’t allow negative posts about a person’s prices or gear in the Emporiums. If you suspect that something is fraudulent, contact us.
7. We ONLY allow music gear items in ads. We do not allow sales of other kinds of items or offering to trade non-music gear items. Do not post items such as home audio equipment, cameras, CDs or DVDs, etc.
8. No dealer or hobby-for-profit for sale threads outside of the Dealer Emporium. If you fall into either category, you need to clearly identify personal gear as such to avoid confusion.
9. We do not allow auctions or pseudo-auctions on any area of TGP. You may post a link to an Ebay auction, but must make sure that the title of the threads says “For Auction”; or “On Ebay”; or “FA:”.
10. We do not allow any item to be sold on TGP if it appears to infringe on the trademark of another company.
11. If an item is sold, PLEASE delete the ad. It's only common courtesy to remove an ad once an item has either sold or is no longer for sale. All threads on the emporiums are deleted after 30 days.
SUMMARY: Your membership to TGP is a privilege, not a right. If you don’t agree with the rules, you should find a discussion site that better meets your expectations. Although we value every member and want you to be here, if your membership causes us trouble, we may choose to suspend or ban you. We reserve the right to suspend or ban any member for any reason, not limited to the above rules.