The problem is, when you buy an amp off the shelf, it’s voiced to someone else’s ear. You’re paying for what someone else thinks is the perfect tone. Rarely is that what you think is perfect tone. Thus the tone chasing begins, using EQ’s, different pickups, guitars, etc, etc...
I took it upon myself to learn how to mod amps myself. I don’t claim to be a pro. But I can significantly shape the sound of a preamp section to MY ear. Takes many hours, lots of different value components and a set of alligator clips, but it dials the amp in to my ear and what I think is perfection. I have a couple amps I’ve done this to and I never use a pedal, eq, anything with them. They sound just how I imagine in my head. It’s a priceless skill to be able to adjust the circuit to suit your needs.
I will say though that some amps off the shelf are naturally closer to what I want to hear. The vh4 just happens to be on the opposite side of the spectrum. But if a vh4 with an EQ is what you want to hear, well, that’s not wrong...