Did Dave Friedman find the josé mods behind Van Halen 1 ?

Oh cool, this again (for like the 6895th time this last month)

I can't wait to hear the same tired ass old arguments about the same tired ass tone for the 6 trillionth time, this should be amazing and totally awesome and cool and fun
At this point discussing what type of headset mic Sammy Hagar used during his solo years would be more interesting

Taka was relentless. He and I used to seek out the same amps on the used market in LA in the 90's and literally every time a Jose or a 100b came up, it was either he or I who was on it first. I never pulled a trigger on a Jose because even if I gt to it before Taka, they did not sound that great and were notoriously noisy, at least the couple I played.. 100b was another story, I bought every one I could get my hands on.. fun times. Glad to hear Taka is doing well and still has the passion. My tone chasing days are over. No amp is that special imo. especially nowday when there are so many options and varieties of the same basic sound.